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Cash up front.

If anything happens to you (death), the annuities stop. F that.

I want my family taken care of.

So your wife can live with up with her boy toy?

I'd take the lump sum too though, because there is the chance that the lotto goes insolvent. Happened in Illinois already-all guy got was an IOU from the state.

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Random:  I had to buy windshield wipers today.  Everytime I do this I shuffle into the auto-part store and find myself confronted with multiple brands and realize that I don't know anything about these things.  Other than what they do and how to install them, nothing at all.  I always make an effort to read a few of them before simply buying a set that isn't the most expensive nor the cheapest with sufficiently competent looking packaging. 


This always annoys me, but never enough to actually want to learn about windshield wipers. 

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Random: I had to buy windshield wipers today. Everytime I do this I shuffle into the auto-part store and find myself confronted with multiple brands and realize that I don't know anything about these things. Other than what they do and how to install them, nothing at all. I always make an effort to read a few of them before simply buying a set that isn't the most expensive nor the cheapest with sufficiently competent looking packaging.

This always annoys me, but never enough to actually want to learn about windshield wipers.

Just buy the Rain X ones. Great in weather & damn near last forever.
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I'm seeing it this weekend. Tried to get the wife to see it tonight for her bday but she killed that idea lol

At least you tried!  You never know until you ask, but you have a pretty good idea going in. :)  I've got friends in town for the weekend, so I can't see it until next week.  I'm a huge Terrence Malick fan, and this looks like something he would've made.  His cinematographer shot it.  I'll be disappointed if it's not a brutal, artsy, sprawling, beautiful epic.  I expect it to be too slow for some, but right in my wheelhouse.  Can't wait.


I met my lady online.  It took plenty of looking though, and there's plenty of crazy out there.  Mostly just a bunch of dudes trying to get laid and women looking for the perfect man.  That makes it hard for the decent folks on there to get traction.

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Just found out my Twitter account was hacked and somehow my handle was changed.  I rarely get on twitter anymore, get emails sent from them and usually don't pay them any attention and delete.  Accidentally opened one instead of deleting it and it was addressed to a different name.


Started looking back through deleted emails, found one back in November 2015 saying that my password had been changed.  So then I try to look up and log in with my handle and it's not found.  Wife logged into her account and that person was on there in her following list and I had disappeared.  


Clicked on his account (well my account lol) and there were like 148 people he was following.  Good thing is they list people you are following from newest to oldest (top to bottom).  Go to the bottom and there are all the Redskins players I had followed and NFL analysts.  I probably only had 28 on my list and you can see from that point on, its people he had added.


Hackers piss me off.  I sent an email to their help center and they respond back with the email address and handle doesn't match what we have on file.  No **** ****head cause I got hacked, like I explained in the ****ing email to your support staff.  I went back to that Nov. email clicked it wasn't my email associated so it would unlink it to this ****head.


Then created a new account with my email and old handle.  I hate ****ing hackers.  I hope this dickhole gets tied up spread eagle and kicked in the nuts for the rest of eternity.  



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Had a former member from here on ES,(long since gone),hack into my Photobucket account many years ago and photoshopped some rude stuff on a couple of photos. Denied it of course,but I knew who it was. Hate that crap too. 

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I guess it's possible that it was a technical error on Twitters side, but looking over his account, it's mostly art/graphics/etc. and zero reason to believe that he is a redskins fan and accidentally had and email close to mine (redskins related email address).  


Not to mention, he never really tweeted anything.  So I am 100% sure he is a ****ing scumbag and I hope he gets ****ing herpes.

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Bruh, look at Preston Smiths right arm. Lookin like inspector gadget


Look at the size of the dudes hands!


It may be a little off scale wise since his right arm looks like its coming forward a bit, but still. 


Dude could wrap one of those things around ARodgers neck with ease!


LBs set the tone, LBs set the tempo. LBs rip your adams apple out of your ****ing neck. lol

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