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Lady friend and I are approaching the big first-year anniversary. Usually not one for these things but this is the first time I've had a relationship go this far.

We've certainly had our ups and downs. I think our saving grace has been the premium we put on communication.

Not sure if this is gonna last forever but I'm grateful its gone on this long.

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Back to School Night was tonight, which I usually dread.  It just feels awkward to get up and talk to a bunch of adults.  Funny how that works, since I have zero problem being around groups of kids.

Flipped things up this year and gave the parents a math problem to work on together and we discussed it, and then I told them how their kids approached it.  Seems like it went over well and I feel much better about it, I'll probably do this again next year.  It was a lot of fun to see some of the parents groan and squirm when they found out they had to do math, but they got into it and did a really good job.

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OK, I run Firefox, with NoScript and AdBlock.  (On a Windows XP machine.  Get off my lawn.) 

What is it with web sites now days, where I cannot view the web site unless I permit 37 Internet domains to run programs on my computer? 

I mean, I visit xyz.com, and the page doesn;t download, because I have to enable xyz.com to run programs on my computer.  I grant it temporary permission to do so. 

And the page still doesn't work, because the script on xyz.com references scripts on xyz.net, xyzcdn.net, xyzstatic.net, doubleclick.net, facebook.com, and googleagentservices.com

I enable some of those web sites to run scripts, download the partial page again, and now there's 16 domains wanting to run programs on my computer. 

I suppose I can understand that there might be some reason why a web page cannot be displayed unless I give the page permission to run programs on my computer.  (Although, frankly, I have trouble believing that it's really necessary to do that, just to display the page, as opposed to needing programming, if the user clicks on an object of some kind.) 

But to design your page so that it can't be displayed unless some other site runs a program on my computer? 

And, even worse than that, to design it so that it won't display unless the viewer runs a program from another web site which you also own?  I can't display web pages from 1.xyz.com, unless I allow programs from 2.xyz.com? 

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Yeah there's another forum I read that is particularly bad about this.  The little number in the AdBlock logo is way into the double-digits.

Edit: You really should move off XP though Larry since it has long since stopped being supported in terms of patching security exploits.

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4 minutes ago, Larry said:

OK, I run Firefox, with NoScript and AdBlock.  (On a Windows XP machine.  Get off my lawn.) 

What is it with web sites now days, where I cannot view the web site unless I permit 37 Internet domains to run programs on my computer? 


But to design your page so that it can't be displayed unless some other site runs a program on my computer? 

And, even worse than that, to design it so that it won't display unless the viewer runs a program from another web site which you also own?  I can't display web pages from 1.xyz.com, unless I allow programs from 2.xyz.com? 

I want to say Facebook (like Bank of America) won't run unless you enable Javascript, which no-script tries to block as much as it can.  I can't stand it, so I only use FB and Bank of America through the apps on my phone unless I have to (which rarely, if ever).  Seriously, whatever security you think you are accomplishing by doing this, you are negating it by sticking with XP (and I love XP).

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Sup gang?


Monday at my 'rents place went so well.  Mom opened my trunk to see her new firepit and lost her ability to keep calm.  We all got loaded while the dogs were zipping and zapping around, watched most of the game, then sat around the firepit telling stories.  Ended the night watching a Bob Marley/Wailers concert.  Ferocious.  I slept for 15 hours that night/next day.  Needed it.


Now I'm chillin' on a few beers and some shmoke.  Life is goooood my friends, it's gooooood.



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I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago for my bi-annual cleaning/checkup.  I've never had a cavity (knocks on wood) in my life.  Dentist said that my teeth were clean and the hygienist didn't have much work.  Always good news...but...

Seems I have some plaque deposits under my gums in my upper and lower molars in the back. So, they scheduled me for a deep cleaning.  Been a while since I've had the numbing shots.  They originally schedule the 2 cleanings (one side at a time) for October.  They had me on a "on-call" list when they had an opening.

Went this Wednesday and had the right side (worst side) done.  Damn that sucked.  Still sore, but getting better. Now, I want them to call me in next week and just get the other side over with.

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