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These two...jeepers. Heat ?!?!


Ugh. It's a shame.



I haven't had any issues with leftover Chinese food before.  I don't usually order enough to have left-overs though.  If I have extra, it is almost always planned, I'd just order another dish and let it cool properly and toss it in the fridge.  


I'd never eat it more than one day old though, I'm weird like that sometimes.  


So when is Dave and Busters?  I'm ready.  Come on you couple of Gumps.  Let's get something planned.

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3. Does anyone actually watch Full Metal Jacket after Pyle shoots himself? The scenes in Vietnam drag forever and seem to be shot on the set they used for the play in Rushmore.


I actually do. I've always looked forward to the end scenes where the sniper is cutting the squad up and they go in that abandoned building for vengeance. 

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So when is Dave and Busters?  I'm ready.  Come on you couple of Gumps.  Let's get something planned.

It might be Sept. for me, after Labor Day weekend.  Pretty booked up with beach vacations, birthday parties, etc.  I'm definitely down though.  

I'm going down to Greenville SC in a couple of weeks for business. Anybody in the Ararat know anything about the place?


BMW plant is there, that's about all I know lol.  You flying or driving?  That would be a long road trip from the DC area.

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If y'all are looking for another Netflix doc, try the one "A Year in Antarctica" one. I think thats what its called. We watched it last night. Pretty stunning visuals, along with an in depth look at the people who go there for work 6 months or more out of the year, and how they run the gamut of emotions, spending time away from their families, and eventually bonding with the other people there.

Pretty damn good stuff

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I remember my Mom almost didn't let us get Mortal Kombat because it was too violent. And this was on the SNES, so no blood or graphic fatalities.

Poor kid.

I was exposed to every goddamn thing. I remember playing DOOM when I was like 6. Pretty bad, but with all the crazy and horrific games I played, and movies I watched, nothing got me to rethink things quite like the first Max Payne. Just so dark and depressing.

Probably had a little to do with the fact that I was also recovering from the trauma of 9/11.

But that **** tore me up. The nightmare sequences with the blood trails from the babies room with it screaming off in the distance? Man....Thats one game I can absolutely say I had no business playing.

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But that **** tore me up. The nightmare sequences with the blood trails from the babies room with it screaming off in the distance? Man....Thats one game I can absolutely say I had no business playing.

My. Man. That part of the game jacked me up. Really intense. PS2 classic

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