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Yeah, I wish real life was as entertaining as the movies, where you can just tell someone to **** off and drop the mic, but thats just not the way it works. Everybody knows somebody, and that somebody that you're trying to get to hire you may know somebody else that you **** on. And you want good references.


My first job ever, at Food Lion back in 2004, when I left I left on good terms. Throughout all the entries on my resume, you can call anybody, and they'd put in a good word for me. Even the ****ty job I had at a marketing firm out of school. Unbearable, but I was a good soldier, and busted my ass. People respect that.

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Yeah, no way I will burn bridges. I like my job, the people I work with, and am very grateful for the opportunity they gave me coming out of school ... which makes the quitting process that much harder. That's why I'm trying to be as respectful as possible ... and feared 3 weeks might not be enough. I already know my leaving will put great burden on my boss and co-worker, so I'd like to lessen the blow and given that this is kind of a drastic, recent development, I feel bad dropping the bomb on em. But it is what it is.

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Complicated ... no job lined up, going full-tilt ... but wife took an opp of a lifetime in DC area (our home town obv.) and is starting mid-April, so I'm following close on her heels. We have some $$ saved up to allow me to basically go a few months without a job (or more) but ideally I'd like to be working ASAP ... mainly due to the fact that I don't want to die of boredom. Already have 25 job applications out ... but also have May 6th etched into the calendar to hit the Nats 1 PM game ... so hopefully I don't have a commitment by then! 


I could offer to stay on longer, but we had to make a commitment on our month-to-month lease yesterday ... to give it up at the end of this month. I also didn't like the idea of a long-distance marriage just for the sake of money. The sooner I can get "home" the better ... it snowed yesterday ... I'm at my wits end haha

Offer to stay 3. Be kind, be respectful—like you already said you would be. If your work or part of it doesn't really need you to be in the office they may allow you to work remotely and pay you as a freelancer.  It happened to me, same thing my wife wanted to move "home"—I came in gave my letter of resignation. Early afternoon CEO calls me in and asks if I want to do the same job, same pay remotely. 



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This Wale CD is awesome. He's matured as a rapper big time. Not that he's the next Common or Talib, but he's a lot more conscious now with his lyrics, not just bottles and hoes.

Jerry Seinfeld does a monologue at the beginning of every song, discussing the theme of the track. Pretty funny

He has a song called "White Shoes" in which he talks about the pressures of maintaining appearences in the black community in DC and how superficial the area is.

I'm gonna give it a listen to it tonight. I'll let you know.

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Tweakin' a bit about leaving my current (and first official) job. I was planning on giving notice Friday and allowing 3 weeks to transition out. I've checked around on various internet sites about protocol, being my first time doing this, and being that this is a very small organization, I keep seeing "month or more" as far as giving notice, but I was thinking 3 weeks would be enough, plus it puts me in a position to not be left too vulnerable if they ask me to step down immediately (unlikely, but playing it safe).


Any suggestions? Office is very small ... very personally close and connected as is probably the norm in small organizations ... but I'm moving away as soon as my 3 weeks is up, so I'm basically looking to rip the bandaid off and be done with it.


Three weeks is fine, I've really only seen people give a two weeks notice. Two weeks is enough time to help them figure who takes over your duties and leave on good terms. 

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My coworkers just got me pretty good on an April Fools.


Without getting in to too much detail, they scheduled 5 interviews for me on the work calendar for tomorrow, which is hella work.  And I was like wtf is this?  This is bull**** yada yada yada.  Sent an email to my supervisor.  Then my coworker was like, you don't have any interviews tomorrow!


I thought it was a good one.  You'd have to know my job to get it, but believe me it was solid.

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Yeah, 3 weeks is MORE than enough, JMS. I left a really small co last year. Gave 2 weeks notice. Did my best to help with the transition, and left on great terms. As long as you are respectful, 2 weeks is standard professional notice.

And congrats on taking this next big step!

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See, that's when serving **** like that just gets stupid.  You can't fit that in your mouth, might as well order 9 separate burgers, no buns, with one bun on the side.  


I've never understood why restaurants do stuff like this.  Publicity, sure, but I see that and think its stupid.  I dunno, if you can't physically "eat" it as is and have to break it down to do so, where is the appeal?  

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