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Jason Campbell just not getting it done (Mega-merged)


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Exacly, I am simply mocking you dude. Excellent observation. This is a forum, type what you mean, not something similar, k? Won't waste anymore keystrokes on you as you're kinda odd.

Different people have some pretty positive points, glad they have been brought out. Anything from the Aikman tidbit to the angle on Clemmens/Jets position. I think we as fans need to take a deep breath and a step back and realize it isn't perfect. Our coaching staff has its obvious issues but we luckily have a LOT of young talent here...

Lets all hope they can overcome the playcalling this week vs Philly!!!! Im off to sleep!! P.S. Hopefully I will be lucky by a miracle and make it back to the states for the game!!!

Is it just me or did this guy call me odd and then pull a complete 180 on his posts here?

He's calling me a moron and not supersmart for saying that we need to relax and give Campbell time, and then he says we need to take a deep breath and relax? That's what I was saying!

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The sad thing here is largely the psychology of blame. When things go bad or not the way you expect them to, people tend to go to some easy targets . . . like Gibbs or Campbell or Portis . . . this uncritical assessment of our problems is really unfortunate and doesn't take into account things like the fact that Gibbs may be choosing to protect Campbell from what he perceives as a potentially bad situation with our o-line . . . in doing so, Campbell can't progress, but, at the same time, Gibbs is preventing him from regressing too much if he's going to be learning under fire . . . this was true for the Cruds game, a decision I didn't necessarily agree with . . . so, sometimes, when you take a look at the whole picture, you can't pin blame on anyone other than the fact that the circumstances are what they are . . . e.g., injuries have caused us to remake the right side of our o-line, this in turn has caused some trepidation on the part of Gibbs, who in turn wants to look at the long term and protect Campbell in the immediate future . . . this unfortunately causes him to stall and regress during the current term . . .

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Campbell made the throws he needed to make. He wasn't always on target, but he was able to manage the game. What more do you want from him? This was only his 15th NFL start. He's doing better than Patrick Ramsey or Heath Shuler did at this point of their careers.

As far as the Jets being a 1-8 team and going the distance with us and then some, SO WHAT!!! Gibbs said that they have also lost games they could have easily won. They don't play like 1-8 team. The Jets play like a 3-5 team.

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And before anyone gets their panties in a wad, let me be clear that I am cheering for JC to get better. I think he's got a ton of potential and we've seen a few tantalizing flashes.

But JC is nowhere close to being a quality starter in this league. And those of you blaming the coaching staff are probably the same people who were saying Patrick Ramsey would be a hall of famer with proper coaching :doh:

You guys seriously over-estimate the impact coaches have on the game. Unless of course you guys are ready to induct Wade Phillips into the HOF? Let me know.

At some point, players have to go out and execute. When they don't do this, people blame coaches, not players. Strange. I'd like to work for some of you, that's for sure.


Maybe some are blaming the coaching because they are to blame. Ever thought of that?

Other people like Moose Johnston thought of that.

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JC was with the team a year and a half before he saw action.

Now into his 3rd year and 15th start, the "he's still young and learning" bit is getting a bit tired.

I think if you were to look at the quality starters in this league... it was readily apparant what they were after this amount of time.


Romo sits to pee








VY - seriously? He of 3 td's and 8 int's so far this year? 12 vs 13 last year and only 51.5% completion rating?? Lord! You'd have run him out on a rail long ago, the way you're talking about Campbell. Years are worthless. Starts are all that matters. If you've been on the bench for 5 years with no game experience, you are a rookie starter and it takes time to learn. Any NFL player will tell you practice speed and game speed are way different. And Campbell barely got snaps in practice.

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Sorry guys, I can't get too excited over a win over arguably the worst AFC team. The fact that we once again let a lowly opponent take us into OT is alarming to say the least.

More concerning is the play of Jason Campbell. He has had 1 good game this season. The Jets' D is one of the worst in the league yet his passing numbers were once again mediocre. Another off target long pass and few if any medium pass completions. Those who love Jason can't blame the O line this week. Jason Campbell is a first round pick. Yes it takes time to develop a QB, but it would be nice to see some sort of signs of improvement. To date, we have not. The Jets QB, Clemens, playing for only his 2nd start outplayed Jason. Let's hope Campbell starts earning his money as I'd hate to waste 2-3 years as him as a starter and once again start from scratch.

Anyway, it's great to be 5-3, even if we're an ugly 5-3!

Jason Campbell is still very young, i cannot reiterate that enough. And even though we SHOULD have blown out the Jets, bad games happen to good teams, and on the other side of the ball good games happen to bad teams. This game wasnt about J C...it was about Clinton Portis and his huge numbers. Everyone needs to be a little more loving when it comes to #17, hes our future.

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ignorance is bliss

The Redskins ran the ball 28 times in the second half and threw it 10 times.

After Campell's INT in the third quarter the Redskins ran 24 offensive plays; 21 were runs. I don't think you can do that and win - overcoming a deficit in the process - agaist too many defenses.

Way to quote JLC's blog word-for-word.

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That's his fault too. And I can't believe that no one's holding him accountable for Leon Washington taking the opening kickoff to the house.

Oh he wil get the blame for everything people really need to be patient. I think Jason is taking strides to be a top notch quarterback and I think the kid is going to be one for us for years to come. Every game is not going to be smooth he will have some good games and some bad ones it's call growing pains.

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Guys, I'm sorry. FanSinceSonnyJ is right. Campbell just has not won a Super Bowl yet. He hasn't broken a single NFL passing record. The man hasn't even won a playoff game! You all can play the blind homer until you're blue in the faces but you're flat out wrong. Jason Campbell simply isn't the greatest QB the NFL has ever seen and I for one am tired of waiting. It's time to move on.

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He does need to step it up BUT i think a couple of things are occuring:

1. He's hit a wall that he just has to fight through. Long offseason at the Park and a long first half of the season with the knee injury probably has him a little worn out

2. He's not getting help from the wideouts.

3. O-Line pass protections issues

4. Lack of rythm with high dependency on the run along and our defenses inability to get off the field on 3rd down....

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Guys, I'm sorry. FanSinceSonnyJ is right. Campbell just has not won a Super Bowl yet. He hasn't broken a single NFL passing record. The man hasn't even won a playoff game! You all can play the blind homer until you're blue in the faces but you're flat out wrong. Jason Campbell simply isn't the greatest QB the NFL has ever seen and I for one am tired of waiting. It's time to move on.

It's BS he hasn't since Ben Roethlisberger won his in his rookie season.

While we're at it, let's talk about cutting Santana Moss. He's regressing too.

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What is he in, what his 6 year, and hes still making rookie mistakes? C'mon! We need a new quarterback and let him develop, cause it was a waste of draft pick to get this guy. Youd think after 6 years worth of starting hed be productive but I guess not.

Oh wait, He's in his 15th start. Ohh, I dint know he was still young and still working on his game.

STOP with the NEGATIVE JC threads and let the man grow please!!! He is doing just fine by me!

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I would think with the emphasis on the running game, Campbell would be getting plenty of shots with the medium to long pass. Instead he is checking down to Cooley or missing the deep pass. I don't expect him to complete all long balls, but I certainly don't expect him to miss all of them either.

I think he doesn't read the field well and plays it too safe. This on top of a slow release and inaccuracy is a big part of our passing woes.

Point taken, however I wonder if this conversation would still be happening if Moss would have caught those he dropped like in the GB game. I also think that if in practice they called for the long ball more JC would be sharper :2cents: We know he has a cannon for an arm but I think he needs more chemistry with the WR's and I also think we should be calling for the long ball ATLEAST 1 time per quarter. Maybe if the offense can now run it will loosen up the coverage more because as fast as our WR's are supposed to be they sure aren't wide open like I see other teams WR's.


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It's BS he hasn't since Ben Roethlisberger won his in his rookie season.

While we're at it, let's talk about cutting Santana Moss. He's regressing too.

Also- Why should any fan have to wait more than 10 games for his/her team to win it all? Ridiculous.

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What is he in, what his 6 year, and hes still making rookie mistakes? C'mon! We need a new quarterback and let him develop, cause it was a waste of draft pick to get this guy. Youd think after 6 years worth of starting hed be productive but I guess not.

Oh wait, He's in his 15th start. Ohh, I dint know he was still young and still working on his game.

STOP with the NEGATIVE JC threads and let the man grow please!!! He is doing just fine by me!

Nice work with the negative attention grabbing headline and the reversing your field and posting in defense of Campbell.

There is a such a fine line between clever and stupid. Just that little twist.

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