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Classic Movies

the burgundy and gold

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No i'm not talking about old classics like old western movies. I'm talking about those movies that everyone should be able to say that they've seen. Those movies where if you say a quote from it everyone knows excactly what you're talking about. For example Dumb and Dumber, possibley the funniest movie i've ever seen. Another classic movie imo is A Christmas Story, absolutely hilarious.

What are some of your favorites?

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When in a lighter mood

Robin Hood (Erol Flynn)

Almost all of the Abott and Costello movies

The Jester (The flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true)

Sound of Music (Yeah, I know, but I used to watch it every year as a kid with my Mom. It's a damned good movie and has all the sentimental baggage tied to it)

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well, of old movies that are absolute must see

The Searchers (John Wayne's best role and John Ford's best film)

The Treasure of Sierra Madré

(obviously) The Maltese Falcon

M (Peter Lorre as a child molester/murderer... chilling)

What's Up Tiger Lilly?

In The Heat of the Night

The Outlaw Josie Wales (best western ever.)

Paths to Glory (One of the best WW1 films, Stanley Kubrick anti-war movie)


Lawrence of Arabia is one of the best movies ever. Peter O'Toole gives perhaps the best performance i've ever seen. The scene when they attack the train never fails to get my blood pumping, especially when he stands and yells "NO PRISONERS!!"... SO intense.

There are so many more..


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The number one classic for me is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I know you said besides westerns but I can't help myself.

I would say after that one of the best classics for me is Dr. Strangelove. I love everything about that movie.

"You know whats going to happen if you don't get the president of the United States on the phone?"


"You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company."

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