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It's a generational thing. I know several couples that have gotten married that met online. It's really quite normal now. Dating sites does not include Tinder.


True, I know a few also. I just don't think I could go that route.


I think one important thing to take into account with that is that a lot of those other folks have/had the same reservations that you do/did. It's gotten to the point where it's not really taboo anymore. But it's still something a lot of folks go into with hesitation or tend to err on the side of caution.


Certainly not taboo to me. I would indeed have the mentality of erring. I would walk into it worst than a blind date type of situation.


Yep. My best friend met his wife through a dating service website and they've been married 16 years.


That's pretty cool. We know Dave and Karla did as well (online I should say). I guess that I never had to go that route, so never even considered it an option.

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I met my current girlfriend through OKCupid.  I do have a theory about online dating though.  You will tend to marry someone like you because you get along with them.  Not like the old days where you want to meet someone opposite of you, because then looking at their profile, why would u go on a date with them?

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My best friend has the worst form of Alopecia that you can have. He literally has no hair on his head, including no eyebrows. He looks like a cancer patient. He moved from Memphis where we went to college to Riesterstown back in 1994. He had no family or friends up there, so he decided that the only way for him to meet women is through the dating site. He met a really sweet woman who looked past it. I'm happy for them and they have a 14 year old son.

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I met my current girlfriend through OKCupid.  I do have a theory about online dating though.  You will tend to marry someone like you because you get along with them.  Not like the old days where you want to meet someone opposite of you, because then looking at their profile, why would u go on a date with them?


That is how it is supposed to work in general. The opposites thing is about filling in the gaps (not dirty talk here) of each others personalities.

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Yep. My best friend met his wife through a dating service website and they've been married 16 years.

Wow, how old is the internet?


Generally speaking, if you've been in more than 1 fight as an adult, you're going about life the wrong way.


You got my number. I was trying to see how far I could push it, before I died.

said:..who ever that potential person is...they have crazy baggage, or are damaged goods ?

oh, you got my number too.

I tried internet dating once, because I wanted to meet and get to know a girl before having sex with her. I found one interesting girl, went on a date and had sex almost immediately.

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Omg, this is hilarious!

You're just a gigolo masquerading as a chef aren't you? :lol:

I've given that **** away far too many times.


Since I quit drinking and drugs, I have zero sex drive or urge to date. It's fantastic. I feel free.


Except for first thing in the morning.

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Generally speaking, if you've been in more than 1 fight as an adult, you're going about life the wrong way.

What counts as a fight? If a few punches thrown in a club or a bar between groups of guys puffing out their macho feathers counts, I was in a bunch in college. Mostly because someone grabbed my girlfriend or a female friend rudely and didn't appreciate my telling them impolitely to take a hike. Also because I had stupid friends that would make absurdly stupid comments at the worst times. As awful as that may be, I remember some of it fondly.

If shoving counts than I've been in a bunch playing flag football, pick up basketball, and soccer. they are ridiculous but it happens on occassion. Never had one turn into anything more than that though.

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Damn it. I bought Office last month, when I bought my laptop. My house is a mess, from getting all new crap, the dogs and just being busy and can't find the receipt, It says that my card I bought, wasn't purchased, so it's no good.

Any suggestions?

Is it Office 2010? I've had issues purchasing that one from Amazon in the past. Some third party vendors sell fake product keys and think they can get away with it.

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Is it Office 2010? I've had issues purchasing that one from Amazon in the past. Some third party vendors sell fake product keys and think they can get away with it.

It's the newest 365 Office. I bought it at office max last month when I bought my computer. Can't find my receipt.

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Am I the only person that sees ads for dating sites and think to myself...who ever that potential person is...they have crazy baggage, or are damaged goods ?

I just can't ever imagine myself using that method to find someone.

My first guess is "Who's pic did they steal?" Followed by "I wonder how many kidneys they've removed from unwitting victims"

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Confessional - I met my wife almost 16 years ago on the internet (through the now defunct Yahoo personals which I think has been replaced by Match).   


I did the whole thing - bar scene, etc until I was 24 (you have to remember at WVU the bar scene starts your Freshman year :P). Got tired of it when I moved out west and met my wife within 7 months of moving here. 


We've been married 10+ years now.

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Confessional - I met my wife almost 16 years ago on the internet (through the now defunct Yahoo personals which I think has been replaced by Match).   


I did the whole thing - bar scene, etc until I was 24 (you have to remember at WVU the bar scene starts your Freshman year :P). Got tired of it when I moved out west and met my wife within 7 months of moving here. 


We've been married 10+ years now.


Lol You mean you couldn't find Ms Evil Genius at Fat Daddy's?

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Lol You mean you couldn't find Ms Evil Genius at Fat Daddy's?


I don't remember it in Morgantown. I wonder how long it's been there. The funny thing is - I was an RA one year and I met a freshman diver (she wasn't on my floor) who I did date for almost 4 years. I thought she was the future Ms. Evil Genius until she decided she wanted to play for the other team. 


I think that's the hardest hit I ever took in life. Harder than any tackle or kick to the nuts or full speed collision at home plate. 

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I don't remember it in Morgantown. I wonder how long it's been there. The funny thing is - I was an RA one year and I met a freshman diver (she wasn't on my floor) who I did date for almost 4 years. I thought she was the future Ms. Evil Genius until she decided she wanted to play for the other team. 


I think that's the hardest hit I ever took in life. Harder than any tackle or kick to the nuts or full speed collision at home plate. 


It was up there the last time I went a couple years ago. Decent bar. My few times ever visiting Motown I went there, The Cue, Sportspage, and I think the other place was called The Beanery or something like that. All were pretty cool.

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I have no doubt you can find and build fruitful relationship online, I just think thise people are far outnumbered by people with ulterior motives


i think that you just described the human race.   


the sorting out and final choice process will ALWAYS be fraught.... all that online dating does is change the initial pool beyond people that you just happen to physically run into somewhere (plus the "blinds" that your friends' loony significant others might set you up with... )



that said... i met MY wife in the 1980s the old-fashioned way (drunk at college), and while I may have been hitting the pre-internet modem based message boards and the alt.binaries. ....   newsgroups in the 1980s, i am pretty sure that the supply of women in those sites was pretty limited :-s

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Got knocked out cold at the blackhole in like '97. Suckered punched during a brawl. Came to and I was being dragged to the car lol

Got jumped by some MS-13 dudes, kicked me in the face and cut a hole through my upper lip. needed 4 stitches, hurt like ****. still have the scar, though my 'stache covers it.

Last fight I've been in was in Kyrgyzstan in the military (22). It was a playoff game in our Manas Air Base bball league. I was dogging this marine in the paint the whole game, he was getting mad as hell. Big ugly ass dude. I went up for a layup on fast break, and out of frustration, he flat out slapped me in the face really hard on a block attempt. Landed on my back, hit my head, nose was bleeding. I touched my face, saw the blood, and RAGED. I got up slowly, loaded up the right hand, and ended his existence with a straight jab to the face. He dropped instantly and was leaking from his nose. Blood all over the ****ing court.

I stood over him, flexing and screaming, until people pulled me back. He curled up like a **** too cuz he thought I was gonna stomp him (I wasn't, that's not me).

Colonel saw the whole thing, he let our enlisted leadership handle it. My Chief Master Sgt and his Gunny Sgt swept it under the rug for the most part, no formal discipline. We had to shake hands and apologize in his supervisor's office the next day. He was in that joint lookin' like one-eyed Willy, socket on swole.

I had to do 2 weeks of contractor supervision as punishment. After my normal duty hours, i had to escort the local contractors who came on base to empty the crappers lol. God damn ****ing marines.

Got word later that my team blew the lead and lost the game, too. lol

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It's the newest 365 Office. I bought it at office max last month when I bought my computer. Can't find my receipt.


if ya paid with a card they should be able to easily find the transaction.

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i think that you just described the human race.

the sorting out and final choice process will ALWAYS be fraught.... all that online dating does is change the initial pool beyond people that you just happen to physically run into somewhere (plus the "blinds" that your friends' loony significant others might set you up with... )

that said... i met MY wife in the 1980s the old-fashioned way (drunk at college), and while I may have been hitting the pre-internet modem based message boards and the alt.binaries. .... newsgroups in the 1980s, i am pretty sure that the supply of women in those sites was pretty limited :-s

Good point. It is a good way to sift through the usual bs that you'd encounter in day to day interactions.

I think its a good place for serious, middle aged workaholics that are really taking their destiny into their hAnds, instead if wishing to baooen upon it.

I think thats where sites like Match.com may come in handy

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