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Is anyone else besides me, uncomfortable with Barak Obama becoming our next Pres.?


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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)

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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)


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One note regarding experience: It isn't as if George W. Bush has a great deal of experience when he became President. He was governor for a little more than one term (winning re-electon in 1998 after winning his first term in 1994), and his business ventures were not exactly greatly successful. Also, many have questioned his military service, of which he didn't have a very distinguished career. So, compared to the current and past Presidents, Obama probably has as much experience as necessary for the Presidency.

its not a good idea to use Dubya as a reference point as to why Obama doesn't need much experience to be president. :laugh:

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Have you seen this?



I'm sure there's a reason why you didn't provide a link and it doesn't say who wrote that. Chain-email?


Even genetically, Obama; whose East African descent is apparent by his above-Black-median intelligence, generally non-aggressive, nonviolent personality,
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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)

It's this type of **** that makes honest, sincere, intelligent christians look like damn fools. It makes our beliefs look like a damn joke out of a comic book or something.

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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)


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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)

You should be shot...

I'm thinking with an elephant tranquilizer on election day.

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First and foremost our leader should stay a deeply devought Christian!!!! I have read the Bio on Obama and his spiritual connection is to the violent Muslim faith. Never ever must we let a Muslim fanatic walk in the White House. He kind of reminds me of the Anti Christ profile. (666) This is a Christian Country. :)

your 43 and your talking like an ignorant child. I bet you spread this same bull**** to your kids and loved ones. You are right in that we shouldn't let a muslim fanatic take the white house, but first off he isn't muslim, nor is he a fanatic. This is a christian country, i know many good christians, you sir with such ignorant and racist remarks lose all creditability as a good christian. You are beyond pathetic.

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I agree that religion should be disregarded from politics, but as long as people have an agenda it will never be.

It's perfectly reasonable, and I would argue necessary, to consider religion in politics. For many candidates, religion greatly informs political beliefs.

Now, if one's analysis of Sen. Obama's spirituality goes no deeper than, "He's a Muslim," that's ignorant. It's perfectly reasonable to say, however, that you won't vote for someone who believes the world is ending in the next five years.

It's an embarrassingly cheap ploy, on the other hand, to paint Obama as a Muslim when he isn't.

Barack=Iraq.......Hussein=Saddam.......Obama=(Osama Bin Laden)

And we want this guy to be the President of the United States of America?

And you expect us to take you seriously?

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Wanna bet!!


This "Antichrist" will call for a 7 year peace treaty with Isreal.31/2 years into the treaty,the antichrist will break the treaty by having russia attack Isreal from the North...When they are pushed back to Siberia then shall the Kings of the East (plural)will atack from the East...(China,N.Korea and others)and then shall the greatest war of all time be presented...The war is known as "Armageddon" The bloodiest war mankind has ever seen!!

Only then will christ come down and wipe all the evil armies off the face of the earth and set up his kingdom for 1000 years..."They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks!"

But not until 2/3rds of mankind has died...1/3 die of war and the other 1/3 die of Pesctilences and disease!(2/3rds total)

There are 6 billion people on earth right now...4 Billion will be dead because of the antichrist!

Don't tell me nobody can be worst than Bush!

Are you nuts, or just stupid?

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And what religion is is Bush?...................Seriously i can say i am a christian and defy the bible(Bush)....Ooh and to join the Skull and Bones you have to denounce Christ and take a vow of absolute power...Do your research...So do i think this thread started out of ignorance and a scoop of bigotry...YES...............

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Funny how the word "liberal" has been coopted by the so-called poor conservatives who are being royally screwed by the Rockerfeller Republicans of Kst.

That's solely because too many of the so-called Conservatives are no more Conservative than I am Jewish. Yes, the Conservatives are being screwed by the Republicans, but only because most Conservatives refuse to accept that the Republicans no longer have any more interest in Conservatism than Josef Stalin did or his philosophiscal daughter Hillary Rodham Clinton does.

Waving the flag will not bring back the thousands of soldiers killed and tens of thouands wounded.

No, but burning it only helps our enemies, not our troops (healthy, dead, or wounded).

At this rate the GOP will go the way of the WHIG party if this war continues to drag on with excuse after excuse.

Actually what's going to kill the GOP is their absolute retreat from any sort of real Conservative values and acceptance of a watered-down version of the Liberal Socialism that the Democrat Party has been preaching for 50 years.

Yet Obama is seen as a threat.:doh:

Obama is a threat because, any of the Republicans would be amateurs at Liberal Socialism... Obama is a professional in that field.

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