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So get this.  Wife just went out and checked the mail and next thing I know she comes running in the house freaking out.  Saying that there was an envelope in the mailbox from somewhere in CA that she has no clue, handwritten to her and she can't make out the name cause it's rubbed out.


Then says that the corner was ripped on it and there were wires sticking out, so she dropped it in the yard.  Took a picture of the front of it and thinks its a bomb.  She was asking me if we should call the police.  I'm silently thinking to myself, "No, you should get to the grocery store and get the stuff we need for dinner.......and some beer."


I get her calmed down and asked her if she thought we should try and google the address first before calling the bomb squad in (LOL).  Turns out is some company in CA and the name was rubbed out on the envelope only exposing the bottom of the letters, but it matched up.  She is still freaked out and had no idea about the company.  I google the phone # and it matches up with the address.


It's from a toy company that makes remote controlled cars, helicopters, etc.  And then she remembered that it was a part needed for the toy helicopter she bought her cousins son for Christmas (the charger was missing).  She ordered it through another company and was dealing with them on getting the charger sent and had no idea it would come directly from the manufacturer.  We got a good laugh out of it, least I did.


Went outside and I'm thinking its one of those big mug envelopes and nah, it's just a standard one you would send a letter in.  I'd have probably just opened it lol

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Ordered 4 hats from Lids, some of my current ones are getting worn out.  Hornets, FSU and two Redskins ones.  All '47 brand.  This one came yesterday in time for the playoffs :)  Not sure why they shipped them separately, but whatever.




This one has a different pattern than mine, guess they vary depending on what part of the camo cloth it's cut from.  But it's very close to this one.

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Gonna let my nerd out...

Finally getting into Game of Thrones because of all the hype in here recently. I really like it. That said, unless something happens, Wheel of Time >> GoT.

Unfortunately there's not enough ****ing in WoT for it to ever be a high priced, well done TV show. Shame. It's still the best fantasy series I've ever read (including LoTR).

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Well I'm locked out of my damn es browser so I can only post through phone. Haven't a clue what my password is.

You ever get that feeling when you enter the correct password three times but get locked out?



Are you locked out of your ES account on your home computer?  Like cleaned browser history and it no longer remembers your password for ES?  


Cause in that case it's called "I've Forgotten My Password" link and it will let you reset it, will send a message to your email account set-up with ES.

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My biggest fear reg. GoT is that eventually they catch up to/get ahead of the books and we end up having to wait an extra year between seasons.

That's pretty much already happened (though there's some things left from the books to squeeze in this upcoming season along with new/different stuff).

But they aren't going to wait for the books, cause Martin already said the latest one won't be out before the upcoming season (which may have some big reveals/events, and there were a few in the past season as well.)

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Mad Men is a great show. I have only gotten 2 episodes deep into GoT........but I know it has ass and titties...

I can watch porno for ass n titties, I'm exaggerating but I've never understood the hype from just ass and titties. If done correctly its a great tool but I don't care for shows who show it just to show. Not saying GoT is one of those shows, I feel like Boardwalk Empire was one of those shows, I feel like they hit a lot of sex **** just for the sake of it.
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Last fight I was in, I think I was about to get stabbed or mugged. Took me years to come up with that theory. Overnight hours, at a hotel w/my gf, walk to the 7-11 for snacks, guy asks for a dollar, I say no, he approaches me quickly, we make eye contact, and I drop him with one punch. My lead hand, just a simple cross. Don't enter my space, bro. I thought about it for years - and either the guy was on drugs (my first theory), or he had a switchblade and didn't quite reach me.

Hardest pawnch was a few falcon punches I took against 2 dudes. One had me in a rear naked choke, the other was punching me. I was handling business until the friend jumped in from behind. Blah. That's a street fight for ya, don't get in 'em. If you really have to, all bets are off, grab a pipe, knee nuts, bite, eye poke...or some bull**** will happen to you. Do anything to GTFO. My problem was trying to show off skills in a non-regulated environment. Should've headbutted the mother****er who ended up choking me, opportunity was there.

My favorite street fight was when this friend of a friend was picking fights all night in a busy parking lot. Apparently he was a big shot fighter and my friend was hyping him up. I didn't have a car with me, so I was stuck there. I was like what have my gotten myself in to?! So this "fighter" is drunk, picking fights, stinking it up, sucks. No hands, slow, blah blah blah. His friends end up helping him during the two tough fights. Finally the dude comes to me and is pissed I didn't help him at all. I was like, "I just met you, you shouldn't need help." He starts swinging at me when I'm sitting on the curb. I block the punches and stand up. I insist that I don't want to fight, but he keeps swinging and swinging. Slow and wide hooks, I just block and block and block and BLOCK. It's so repetitive, but I actually felt sorry for the guy. It was a joke to me. Finally I turn my head to answer something someone said and the guy tries to sucker punch me. I catch the punch and unleash a 10 punch combo from the Boys & Girls Club of Twinbrook, MD that broke this mother****er's nose, gashed his lip and made him unable to stand for a good 2 minutes. Dude was leaking blood like crazy. Never made someone bleed nearly that much, before or since.

Haven't been in a street fight since my mid 20s.

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