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So, I'm, like, officially old now..

Ghost of

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Thanks, jrock for the birthday shout out last night.

:cheers: Wish I could buy you a beer, bro!!

Dude, you're ancient. Using special ZLT math, I can see that you are a decade older than myself.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I like that math. It says I won't be 30 for another like 27 years. :)

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30....Threw up last night and fell asleep. Woke up this morning sans dignity and drove back from Redmond (MICROSOFT fa life!) My girl got me a great gift: a dog tag with the picture of my father and I, which I will now wear proudly and probably have the text on my old one done in this style.

Thanks, jrock for the birthday shout out last night.

It was off the instrument panel until I got sick. Who knew drinking a bottle of rum straight would do that? :laugh: :doh:

Anyone else getting old like me?


Happy Birthday, Ghost. :cheers:


This thread made me feel REAL old, thank you very much. :laugh:

Damn, I wish I was 30 again.

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Happy birthday. I turn 40 May 4th and I do not look forward to what my buddies have in store for me drining wise. By then it will have been two months since I have had anything to drink and I'm already stocking up on the 'Chaser' which by the way works.

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I'll stop bashing Om and Ghost for being ancient to say this much... it's really, really not a big deal. People throw the "30 is the new 20" thing around a lot, but to be honest, there's a lot of truth to it. People are growing up more slowly, useful lifespans are being extended, life is being lived in a different way than it was a generation ago. Culture has changed, and expectations have changed at the same time. 30 isn't going to bother me a bit. I'm just getting started. Of course people also tell me I act like a 12-year old, so take that for what it's worth. Apparently I'm closing in on adolescence. :)

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I'll stop bashing Om and Ghost for being ancient to say this much... it's really, really not a big deal. People throw the "30 is the new 20" thing around a lot, but to be honest, there's a lot of truth to it. People are growing up more slowly, useful lifespans are being extended, life is being lived in a different way than it was a generation ago. Culture has changed, and expectations have changed at the same time.

Says the guy who's about to turn 30. :laugh:

I agree 100%. It's not a big deal at all. But the "30 is the new 20" or "40 is the new 30" or "50 is the new 40" stuff is, well, just a way that those who say it show that their new age bothers them. ;)

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Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes.

Actually, those who said belated on the 7th were still on time. April 7th, 1977 a date which shall live in infamy.

I agree with Raub, I don't feel differently than I did even several years ago. Physically, I may not have quite the energy I did at 18 and I have changed a little bit.

At the party on Friday, the girl whose birthday it was (on the 6th) and who set me up with my girl said I didn't look 30 at all. It's good to age gracefully, so 30 REALLY IS the new 20. For me :) Not so much for the rest of you chaps :P

I talk about this community a lot and in spite of the fact that I have yet to meet any of you in person, I feel like I always have a home here. So Jumbo and Om, please remember that if I get in trouble in the future. :)

I was telling my girl that I was waiting for that Insulin Factor-1 to come out for humans. It's basically like "Super Soldier Serum" that has preserved the strength, intelligence and agility of rats that have been treated with it. That way 90 can be the new 40. Um, I hope.

As for drinking...Uh, yeah. I'm going to really cut back on that. I'm not even actually heavy drinker or partier but to drink a whole bottle of rum is idiotic. I don't want to fully stop but maybe I need to chill with a light beer rather than drinking a CUP of whiskey straight (I don't do shots, I actually can drink these things no problem.)

Much respec' to everyone on Extremeskins.

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Says the guy who's about to turn 30. :laugh:

I agree 100%. It's not a big deal at all. But the "30 is the new 20" or "40 is the new 30" or "50 is the new 40" stuff is, well, just a way that those who say it show that their new age bothers them. ;)

Says the guy who keeps his age private. :)

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It's just a number man. Age is very relative. I'm 37, I'm very active and feel great. About the only difference I notice is it takes me longer to heal when I crash my dirtbike or twist an ankle playing soccer.

Happy birthday Ghost.

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Way to hang in, Ghost.

Just remember where you heard this, so if we're both still hanging HERE (god forbid), you can tell me how right I was: 10 years from now you'll look back at 30 and think, damn, what a young fool was I. :)

Of course, in 10 years I'll be looking back at 46 and thinking, damn what a young fool was I.

Ol' Ma Nature's got a wicked sense of humor.

All I can do now is look back and think, damn wish I was a young fool again. :laugh:

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