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I'm watching The Lazarus Effect. Typical horror movie. None of these are original anymore. 


EDIT: Just finished it. It started out interesting, but degenerated into this typical supernatural being killing people one by one garbage that you see in nearly every horror movie now. 

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Im on record numerous times across several threads these last couple as saying that The Conjuring was a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the American horror scene. Unoriginal. Very predictable. Overhyped. Overadvertised. Doesn't mean it sucked, but it also doesnte mean that it was as good as virtually everyone said it was. I am an old school Hitch****/Lovecraft/King horror fan. I think there is a vast universe of knowlege and ideas that one can obtain, if they truly sit down and begin to ponder what truly scares us. Fear of the unknown. Conveying a sense of foreboding, omnipresence, terror, hopelessness. Using sound, using no sound, using camera angles, using real props, using anything but the constantly regurgitated crap that gets sent through theatres

Just a sad factory of remakes, reboots, possession movies, lame found footage movies, and movies with some troubled little kid. Wash, rinse, repeat, make 4 sequels if its halfway decent, and run it into the ground. Thats your Hollywood horror scene

I can think of just 3 horror movies I was at least satisfied by, and none of them made it to theatres (Mama, Grave Encounters, Europa Report). Oculus was another one that I thought was solid. Thats really it, for me at least

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Only one horror flick has ever truly scared me. I mean truly, this **** could happen seriously disturbingly scared me. 


The Exorcist. Seems so dated now, but if you believe in all that, and even worse, have had experiences of malevolent spirits (though not to anything like that extent ..... I only have to hear the music and it puts the beejeepers up me. 



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BTW, I've been meaning to mention that I got mad respect for your sig.


I was around 13-14 (1992) playing some football with the neighborhood kids when one of their older brothers came by and was blasting Rage on a boombox (remember those?). Before the end of the week a bunch of us had gotten casette copies of that first Rage album. 


I think I've seen them in concert probably about ten times. Ah, good times. 

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I feel lost in here when you guys start talking about two things:

Video games and

Rap/Hip Hop

I don't play video games and I don't listen to Rap or Hip Hop.




I like Classic Rock, some Pop, Blues, some Country and Classical (Symphony).  Not a big fan of Jazz, twangy country or bubble gum pop.

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Birdman tried to kill lil Wayne.

There went my $500.

You have survived again Wayne but I will have the last laugh...

I really liked RE2 as well. IIRC they had a bunch of different endings depending on who you played as right? Also remember it being easier than RE1 though.

It was easier but it was longer and had more replay value. There were 4 endings I believe, one standard for each character and then an alternate for each. It also had branching paths and more unique stories for each character compared to RE.

I don't think you discover Tyrant until your alternate playthroughs which was a really cool addition

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