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Classic Movies

the burgundy and gold

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Some of mine were already mentioned. Pulp Fiction, Princess Bride, Coming to America, Trading Places, Errol Flynn's Robin Hood....

I can't believe Jaws hasn't been mentioned yet. Glengarry Glen Ross, Tombstone, ZULU (GREAT flick), Untouchables, Dances with Wolves, Tora Tora Tora....I even love the Christmas Carol from, I think it was 1938! Yeah, I said it! :laugh:

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"Angels With Dirty Faces" -- James Cagney was in top form in this superb gangster drama.

"Gun Crazy" -- the best film-noir of all-time that features a standout performance from Peggy Cummins.

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off" -- I never tire of this 1980s classic.

"Hollywood Shuffle" -- a entertaining 1980s movie that relays a good moral message.

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  • 4 years later...

Been watching a lot of old movies lately (as that's mostly was netflix has anymore) and I've found some real gems so I thought I would bump this thread as opposed to starting a new one.

Some recommendations:

Day of the Dolphin - George C. Scott is fabulous it'll prolly make you tear up at the end

The Man Who Never Was - Really digging 50's era WWII flicks. Man they're black and white and I mean more than just the picture. We were the good guys.

The Conversation - Gene Hackman in a non-violent flick. I figure French Connection is already on there but if you haven't seen it one of the best movies ever and FCII is great also.

Foxy Brown - Also been diggin' the blaxplotation films - Pam Grier is HOT

Twelve O'clock High - probably the best of the WWII films from the 50's

The Original Taking of Pelham 123 - loved Denzel/Travolta interaction but as is usually the case the original has more to it

I have to admit to not reading all the other recommendations yet (but I'm going through and making a list of ones I haven't seen) and if I repeated some (which is likely) they're still worth watching if you haven't. If search worked a little better I would have taken the time and made sure not replicate. Not a complaint just a fact.

Added: No repeats but I put a bunch of new flicks in my queue

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Some of mine were already mentioned. Pulp Fiction, Princess Bride, Coming to America, Trading Places, Errol Flynn's Robin Hood....

I can't believe Jaws hasn't been mentioned yet. Glengarry Glen Ross, Tombstone, ZULU (GREAT flick), Untouchables, Dances with Wolves, Tora Tora Tora....I even love the Christmas Carol from, I think it was 1938! Yeah, I said it! :laugh:

best of the bunch, haven't watched that gem for an age

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What no love for Bruce Campbell?

Think Smart, Think S-Mart

Hail to the King baby

This is my boomstick

He's got some of the best lines in movie history, and the special effects just make them all the better. ED is one of my favorite horror franchises. It made me happy to see him so popular on Burn Notice the guys just is one of us. So he makes it seem.

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all the Starwars films


All Indiana Jones Films

The Departed


The Big Lebowski

We Own the Night

Star Trek the Wrath of Khan

Godfather 1-3



Major League 1

Top Gun

Bull Durham

And the Greates movie of all time the movie that if you never see you will go to your grave regretting........

Damn my video didnt work but the movie is POINT BREAK....




You can not recreate the magic of Swayze, Reeves, Petty, and the bat **** crazy Gary Busey

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Casablanca- has been mentioned a couple of times, but honestly, I really didn't like it all that much

I agree, but it does have one of the greatest one liners of all time. Play it again Sam is still part of the modern vernacular. Personally, I liked Treasure and Maltese Falcon a lot more. Can't remember the name, but it was one of Bogie's first movies that took place entirely in a diner was a really good one too, Betty Davis when those eyes were matched by the rest of her.

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I've made several comments in various threads about some current remakes of classics, and last night, watching Contagion (which I assum was at least inspired by Andromeda Strain or Outbreak or both), I saw another preview for 'The Thing." While the original black and white was great, the John Carpenter one was a groundbreaker and quite a flick if you haven't seen it. The new one looks like the only current remake (Killer Elite, Straw Dogs) that might live up to, or is intended stay true to, the original. Might be the best update since True Grit.

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I've made several comments in various threads about some current remakes of classics, and last night, watching Contagion (which I assum was at least inspired by Andromeda Strain or Outbreak or both), I saw another preview for 'The Thing." While the original black and white was great, the John Carpenter one was a groundbreaker and quite a flick if you haven't seen it. The new one looks like the only current remake (Killer Elite, Straw Dogs) that might live up to, or is intended stay true to, the original. Might be the best update since True Grit.

I love The Thing. One of my favorite movies. I think it's good enough to stand on it's own now and doesn't need a remake. But, after watching the trailer, it seems it's going to be a very close re-make, except the female is the lead instead of a Russell look-alike. It should be good, but I'd bet still not as good as Carpenter's.

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No i'm not talking about old classics like old western movies. I'm talking about those movies that everyone should be able to say that they've seen. Those movies where if you say a quote from it everyone knows excactly what you're talking about. For example Dumb and Dumber, possibley the funniest movie i've ever seen. Another classic movie imo is A Christmas Story, absolutely hilarious.

What are some of your favorites?

Movies where there's something wrong with you if you haven't seen them?

Probably all of the Star Wars films. (Many of them weren't all that good, but you still had to see them, anyway.)

The Wizard of Oz

The Princess Bride.

Blazing Saddles

Movies that I think are great enough to be classics?

The Princess Bride. :)

And I'd strongly recommend Once Upon A Time In The West. Far as I know, this is the first western made by Sergio Leone (of Fistfull of Dollars, A Few Dollars more, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) made in the US, with Hollywood budgets and actors. (Ennio Morricone, who did the soundtracks for those "spaghetti westerns", also composed this one.)

Charles Bronson.

Jason Robards

Henry Fonda. (As the villain.)

I really like the strong "man of few words" image, and this movie's full of 'em. Just about every thing in the movie triggers other associations. In fact, I think it may have the best opening scene of any movie.

Even the opening of the movie is slow and deliberate. The film opens at a train station in the middle of nowhere. Literally, this station is the only man-made structure as far as the eye can see in any direction. The stationmaster is sitting in the station, when three tough guys show up out of nowhere. Yeah, this clip 12 minutes long. But I think that's the way it should be. And the minimalist dialog, to me, really defines the Western.

"Frank sent us."


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