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Indiana Jones and the...


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I feel like you just get to the point where you think to yourself... I'm watching Harrison Ford riding backseat on Shia LaBeouf's motorcycle, are you kidding me? And that's before the aliens.... I mean, really?

I think you are too young to remember the originals as seen in the theater, so this being your first Indy film on the big screen it is sort of new to you.:silly: Speilberg based these films off of the Saturday matinee serials and pulp magazines of the 50's. The movies are suppose to be campy,cheesy, and over the top.

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The thing that was so great about the first one was that it was genuinely scary. The scene where they open the ark was epic. But the entire picture kind of had a dark quality about it... the last 2 were just cheesy. I'm guessing the 4th one will be as well :(

This is a good point that, strangely enough, i've never really seen written or talked about when it comes to Raiders. As original, entertaining, and epic as the whole film was, there were some parts that no doubt scared the ever living **** out of me.

In fact, the ending where the Nazis opened the ark and the ensuing pyrotechnics probably scared me more than any scene from any horror movie before or since....Now, some of this may be due to the fact that i was 7 when i first saw it in the theater (and let me tell you, those melting faces were some great nightmare fuel)...but even now, after having seen the movie like 1000 times, whenever that dark, ominous scene is about to begin, I still get nervous chills and a sick feeling in my stomach. Williams score also contributes to this....while we all know the triumphet theme by heart, Williams also composed a very dark, unsettling score as a theme for the ark itself...it still gives me the heebee jeebees.

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the ark scene in the first one is one of the greatest scenes in movie history. I get excited just talking about the scene. Very powerful and one i enjoy watching over and over.......Now we get aliens and spaceships? UGG. I will see the film but could live without the scifi nonsense

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only 4 things really disappointed me in the movie:

1. Mutt Jones' Tarzan fiasco.

2. Crazy professor Oxley... he was irritating and served no purpose other than to tel everyone the next step.

3. The Mac character... just plain irritating.

4. The ending... first of all, I couldnt tell what was going on. Professor Oxley seemed to know all this info, but how did he know? what happened to mac and balko? the other russian soliders that got sucked up? did they die or go to another dimension? if balko died, then why? did the aliens figure out she was evil and kill her? was it an overload of knowledge? why did mac tell indy to let him go and that he would be alright? and most importantly, indiana jones did NOTHING in the last act of the movie. once they got to the temple, he just did what crazy oxley told him to do and then stood by and watched as all hell broke loose.

I agree with all of these points. I didn't think Ox was irritating, just didn't really get his character all that much. Mack was annoying as crap & I'm glad he got offed. lol @ "The Mutt Jones' Tarzan Fiasco." That part was just... :doh: :doh: :doh:

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So I will watch this online and if I find it somewhat entertaining, I will have a movie night next week with Erin.

Aliens in Indina Jones seems a little too fantastical, though.

Edit: Just watched it online, and it wasn't all that bad. I will have to go see it in theaters.

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I liked parts of the movie, didn't like other parts.

I thought the action sequences were good for the most part, I thought the POV angles they took on some sequences were really cool.

I thought the crystal skull couldn't have looked any faker, same with the alien.

The movie overall was good IMO, until you get to the last 45 minutes or so.

I don't want to say too much else cuz I don't want to ruin the movies for others, but this movie seemed like it was rushed out too soon, and focused way too much on the "family adventure". While the movie didn't ruin the Indy franchise, it definitely is my least favorite of the 4. Some of the stuff was just too over-the-top, (for example when he gets in the fridge and survives everything, those who have seen it will know what I'm talking about).

A fun movie for the family, but if you're a big Indy fan you might want to catch a matinee of the movie cuz the price is less.

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only 4 things really disappointed me in the movie:

1. Mutt Jones' Tarzan fiasco.

2. Crazy professor Oxley... he was irritating and served no purpose other than to tel everyone the next step.

3. The Mac character... just plain irritating.

4. The ending...

You hit the nail on the head.

Other than that though, the movie was fine. Even with the first three, it still was entertaining and felt like an Indy movie. Lost that feeling at the end though...

Still would recommend seeing it in at the theaters.

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The plot of the movie was retarded. I mean...aliens?? C'mon Speilberg were you smoking with Ford and Leboauf on the set?

BUT...it was indeed another classic Indiana Jones movie which deserves respect. And in the end it was pretty cool. One and a half thumbs up is my review.

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Two things here.

1) When I saw it, the Tarzan scene seemed to me as a nod to the old Saturday afternoon serial films that inspired the whole Indy concept to begin with. So I really didn't have as much a problem with as most of you in this thread.

2) I don't see Mutt taking over just yet if there's another film. The hat landed at his feet, making it look like that was where they were going, but Indy still ended up with it.

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I liked it. It isn't Raiders but it was still fun. I liked that he was now a war hero, I liked the new "technology" that they played with. I liked all the shout outs to Last Crusade with the father/son stuff. If you rewatch Last Crusade, you could see the tables were turned in Kingdom. It was fun to see that.

The ending was pretty wild. I read that Spielberg and Ford had to bring Lucas back down to earth for 15 years before this movie got made. Imagine how "OUT THERE" George's original ideas were. :yikes:

The movie is action packed, from beginning to end. It was a nice adventure, didn't have the "epic" feel of Crusades or Raiders because of the plot, not all power of god in this one. But did any one notice that the Ark made an appearance? Pretty cool.

I liked it, I'd give it 3 solid stars. I liked it better then temple, but not as good as Crusade and Raiders. I'm one that loves Crusade so...

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I walked out of the theater disappointed, but the more I think about it the more I liked it.

I actually dug the alien plot. I thought the story fine and the characters/interactions were good. Had some good comedy here and there.

My main problem, surprisingly, was the action sequences. They were too over the top, even for Indiana Jones. And they lacked suspense. Still, much better than most other action movies around these days.

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Just saw it. Veeeeeeeery disapointed. I was actually wanting the movie to end so I could leave. It was everything Lucas is supposedly not. Boring, Predictable and very far fetched. i.e., sword fighting on moving car, being thrown 10 miles in fridge resulting in NO broken bones or scratch.

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I would have to agree:

Nuke + fridge = no

Tarzan graphically = lame

The automatic fire from 10 feet running across rafter 4' apart = no

The automatic fire from one car to the next in forrest = no

The sword fight while getting hit in the nuts at 40 = lame

The skull pulls metal/gold towards it: (sometimes but not always, plus random ant deterrent of varrying distance)

The suction pulling his friend to the depths of another dimension while he is leaning forward 7 feet away with not a hair out of place = no

Fighting hand to hand against 4-5 men at a time = no

McGyver on Crach merged with Indiana Jones with Drago's punch.

And a Saturday morning cartoon graphics.

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totally stupid. big disappointment. i knew from the first 5 minutes we were in for a terrible movie. the dialogue from the outset was horrible...not in a funny cheesy indy way but in a "this script was put together in 15 minutes" way. Harrison Ford was old as hell and you saw it throughout the movie. Shia was ok but nothing special.

I know Ford and Lebouf are better actors, which makes me think its not the acting, its the script. It was just so bad even decent actors couldnt make the dialogue seem realistic.

Aliens? Give me a break. Every point you guys bring up here is spot on...ox being nothing more than a tour guide with no explanation how or why, the fight scenes being ridiculous, indy not solving anything or doing much more than following ox, etc etc. They really blew it.

Normally in a movie like this people will clap at the end (ie star wars, lord of the rings, harry potter, spiderman, any popular sequels) and everyone just kind of sat at the end of indy like....seriously, is this for real?

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Saw it this morning and it went beyond my expectations. The thing that I loved about 2 of the other 3 Indy movies was the mythology (the Ark and the Grail). I know, the Temple of Doom was based on some truth as well, but it just wasn't as well known as the Ark and Grail stories. This was one of the reasons I really wasn't expecting to like this movie as much as I did.

I loved the story, it made me feel like the old ones did. It had the mythology of the 1st and 3rd movies.

Possible Spoilers, highlight to read only if you've seen the movie:

In the past year, I've seen shows on the history channel about Indy Jones type professors working for the government against the soviets, then, you have the nazca lines and the aliens on earth aspects... Remember, all 3 of the previous movies had supernatural aspects to them. This was no different.

Again, I was highly surprised and will probably see it again at the theater.... Great movie, thanks Spielberg and company...!! :notworthy

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I enjoyed it very much. The nostalgia was a little overboard, but I thought the premise was very bold for such a mainstream movie.

Regarding the plot (avoiding spoilers), it is something I am strongly interested in, which made it even more fascinating for Spielberg and Lucas to show it to the masses. People get their knickers in a twist when alternate thinking is pushed to the front. I give them kudos on that.

My only beef with the movie is the blatant blue screen crap for the first 20 or so minutes at the Area 51 hangar. C'mon, Lucas couldn't afford to make a set in a desert somewhere?

And as some others have mentioned, you have one of the best directors ever, a great actor in Ford, so why does the dialogue and script suck so bad? There was way to much George Lucas involved in this film, sadly.

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I'll give it a B. It was an okay movie but it wasn't that great when compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Last Crusade. Those 2 were the best movies.

I would put it above the Temple of Doom though :)

The movie was good, it was classic Indy :)

That scene where they were busting those faces on the rock wall is real. It is from an ancient tribe that lived in Peru and Bolivia they were a society that was well ahead of their time similar to what they talked about in the movie. The technology they had was thousands of year ahead of their time.

What I loved about the film it did keep accurate history with a little fiction, then again maybe there is some truth to it :)

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Aliens, WTF???

The film takes place in the late 50's, when science fiction, aliens, and space travel were huge in pop culture. I thought it was a great idea for a new Indiana Jones. Now, whether or not they actually made a great movie.... that's up for debate.

I enjoyed it overall, but there were just a handful of little things that bothered me.

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The film takes place in the late 50's, when science fiction, aliens, and space travel were huge in pop culture. I thought it was a great idea for a new Indiana Jones. Now, whether or not they actually made a great movie.... that's up for debate.

I enjoyed it overall, but there were just a handful of little things that bothered me.


someone who understands :) A lot of younger kids have no clue all the craziness that was going on then, just ask your parents or grand parents

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At first I was a little disappointed with the aliens - but, really, are they any more implausible than the Ark of the Covenant, a satanic cult living under a ancient castle, of the Holy Grail? In my mind aliens in ancient Peru is actually more plausible, though somewhat more sci-fish.

Glad to see I'm not the only one that hated the Mutt/Tarzan thing.

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