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Indiana Jones and the...


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Not to get off topic, but i doubt anybody will care. JohnLocke, explain your sig. I'm interested in knowing the lost theory that made you chose that name

My username? Has nothing to do with Lost. I've watched the show a couple times, but don't really know any of the characters.

John Locke was a British philosopher who is generally regarded as founder of the theories behind the American Revolution. Natural Rights and all that.

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On the other hand the last time George Lucas stayed away from a film-series for a long time and then came back to it...well the results were (at best) mixed.

Hey, it's not like Raiders has come out in a new edition, with the title changed to Indiana Jones, Junior, Part VII, every single one of the Nazis replaced with CGI, and the guy with the sword shooting first.


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I read that the people who already saw the preview at cannes said if you love the other 3 you will LIKE this one. Its not super great but starts off real strong for the first 20 minutes with an unforgettable car/truck chase sequence in the amazon jungle. But the ending involving aliens from outer space is plain hokey. Oh well. An average Indy flick is better than a great X-men flick to me. Dr. Jones I presume. :silly::silly::silly:

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Hey, it's not like Raiders has come out in a new edition, with the title changed to Indiana Jones, Junior, Part VII, every single one of the Nazis replaced with CGI, and the guy with the sword shooting first.


Ahhh point to you Larry...lately though my faith in Lucas as film-maker is somewhat shaken. However I like to believe that the good things in this movie will out-weigh the bad.

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Ahhh point to you Larry...lately though my faith in Lucas as film-maker is somewhat shaken. However I like to believe that the good things in this movie will out-weigh the bad.

What faith in Lucas? He did Star Wars. He did two sequels (which he didn't direct) that were pretty good, before he got delusions of grandeur. I'm thinking he's Norv Turner.

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What faith in Lucas? He did Star Wars. He did two sequels (which he didn't direct) that were pretty good, before he got delusions of grandeur. I'm thinking he's Norv Turner.

Thinking of his earlier work mainly..."American Graffiti" & "Star Wars."

Norv Turner...I was going to say that's a little harsh...but you know what...I remember "Howard The Duck" & Jar-Jar Binks and I really can't argue with you on that point...he has some great ideas (most of the time) but as Harrison Ford said about a lot of the dialouge in "Star Wars"...."You can write this, but you can't say this s***."

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I've seen an interview with Clint Eastwood, where Clint says that in Fistfull of Dollars, when the woman asks Joe why he's rescuing here, the script called for Joe to make a long, impassioned speech about how with great power comes great responsibility, and the obligation to use that power to help the weak.

Supposedly, it was Eastwood who said that the speech was too long, and suggested that it be replaced with "Because I knew someone like you once. And there was no one there to help."

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Hey, it's not like Raiders has come out in a new edition, with the title changed to Indiana Jones, Junior, Part VII, every single one of the Nazis replaced with CGI, and the guy with the sword shooting first.


To be fair, I think Greedo always was supposed to have shot first, it just wasn't very clear in the original picture. (Not that it looked any better in the Special Edition version.)

I'm excited about the new Indy flick but I'm trying to keep myself from getting my hopes up. That way I can just go in and enjoy it for what it is. It's not going to top Raiders and Last Crusade.

I'll probably go see it this weekend.

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I'm also admiring the folks who seem to claim that Last Crusade was some kind of cinematic classic. I thought Connery's character was too goofy. And I would have forgiven the whole thing if Connery had become the new Keeper of the Grail, but noooooo, they spent the entire movie finding The Holy Grail, then it falls down a crack, and they all ride off and say "oh well, easy come, easy go!" What kind of ending is that?

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Lucas gets unfairly trashed for Howard The Duck. He didn't create it, he didn't write it, he didn't direct it...creatively, he really had nothing to do with it. His name is on the credits because he helped fund it. There were a number of movies like this in the 80's. Lucas quit directing and just helped finance a bunch of movies...some of which were decent, some of which were terrible.

I still have respect for Lucas as a director/writer. I saw American Graffiti for the first time just a few months ago and was pretty impressed at how well it holds up. I was always under the impression that it was a hokey old comedy...but it was entertaining throughout. And THX-1138 was way ahead of its time.

Of course, none of that really matters since Spielberg is the one who directs Indiana Jones. Lucas mostly just focuses on the story. I have faith in their abilities...my main concern was Harrison Ford's age, but from the trailers he doesn't seem TOO laughably decrepit.

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I'm also admiring the folks who seem to claim that Last Crusade was some kind of cinematic classic. I thought Connery's character was too goofy. And I would have forgiven the whole thing if Connery had become the new Keeper of the Grail, but noooooo, they spent the entire movie finding The Holy Grail, then it falls down a crack, and they all ride off and say "oh well, easy come, easy go!" What kind of ending is that?


agreed. and Temple of Doom was terrible.

The thing that was so great about the first one was that it was genuinely scary. The scene where they open the ark was epic. But the entire picture kind of had a dark quality about it... the last 2 were just cheesy. I'm guessing the 4th one will be as well :(

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Lucas gets unfairly trashed for Howard The Duck. He didn't create it, he didn't write it, he didn't direct it...creatively, he really had nothing to do with it.

Yeah but being the film's Executive Producer he had some control over that mess.

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Well, I thought it was a cool movie. *Warning - Slight spoiler ahead*

Never would have expected to see aliens or a spaceship in an Indiana Jones movie. Then again, I guess the whole Area 51 thing in the beginning, I should have thought Aliens instantly. But dummy me didn't. Good movie though, your typical Indiana Jones movie, really.

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Eh... pretty damn mediocre if you ask me. I was disappointed. Went into it with entirely different expectations, I guess.

....says the girl who hates Five Guys. :nana:

I haven't seen it yet so I hope it feels like the previous Indy movies. Nothing will beat Raiders of the Lost Ark though.

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I haven't seen it yet, but I assume that if you loved the original trilogy, you'll love this. If you loved Raiders but disliked the other two, you'll probably just like this one or think it's just alright. If you care nothing of the original trilogy, you'll probably care nothing of this.

My favorite movie of all time is Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's an american masterpiece IMO. Temple of Doom is no where near the level of Raiders, but I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit. The Last Crusade was better than temple, but not up there with Raiders. I loved that movie too.

I'm also a huge James Bond fan. I love all the Bond movies. Every single one of them. Some are more realistic than others, but each one has some entertainment value. Moonraker and For Your Eyes Only were completely different from each other. A lot of people didn't like Moonraker because it was too sci-fi and totally out there. I personally liked it because it's just entertainment. Of course For Your Eyes Only was a much better film and a lot more story driven. But I liked them both for what it's worth.

I like cheeseburgers a lot better than meatloaf, but that doesn't mean I only enjoy cheeseburgers and never eat meatloaf :cheers: .

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only 4 things really disappointed me in the movie:

1. Mutt Jones' Tarzan fiasco.

2. Crazy professor Oxley... he was irritating and served no purpose other than to tel everyone the next step.

3. The Mac character... just plain irritating.

4. The ending... first of all, I couldnt tell what was going on. Professor Oxley seemed to know all this info, but how did he know? what happened to mac and balko? the other russian soliders that got sucked up? did they die or go to another dimension? if balko died, then why? did the aliens figure out she was evil and kill her? was it an overload of knowledge? why did mac tell indy to let him go and that he would be alright? and most importantly, indiana jones did NOTHING in the last act of the movie. once they got to the temple, he just did what crazy oxley told him to do and then stood by and watched as all hell broke loose.

i have to admit, the shot with indy looking at the flying saucer was incredible imagery. i have no problem with aliens in the indie flick and kind of like it... but making them interdimensional beings seemed unnecessary. ending aside, i really liked the movie alot. it was enjoyable and felt like an indy movie... i just hated the ending.

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Guest sith lord

Lets face it, Lucas has lost his touch. In the early 70's when he wrote American Graffiti and Star Wars, Lucas was young and hungry. Now that he's super rich, the creativety isn't there. All you have to do is watch the George Lucas Bio on the Bio channel. He explained how he "STUDIED" old writings and novels when writing Star Wars. Do you believe he did the same when he wrote the Star Wars prequels or this installment of Indiana Jones?

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I have to admit it was a huge letdown. After the whole Tarzan stunt, I was waiting for Jar Jar Binks to appear sometime during the temple scene. I just hope to all that is holy that they end it here and not try to have a spinoff with Mutt Jones taking the lead role. There was just too much corny Lucas extras in this film. I would have loved to see what it would have been like had they went with Frank Darabonts script.

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I have to admit it was a huge letdown. After the whole Tarzan stunt, I was waiting for Jar Jar Binks to appear sometime during the temple scene. I just hope to all that is holy that they end it here and not try to have a spinoff with Mutt Jones taking the lead role. There was just too much corny Lucas extras in this film. I would have loved to see what it would have been like had they went with Frank Darabonts script.

its an established fact that shia labouf signed a 4 picture deal and harrison ford signed a 3 picture deal... that doesnt mean the movies will get made but all indications are that it has been the plan all along to have 7 films total - 3 featuring indy, 3 featuring mutt, and this was the "transition" film. it wouldnt surprise me at all to see 3 "Mutt Jones and the..." films where Harrison Ford has "cameos" or plays more of a supporting role a la Sean Connery in The Last Crusade.

The ending of the movie alluded to the fact that Indiana Jones was not done, and that Mutt was ready to take over. These movies simply make too much money for there not to be further sequels. My best guess is that the franchise takes a somewhat different direction, veering more into the scifi paranormal realm and focusing less on archeology. Personally, I found the dynamic between mutt and indy very interesting... i simply wish they had done more with THAT in this movie.

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