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I have never been one for the keeping up with the jones type of thing to begin with. I do my own thing, and if it's flossy, so be it. If not...I don't care one bit.

This just gave me a Mike Jones Flossin flashback..........Kosh is Mike Jones?   :D


Kosh pull up in a drop top holding grain

Parking lot pimpin mayne,

he ain't even trippin mayne

Screens rain as he slide up and down the block

Ride daily holding glock

cuz he know haters plot

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Most people work hard because they have to. I have zero problem with the way they live their lives. They can afford to live it how they want.

We live in a country where people gather around the tv to watch dudes make dumb duck calls. Or watch Two And a Half Men or Big Bang Theory, which are two of the most unfunniest shows ive ever seen. Ive just never understood the hate and stupidity that gets thrown their way continuously

Dudes that get salty because Kim made a sextape and got rich off of it (among other ventures). I bet they watched it though... making her more money.

I dont watch their show a whole lot, so I dont have much of an opinion. She's rich. She's hot. She's probably not very bright. Yet the earth still spins Nd the world keeps on going

*hides Big Bang theory blu Ray set*

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that said.. the Kardashians have to be a huge combo of both good at what they do, and damned lucky to stay "on top of the game" as long as they have.  For every Kardashian, there are literally hundreds of thousands of "kato kaelin's" that TRY to be the Kadashians... but just can't stay on the cover of ButtSoup Weekly long enough to cash in.  

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This just gave me a Mike Jones Flossin flashback..........Kosh is Mike Jones?   :D


Kosh pull up in a drop top holding grain

Parking lot pimpin mayne,

he ain't even trippin mayne

Screens rain as he slide up and down the block

Ride daily holding glock

cuz he know haters plot


Pretty much man.


Rolling through the Nest... with my best gear,

Too much traffic... trying to push it... into 6th gear,

Bamma on my sack... when I'm trying to get beer,

Trying to figure out the option... if he plans to gets near.


Sliding down the block, did that all day,

Got home safe and just in time to watch the Terps play.


Recognize. Sorry Taze... I guess I ran out of likes.

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I hate deleting emails off the actual server.......takes forever.  I have all my email accounts funneled through to my phone.  So, even though its managed everyday there, the original messages are still on my ISP.  Just looked and had over 1000 emails on one account with Road Runner.  


**** takes forever to delete, can only do 25 at a time.  Then after you delete out of your inbox, you have to go back and delete all of it from your trash folder.  With all the technology and stuff we have, couldn't they spring for a ****ing delete all option?

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I'm so done eating Skittles.  Like seriously, I am making a serious effort to stop.  Not only are they horrible for you, but they **** up my throat, specifically Sour Skittles.  Been scratchy since 2 pm when I ate them.  Can't sleep.  Done, I am so serious right now.   :angry:

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the whole ****ing dream, just walking.

I don't know why, but this reminded me of my Olympic experience here in ATL in '96...I was undergoing some extremely expensive dental work at the time, and all I could do was walk around. Couldn't afford one single event, and I didn't care what it was, just wanted to witness sports on the ultimate level. Denied.
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I was involved in a 3 car accident same as yours. Lady plowed into the back of my jeep, forcing me into the car in front of mine. Insurance company found the lady who hit me at fault for all of it. It's not always the fault of the middle car hitting the front one.

I learned something(that can piss drivers behind me off, but whatevs)...make sure you can see the full rear tires of the car in front of you when you're at a stop. Unless someone hits you super hard, you won't hit the car ahead of you, you've given enough room.

And if you do, tell the officer you were using this "wisdom of your grandfather". They'll at least write down that you were employing good driving practices. It may help.

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I don't know why, but this reminded me of my Olympic experience here in ATL in '96...I was undergoing some extremely expensive dental work at the time, and all I could do was walk around. Couldn't afford one single event, and I didn't care what it was, just wanted to witness sports on the ultimate level. Denied.


If I had known you then, I would have hooked you up. I had tickets to a bunch of stuff (Diving, Swimming, Boxing, Basketball, Track, etc. ) . Gave all of them away because I moved back to DC in July a week or so before they started (had to be the 5th or 6th that I left ).

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1. Even in the modern era, majority of championship caliber teams didn't get there without a good running game. Look at the SB champion list. NE, Sea, NYG, Pitt, GB...Do I need to continue?


2. Hmm...That theory really worked well for the Shehawks in the SB this year didn't it?


I can't watch ESPN, NFLN, and some of the other TV "Analysis" anymore without cringing. Drives me up a wall. It's all about trend and convenience. "What have you done for me lately?" and "Who is the best name to overhype this week and then bash the next?" It's okay when we completely miss the mark like we do ALL THE TIME, we'll just act like it never happened.

I think there are some people in all the sports news outlets who take their jobs seriously and do their best to put out good work.

On the whole though, the industry exists just to spew content because there are enough people who just crave sports talk that they will listen to anything even if they hate what they're listening to.  

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Let's hope mom has strong genes ;)

For serious!

So um...hey guys...I'm gonna be a dad. It's a boy. I've known for awhile but figured I'd share. I know there are quite a few parents who hang here.

Congrats my dude. Life changing ****. It's nothing like what you expect but everything you ever wanted.

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