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U.S. Government sank the Titanic (merged)

Spaceman Spiff

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How moronic. Is it posible that the internet will make us all less inteligent? I'm begining to believe so. :doh:

And really Spiff... You think its a compelling case? The jews did it?

OMG how stupid. :doh:


EDIT: OK now I feel stupid. I'm so used to seeing lunitic theorys on the web that I bought in hook line and sinker. :laugh:


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How moronic. Is it posible that the internet will make us all less inteligent? I'm begining to believe so. :doh:

And really Spiff... You think its a compelling case? The jews did it?

OMG how stupid. :doh:

OMFG dude, are you serious? How could they NOT have done it? It's all right there.

I guess you're part of the *sheep* he's talking about. Get back to your flock, Mad Mike.

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How moronic. Is it posible that the internet will make us all less inteligent? I'm begining to believe so. :doh:

And really Spiff... You think its a compelling case? The jews did it?

OMG how stupid. :doh:


EDIT: OK now I feel stupid. I'm so used to seeing lunitic theorys on the web that I bought in hook line and sinker. :laugh:


Only $7.95.

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Damn those Jews! It's not good enough they control all the money, but it seems they control iceburgs as well!

I heard George Bush's great grandfather was a Jew and had a early version of the "Dick Cheney Weather Controlling Machine" that changed the ocean currents and moved the iceburg to intercept the ship

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Oh, they built the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue,

and they thought they had a ship that the water couldn't get through. couldn't be sunk by jews

But on her maiden voyage a snowball struck the ship,

It was sad when the great ship went down.

Husbands and wives, little children lost their lives

It was sad when the great ship went down.

Uncles and aunts, little children lost their pants

It was sad when the great ship went down.

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I saw this other online video where a guy completely debunked the commonly accepted story of the Titanic. He took a metal bucket and floated it upright in a bathtub full of icewater. The bucket didn't sink -- even when he threw extra ice at it!

Seriously, could the government's "official" story of that day's events be any more flimsy? There are lots of unanswered questions about the Titanic, and yet there has been no official third-party investigation by incorruptible officials. Why not? What did the Taft administration have to hide?

No wonder Woodrow Wilson handed him his ass in a bag during the election a few months later. Back then, Americans knew a Zionist plot when they saw it.

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PB, it's all there. Video evidence. It's all true!!!

He makes a very compelling case. I don't know how I missed it. The bath tub evidence was incontrovertible.... I hope he turns his keen int elect to JFK's long unsolved shooting next...

I can see it now.. Rubber bands and paper dolls..

This kid should get an award, or at least a mention by John Stewart..

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