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Memories of "Jets 3, Redskins 0" - Game for the Ages

E-Dog Night

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Some events, well, you just can't help but remember where you were and how you felt when you first heard about them.

Challenger disaster

OJ's Bronco ride


And, of course, there's the epic December 12, 1993 battle between Richie Petitbon's Washington Redskins and Bruce Coslet's New York Jets. Cary Blanchard's 45-yard field goal in the first quarter proved all the offense the Jets would need, as they prevailed, 3-0.

I remember it just like it was yesterday.

I was sitting...somewhere. I think.

I was there, I still have nightmares from it...Boomer Esiason was the QB for the Jets back then if I am not mistaken.

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I watched that game from the Bethesda Drafthouse Cinema. What a juxtaposition from the previous game I watched there, where we stomped the Lions in the playoffs.

I distinctly remember whoever was doing the postgame show on the radio something that The Skins QB "couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from inside the barn."

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It was also one of those days where the temperature was just above freezing and there was a steady rain. I was privileged enough to be sitting in the stands for that wonderful game. Chilled to the bone.

I was there with my brother. I still remember the cold, but I don't think there was any rain (thank God!). A horrible game in comparable weather. :doh:

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100% remember the Jets game in 1993, and while it was 100% awful, I can't say it was a "low point" because our season was already lost.

The 1997 tie sticks out to me because we seemingly had a chance going into that game and I still wasn't totally convinced of Norv's horribleness-- although I was getting there.

The Giants pretty much said, "here, please win this game. We WANT you to win, please take it from us."

In response, we literally blew it by banging our heads on the wall (Gus) and throwing tempter tantrums (Westbrook).

I was a sophomore in college and all of my friends were watching and LAUGHING at me and the Redskins that Sunday night.

Just awful.

As a side note, the 1997 season was probably the ultimate "low point" for me as a fan in terms of the amount of pain they caused me. Not only was there the Giants game, but there was the "Bam Morris" Game, the "Amp Lee" Game (both home losses), a Saturday debacle in the Meadowlands with the division up for grabs, and of course, a choke job in Dallas. Awful.

I remember watching both those games on TV. That 'Skins-Jets game was one of the worst NFL games I ever saw. And the fact that the 'Skins lost makes the game all the more brutal.

That 1997 tie to the Giants was also a low point. In a matter of fact, that whole 1997 season was disappointing. Had the 8-7-1 Redskins won one more game they would have made the playoffs. Home losses to the lowly Ravens and Rams were especially inexcusable.

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Let us not forgot the Monday night Dallas game during the losing streak of darkness where it just seemed like God Himself was against us beating Dallas. We are up 7-6 after an absolutely horrible game, when Stephen Davis gains enough yardage to move the sticks and allowing us to kneel out the game when he FUMBLES the ball right before his knee touches down. Dallas goes on to win 9-7 and the losing streak went on.

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And, of course, there's the epic December 12, 1993 battle between Richie Petitbon's Washington Redskins and Bruce Coslet's New York Jets. Cary Blanchard's 45-yard field goal in the first quarter proved all the offense the Jets would need, as they prevailed, 3-0.

I'll never forgive Coslet for running up the score like that. :mad:

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I remember that day b/c my family missed the Skins game in order to attend Langley HS's first and only state championship appearance in FB.

Both of my teams were blanked that day. It was very cold, but I don't remember any rain.

Lilly white Langley was stomped by all black Norcom HS (of Hampton, VA? I believe) to a tune of 17-0.

After the HS game, we heard on the car radio that the Skins had lost 3-0 and we thought the radio reporter must have read a typo.

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For all the angst over how Gibbs II is working out, remembering that '93 season was a stark reminder of how much an ordeal that first post-Gibbs I season was.

Check out our results from that season:



Seven games in single-digit points (I'll count our goose-egg Jet game). Another three where we only scored 10. Even though we had four 30+ games, how the hell were three teams worse than us in PF?

Everything seemed so sky-high after the big win against the Emmitt-less SB champ Cowboys on MNF, but then it all went downhill. Ryp got injured the next game. Cary Conklin made a valiant effort in the loss to Philly. I think Ryp tried to come back in the home Giant game and we just got friggin annihilated! I remember listening to 980 (then in its second year) after the game and the venom being spewed by the callers. We also had two road games on Monday night (Miami and Buffalo?) where the nation saw how bad we were. In the season finale against Minny, I remember late in the game we had like a 3rd or 4th and long and we call a draw play!

I'm not suggesting that things will be that way in the first post-Gibbs II season, but that one was ugly!!

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When was the last time we visited the Jets?

Meadowlands or Shea Stadium?

I remember the Sunday nighter at RFK in 1996 w/Rich Kotite(SP?)

It was the final night game at RFK and Vern Lundquist had the call on TNT

Edit: Never mind, an all time thread popped up on pg. one of the stadium:doh:

I'm surpized this is only our second visit to the Meadowlands for Jets

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Since there was no internet to speak of back then, I will make the excuses for the team 14 years later that surely would have appeared on a message board somewhere.

We have Lots of injuries....

The weather sucked, how can you expect anyone to score points in the cold...

Coach Petitbone is getting no respect.

Everyone in the NFL hates us and gives us no respect.

There are three other teams that have less than 4 wins this season - who would you rather be a fan of?

Close, except instead of "Petitbone is getting no respect" it would probably be more like "Petitbone's playcalling is handcuffing Conklin", or some such melarky.

Incidentally, I remember the day of that game pretty well. It was cold, but I remember it actually being partly sunny, definitely no rain. I was a sophmore at GMU at the time and bumped into some friends about an hour or so before the game was to start and they asked if I was going to watch the game...I remember saying something like "sure, but I don't know for how long...it will probably be a 3-0 snooze fest anyway." :laugh: :doh:

It was probably the only time I ever predicted a skins score right on the nose...and I had said it as a joke. :doh:

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Louie Agiyar was the holder for the Jets. They were trying a field goal to up their lead to a (what would have been) insurmountable 6-0 lead. Alas, the Jets missed the field goal when Agiyar fumbled the snap. How did he fumble the snap, you ask?

He put his arm out to signal that he was ready for the snap, he then moved that arm so he could SCRATCH HIS ASS, and before he could get his arm back in the right spot, the ball was snapped & hit him in the face.

:laugh: Wow. That's almost as sad as our defense giving Tom Brady enough time to cook a roast while in the pocket last Sunday. :doh:

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As a long time reader of this board (never posted before), I had to register and make a post when I saw this thread.

The FIRST and ONLY Redskins game I have ever been to was this game. My dad took me when I was 9 years old. The weather was freezing cold, there was no rain (as far as I can remember, but the wind chill was fierce). Even though we lost 0-3, I absolutely loved being at the Stadium, cheering on the football team that I have loved, since I was born.

Let's avenge that loss and get a win tomorrow! HTTR! :point2sky

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ah, I remember that gem of a game. That was when the punter Aguiar got doinked in the helmet by the long snapper. that was the highlight of the game lol

I dont know if it was on that play or another, but about 20 players from both teams tried to get their hands on the loose ball and it just squirted all over the field.

I think i still have that game recorded on VHS for some god forsaken reason.

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