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The portable speaker costs 20 dlars. You plug your phone in and you'll never listen to radio in the morning again.

When people are down and money is tight, $20 feels like $100 or $200, depending on your current financial situation.  Not jumping on you by any means.  If you have never been in that situation, I hope you don't have to go through it, it sucks.

I found that having music on my phone took up too much space and I hardly every want to "listen" to music on my phone. Granted, I have an I-Phone 4 that doesn't have a lot of space, but I have CDs and a player in my truck along with one at home, which is usually the time I want to listen to music. Yeah, probably sounds old fashioned, but I'm really getting to the age where I only want to keep up with technology to a certain extent.


When I had records, they went to cassettes.  So I bought cassettes.  When they went to CDs, I bought CDs.  Now everyone is downloading on their I-Pods and Phones. I don't have an I-Pod and I don't need it on my phone. I'm not keeping up anymore. I like my CDs.  They play fine.


Some things I don't mind keeping up with (paying bills online vs checks, internet/I-Phone vs flip phone), but some things I'll just have to be stubborn about.

You can always download the Pandora app on your phone or look up the artist and full album on Youtube to listen as well.  I don't have one song on my phone, never have, never will.

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When people are down and money is tight, $20 feels like $100 or $200, depending on your current financial situation.  Not jumping on you by any means.  If you have never been in that situation, I hope you don't have to go through it, it sucks.

You can always download the Pandora app on your phone or look up the artist and full album on Youtube to listen as well.  I don't have one song on my phone, never have, never will.


Nah, like you I won't put any music on it.  My soon to be ex-wife put a bunch of music on my phone for me when I first got it, but I never listened to it or even thought of listening to it. I took all the music off about 6 months ago. Haven't missed it. Like you said, if I want to hear a partiular song, I youtube it.


I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I love a lot of it, but despise a lot of it also.

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TEG, you know that's only reserved for NFC East teams.


The golden boys lose their star QB when they really don't need one to go 2-2 during that stretch.


Hell, I bet Garoppolo goes 3-1.  Maybe the Cowboys give them a challenge?



My real money is on a judge throwing it out and the Pats walk away free and clear - chuckling about it on sportscenter.

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ftw.  Pandora & Spotify.  I agree that music took up a buttload of space on my phone and I didn't listen to half of it


Back in the day, when I had just a flip phone that could basically only text, no internet, I bought a 4GB iPod.  The OG of iPods, the ones that are almost the same width and about 1.5 inches shorter than the iPhone 4. 


I got it because I was a manager at the time and had to travel some and it made the plane ride go faster.  Allowed me to lay back, close my eyes and tune out all the other **** passengers on the flight.  


Screaming crying baby four rows up to the left........pfffft, cry away young fella cause all I hear is "The Watcher 2" with Jay and Dre.  Old man coughing and sweaty, hacking like he's Doc Holiday from Tombstone..........I'm your huckleberry ****, what's that?  I can't hear you over this Luda.


I don't use it anymore though, still works though.  Pandora or Youtube makes it so much easier.

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I actually have an MP3 player that still works. I take that on flights.

Last flight I went on was back in 2012 when we went to Disney World.  I had my iPhone, that was about it, no music.  But I had plenty of game apps to keep me busy if I needed to.  


Granted from CLT to Orlando it's right around an hour and a half, so by the time you feel the need to do something, you're almost there.

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I'm just getting around to watching last Sunday's episode of The Strain. I have no idea why I'm still watching this show. The writing is bad, the acting not much better.

I messed up the DVR and ended up only keeping 5 at a time, so every new one would replace the oldest recorded one.  Went back to watch it and realized that I had lost a bunch of episodes.  Scrapped it and decided to watch it when it hit Netflix.


I think that's what happened to it, hell, I have so many shows recorded and saved up ready to watch like Gotham, Hannibal, etc.  all of them, haven't watched one episode yet lol

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People act like they have no choice but to listen to regular radio. You have options. You have a smartphone. That smartphone picks up podcasts. You plug that phone in your car. Problem solved.

"But I don't have an Aux jack in my car "

Neither did I. I got a portable speaker.

You gotta get a bluetooth FM Transmitter. Portable speakers for car travel is for chumps.
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Remember when so many people used to complain about how bad TWD was and nitpick it to death?

Seems a lot of that has died down the past few seasons, thankfully. Now we just pick on Carl still.

I've thought it was great from Ep 1 though and loved season 2 which most hated



I actually love them all too, but there were some very, very slow episodes in Season 4 leading up to Terminus.  I'm all for build-up, but it seemed like season 4 was one, big long build-up overall and less action.  Granted, Rick going ape-**** and some other awesome highlights made up for it.  


I thought they tried a little too hard with the separate paths approach that season, with Maggie/Glenn, Rick/Carl, etc. showing how they all got to Terminus.  Timing of it caught me off-guard since it was almost always constant action up until that point.  Looking back though, it was necessary and well planned.  

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Don't care what anybody says. Season 2 Carl was a pain in the ass. Dumbass got himself shot, which got Otis killed, and made Shane Capt. Wacko, then decided that he wanted Shane to be his daddy instead of the man from who's testicles he came from, that slaughtered hundreds of Walkers to get to him and his whore mother.

Then he gets my boy Dale chomped. Dale was awesome, man :(. Slick Rick and Michonne made a grown ass man out of him in the end though

Fear of The Walking Dead kicks off in like 3 weeks B)

And the real Walking dead in like 7-8 weeks (whoops, more like 12). Almost time to rock the Rick Grimes avi again
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 Almost time to rock the Rick Grimes avi again


yes indeed.  Had rick holding that tre-five-seb'n.  wooo weeee.  blow yo' head smoov off.


and yeah...Carl's little gump ass wouldn't stay in the house, which led to multiple people getting rocked off.   He's a G now, though.  Sursum Cordas status.

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I actually have an MP3 player that still works. I take that on flights.


No offense but at this point you are just whining.  I mean really?  Your phone is an MP3 player.

I listen to my phone at the gym and in the car, just like I would have with an MP3 player, or a Sony Walkman with a cassette.  It just holds more music.


Ya claim to not like technology but ya have an MP3 player and **** about the cell phone.

Lighten up frances.




Ya can't be Eeyore all the time.  Break out and try and enjoy life.


I mean really.

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No offense but at this point you are just whining.  I mean really?  Your phone is an MP3 player.

I listen to my phone at the gym and in the car, just like I would have with an MP3 player, or a Sony Walkman with a cassette.  It just holds more music.


Ya claim to not like technology but ya have an MP3 player and **** about the cell phone.

Lighten up frances.




Ya can't be Eeyore all the time.  Break out and try and enjoy life.


I mean really.


It's all about perspective though.  Me personally, I love technology.  I'm an avid PC/console gamer, love my HD, surround sound, etc.  


But like I stated, I've never put a song, outside of ringtones on my iPhone 4 or my current Galaxy S5.  I personally prefer to use the space for apps, photos, videos, etc.  If I want to listen to music, I'll fire up Pandora or Youtube.


Wife is the opposite, she filled up her iPhone 4 32GB with music.  For what I need my phone for, if I feel the urge to listen to music, Pandora and Youtube satisfy.  And I don't have to fill up space to add songs.  


Not saying its the only way, but thats my perspective on it.

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