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XBOX 360 vs. PS3


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I've been playing Kingdoms of Amalur and went to google some stuff on the game.  I didn't know Curt Schilling was the guy in charge of the game. He owned the now bankrupted 38 studios which developed KoA.  It bankrupted him personally from what I read.  It sounds like he's been going through a real tough time over it.  I remember hearing years ago that he loved fantasy games and that it was a hobby of his.  That bums me out.  I hate hearing that.  KoA is a very good game.  I guess the game got overshadowed by Skyrim. 




He was in one of my guilds when I played Ultima Online way back when.

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Played it on the 360. It was actually a lot of fan. There are a lot item combinations and weapons you can make and the game,play was pretty fun. Dialogue was pretty ridiculous though, I think intentionally. But it should be pretty cheap now so worth checking out. I had fun with it, despite its flaws.

The train level from UC 2 might be my favorite video game level ever. Just incredibly fun, cinematic and epic.

I missed the first two but I really crave a challenging game so I'm all on board for this. The social interaction is pretty intriguing too. Anybody have any feedback on what they like/dislike about it?



The only problems I had with the online aspect are World Tendency in Demons Souls and Covenants in Dark Souls.  World Tendency prevented/allowed access to certain areas of the game but good luck trying to make sense of it.  Covenants in Dark Souls are supposed to affect other players (increased difficulty, reduced souls, etc...) depending on which one you joined but I don't think they ever worked the way they were intended.


Other than that, both games were fantastic.  I put 150-200 hours into both games.

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Cool.  Did he just come out in guild chat and say "I'm Curt Schilling IRL"? haha


We had been playing with him for awhile before he finally told us.  We didn't know whether or not to believe him at first so we started keeping track of when he pitched.  His playtime always matched up with his starts and whatever timezone the Phillies happened to be in at the time.  We weren't fully convinced until we got him on Ventrillo and could actually hear him talk.  Then the UO: Herald did a story on him.


Todd Pratt (Former Mets catcher) played on our server as well.  He got all kinds of special treatment though.

I'm sure his character just wore a bloody sock. 


He may as well......he was pretty bad at the game and got killed frequently.

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Finished the main missions for GTAV last night. Man those heist missions are fun. Reminds me of Payday: The Heist a little bit ( I've plugged it before, but if any of you haven't played it, check it out on PSN. Pretty difficult game, but very fun, and weapon/strategy friendly... and very difficult.). I wish they'd let you plan your own heists, using the additional crew members


I wouldn't mind another Michael/Franklin/Trevor GTA


You could easily incorporate another scenario where Trevor goes crazy (again) and gets in trouble with the Don Percival guy, or someone else, getting major heat, and causing the group to have to flee to San Fierro, Venturas, or even Vice City, where they would encounter Tommy Vercetti, who is now the main bad guy (or something like that).

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I know I'm really late on this but I just finished Bioshock Infinite...wow, what a masterpiece. Loved every second of it.


I literally sat there for 45 minutes afterwards remembering all the clues throughout the game that told the story and worked up to that point. It's so detailed and thoroughly woven yet easy to miss when you don't have all the truths. At least for me anyway and I'm usually pretty good at picking up on things. 


Even without the "twist" though, the story is just beautiful on so many levels. The connection you grow with Elisabeth throughout the game is probably a close 2nd in video game connections ever behind what you have for Ellie in The Last of Us. It's handled extremely well. 


This might have overtaken RDR as my favorite 360 game. Just glorious and powerful. 

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Yep, about halfway through Bioshock Infinite and it is one of the few games where I have really taken my time and looked at everything. I have listened to all the messages and I have watched all the mini movies. I have played a lot of good games, but this one really appeals to me.

I think Bioshock is what initially turned me onto first person shooters. I still prefer 3rd person, but Infinite is definitely one of the most enjoyable games I have played.

Also, I am playing on the hard mode and it isn't that difficult. How much harder is the 1999 mode?

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Yep, about halfway through Bioshock Infinite and it is one of the few games where I have really taken my time and looked at everything. I have listened to all the messages and I have watched all the mini movies. I have played a lot of good games, but this one really appeals to me.

I think Bioshock is what initially turned me onto first person shooters. I still prefer 3rd person, but Infinite is definitely one of the most enjoyable games I have played.

Also, I am playing on the hard mode and it isn't that difficult. How much harder is the 1999 mode?


You're in for a treat. Looking forward to discussing it when you are finished. 


1999  is supposed to be brutal but I haven't played it yet. Going to try that next. I started out on hard but kept dying and lost about $1,000 in 15 minutes towards the beginning so I bumped it down to normal the rest of the way so I could make it through the story. 


Now, I'm going back for everything else on 1999 mode and afterwards will try the DLC. 


The first one was one of my favorite shooters ever but this one I think tops it in every way except atmosphere. I do greatly appreciate seeing the utopia fall as opposed to arriving after it falls as you did in Rapture.


They're both just absolute treasures. As a guy who prefers single player experiences, it means a lot that a shooter can be this polished, have an amazing story and a long campaign. 

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Wasted 30 bucks on Top Spin 4. I hadn't played a tennis game since Virtua Tennis, years ago, but wanted to jump back in yesterday. That shot system they have is damn near impossible.


Got Heavy Rain again, though. I always wanted to explore those alternate storylines/endings. I played it by the book on my fist and only playthrough.

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I started out on hard but kept dying and lost about $1,000 in 15 minutes towards the beginning so I bumped it down to normal the rest of the way so I could make it through the story.

Same thing was happening to me. I couldn't keep money. But, it got easier after about 45 minutes. Lately, I have been determined to play games on hard. I still die a lot, but it's not as torturous as the beginning.

I played Crysis 3 on hard and it was more enjoyable that way.

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I wasn't that impressed by Bioshock Infinite. It had decent story-telling, but it didn't really make sense at the end

when a billion Elisabeths drowned Booker.  How does killing him in this reality fix all of the other realities where he made the choice not to be baptized or whatever?

I also felt that a first person shooter was not the best way of telling the story they wanted to tell; the gameplay just did not seem to fit with what the game was trying to be. Also, there were a few textures throughout the game that were jarringly low-resolution. I'm no graphics whore, but when most of the game has so much detail in it and then suddenly you have some posters hanging around that look like they're being rendered on a machine from the 1980's, it really breaks the immersion.

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If any of you get around to playing Kingdom's of Alamur stay away from the quest 'Her Righteous Fury.' It may cause you to incomplete that quest and it will disable fast travel.

I loved the game, but I am not playing it another 50 hours to get to where I was. It is way too big to play without fast travel.

I had another save, but it didn't work :(

I think I just broke my game with a bug.  On the quest "Taking Vengeance", I apparently activated a game breaking bug.  You're with some NPCs and you're supposed to enter the House of Vengeance together.  If you fast travel before entering the HoV, which I did to sell off some inventory, when you come back, the NPC with the key to get in is gone. Now I can't enter the HoV to proceed, which is part of the main quest line.  The main door is locked and the NPC with the key is gone.  It sucks because I have 40 hours put into it and I think I'm near the end. I saved it too before traveling back so I can't reload.  My other save file is real far back, like at the 17 hour mark. Bummer.

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I think I just broke my game with a bug.

Ah, that sucks!! I've been thinking about picking it up again when I get some free time. I guess, I will just use multiple saves in case this ever happens. Maybe have 5 saves and save every 1.5 to 2 hours. If I get back to it that is.

My neighbor beat it no problem. I told him he got lucky from what I read online.

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Ah, that sucks!! I've been thinking about picking it up again when I get some free time. I guess, I will just use multiple saves in case this ever happens. Maybe have 5 saves and save every 1.5 to 2 hours. If I get back to it that is.

My neighbor beat it no problem. I told him he got lucky from what I read online.

Alright, thank goodness it's fixed now.  After researching it, I found some advice on how to fix it and it worked.  I basically had to back track and fight some respawns.  After doing that, the NPC reappears at the door.  Wow, I lucked out on that glitch.  Just for future reference, don't fast travel to a town when you first get the quest "Taking Vengeance".   Allow the NPC to unlock the door and walk in.


There is one other quest that can break the game.  I can't remember the name of the quest but it consists of breaking three crystals.   If for whatever reason you break these crystals before you get the quest to do so, you might be out of luck, because the crystals will no longer be there after you get the quest.  I've read that reverting to a previous save doesn't work either.  The quest is part of the main quest line in the latter part of the game. 

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So have any of you guys played Black Flag yet? If so, how was it ( in your opinion, since I've already played it).

I played it and I enjoyed it a lot for most of the time. As with AC 3 though, I really tired of the game and the storyline after putting about 20 some hours into it. I had a ton of fun collecting stff and upgrading the ship for awhile but towards the end of the story everything just felt like a chore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Toy Soldiers: Cold War is FREE to download and keep forever on XBL. Do not be fooled by the title of this game, it's an incredible, INCREDIBLE tower defense game. You have to DL it before the end of the month to get it for free.

I paid for the prequel, where the game is based off of World War I. Fricking awesome.

In this Cold War version, you can be frickin' Rambo. Sly Stallone, M60 in one arm, rocket launcher in the other, it's hilarious. Looks, sounds, acts just like Rambo.

I almost bought this game last week, whew!

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I recently bought Heavy Rain so I could explore the alternate endings (I played it straight up the first go round). I forgot hw that game sucks you in. Awesome. Definitely an all time PS3 top 10.


Using my aqcuired knowledge from watching crime/survival documentaries, and old war documentariesas, well as shows like Survivorman and Man v Wild, I was able to effectively cut my finger off this time, disinfect it, cauterize it, and drink some wiskey to numb the pain. 


I was also able to gather better evidence, and put together all the correct pieces, instead of shooting in the dark and accusing Lt Blake of being the Origami killer. I also detoxed Jayden when he was lunching on the triptocaine. 


I beasted, pretty much. Completely nailed it. Perfect playthrough. Then I started the alternate ending playthrough and completely ****ed everyone over.  :lol: I let Jayden OD, and let Madison get murdered by the crazy doctor. 4 characters died. Then I felt bad.



Now it's on to the Mass Effect saga, FarCry 3, and a few other games, before the PS3 farewell tour comes to an end. Oh and btw, shouldn't be long before we start to hear some AC5 news. The first trailer normally always comes during late spring, so they should be well into it by now. My money is still on the French Revolution, but we'll see what happens.

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I played it and I enjoyed it a lot for most of the time. As with AC 3 though, I really tired of the game and the storyline after putting about 20 some hours into it. I had a ton of fun collecting stff and upgrading the ship for awhile but towards the end of the story everything just felt like a chore.


Hmm, if you go to the PS Store, yu buy some of the upgrades, which will make it less taxing. I loved that part of it though. I haven't checked up on it to see if the "Freedom Cry" DLC is ready yet, but I will probably play it through a second time in the near future

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