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If I learned anything this weekend its that, saying you've been "Contact high" is the same thing as saying you got drunk from just being around drunk people


I thought contact high meant you made contact with a cloud of weed smoke, and as you were breathing, you got a very slight high.  So it's being around another person who is high, without even inhaling the weed smoke?


I love when I'm jogging and go through a cloud of weed smoke drifting from a house or vehicle.  Be slowin down and ****.  Still be doing the jogging motion, like the joggers who stand still doing the jogging motion at intersections.  Be taking enormously deep breaths, holding it in and ****.


Be in a car with a Snoop Dog level hotbox and yo ass won't even need to take a hit.  Be like Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiizzle mahhhh nizzzzzleeessss.  I'm high toooooooo.  :D

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Has anyone else noticed that the Viagra commercials now say "Remember you only take it when you need it" thats a new line. Have people just been popping Viagra pills walking around with a hard on all day? I can't understand why they would add that line other than some idiot just chain popping Viagra pills and then trying to sue the company or something.


i think that is because one of the competitors (Cialis?  i don;t remember which) basically advertises that you take it all the time, and therefore are always ready to go, and ready to be spontaneous.   


but if you are a geezer with your one scheduled monthly appointment at the Thai massage parlor... do you really want to take (and pay for) the pills every day? 

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If I learned anything this weekend its that, saying you've been "Contact high" is the same thing as saying you got drunk from just being around drunk people


It's smoke that's spread throughout the air, compared to liquid that goes directly in to a person's body.  The smoke in the air goes in to your lungs, where the THC is absorbed. 


Last weekend you did what is the equivalent of downing a 5th of Jack Daniels, compared to a contact high which is like a quarter of a beer.  Listen, I'm a bigtime beer drinker, but I can tell the difference between feeling sober, and having had a few sips of beer.  It's very slight, but it's there.


My ex used to get stoned when I'd hotbox her.  She didn't smoke, but lol, she'd be like, "you got me high, asshole!"


Smoke inhalation during a fire is the exact same mechanism.  I don't see why it's hard to believe.  "No way it can be true"?

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I don't believe it. All the other people who smoke who I ask think its also "BS". Everyone and their mother would be failing drug tests then if the thc in the air was enough to get you high. If someone smoking weed has the ability to get someone high who doesn't want to be high from 2nd hand smoke, then smoking weed anywhere other than inside your own home, should be a crime because you're putting other people at risk of doing a drug they might not want to do. Its like 2nd hand smoke causing cancer there is no evidence of it.

You would be just as bad as drunk drivers

Yes a lot of smoke in a small space could do it I don't disagree with you. But weed smoke floating down the street or 1 person smoking a J in a room with other people is not going to get anyone else "contact high"

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Its true.  Depends on how exposed you are to it and how potent and how much smoke is in the air.  I haven't ever smoked weed, I can tell you for a fact on two or three occasions, I got a contact buzz at my buddies apartment in college.  All of them were huge smokers, hell I rarely saw one of his roommates without his face buried in a bong.


I went over a few times to pick him up cause we were all going out to get smashed, was waiting in the living room with a huge cloud of smoke hovering and I got pretty buzzed from it sitting there breathing it in for 15-20 mins.  


Some say it's not enough to fail a drug test, others say that can happen.  I don't know that I believe it can caused a failed drug test, but know for a fact it can get you buzzed temporarily.  You don't trip or anything like that, it was more like a mild alcohol buzz for me.  

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I don't believe it. All the other people who smoke who I ask think its also "BS". Everyone and their mother would be failing drug tests then if the thc in the air was enough to get you high. If someone smoking weed has the ability to get someone high who doesn't want to be high from 2nd hand smoke, then smoking weed anywhere other than inside your own home, should be a crime because you're putting other people at risk of doing a drug they might not want to do. Its like 2nd hand smoke causing cancer there is no evidence of it.

You would be just as bad as drunk drivers

Yes a lot of smoke in a small space could do it I don't disagree with you. But weed smoke floating down the street or 1 person smoking a J in a room with other people is not going to get anyone else "contact high"


Not everyone and their mothers are around weed enough (or at all) to fail drug tests.  Not all of them are getting tested, either.  And like I just said, there are levels to being high just like there are levels to being drunk.  I can smoke the hell out of midgrade weed and be fine, but great weed, a hit is like taking a double shot of 151.  Be like OWWWWWW!!!! WOOO!!!  Oh ****!  **** man!


Jogging down the street, okay, maybe the Placebo effect gets me.  Maybe I just love the smell of weed.  Ugh man, I do, and I will CONTINUE TO INHALE IT HARD as I jog down the street.  The problem with my perspective is, I like to smoke up before I jog, so I'm already high.  It's like having 5 shots of liquor and taking a sip of beer and trying to detect if it made you more drunk.  It doesn't, I'm already floating.

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Man, I wish I would've met some of you ES'ers before we all got married. Would've been a flippin riot

I used to close **** down.  Then go to a friends or back to my house and drink until morning.  I remember stumbling to bed one morning at 6:00 am and the wife was getting ready for work and just looked at me and shook her head lol.  I slept til 1pm, ate and vegged out all day cause I was off.

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I really don't see the big deal with either answer.  Anyone that is asking someone that question should know that if responded with, "I've had a contact high/buzz before, that's it." then they haven't smoked weed before.  


In the past when people have asked me, I responded with "No.  Never smoked before.  Been around it a lot, just passed.  Closest I've come would be a contact high or buzz on a few occasions."


Some people are testing your comfort zone and trying to feel you out before they blaze a joint or fire up a bong.  

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The Mothership just reported that Inglewood just approved a plan to fast track a Rams backed NFL stadium. Looks like the city of St Louis is truly gonna **** around and lose their team. Wow.


Aren't the Chargers going there too?  I'm admittedly behind on this story.  Reminds me of the ole Raiders/Rams days.  I was a Jim Everett fan because I had a ****load of his football cards.  Then he won me over when he sent Jim Rome flying.  Weeee!  Lol.


Weird how LA has had two teams, then no teams, and now two teams again.  Gonna be a ton of convert and noob Chargers fans, as well as old Rams fans being rejuvenated.  You gotta think some of those old Rams fans kept their fandom of the team as they played in St. Louis.

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St. Louis is a baseball town first.  Though moving them back to CA seems stupid imo based on past history of lack of support, thus relocation for them and the Raiders in the first place.  The NFL just has to have a team in that market cause not doing so admits failure.


I wouldn't say that it is a failure.


Some of the cities they have football in like JAX or GB are mini markets at best some others are in dying or dead cities, Buffalo, Detroit, etc..


LA is just a huge market that they want. They are super successful otherwise. Hell, the SB commercials were 4.5M for 30 seconds this year.

Aren't the Chargers going there too?  I'm admittedly behind on this story.  Reminds me of the ole Raiders/Rams days.  I was a Jim Everett fan because I had a ****load of his football cards.  Then he won me over when he sent Jim Rome flying.  Weeee!  Lol.


Weird how LA has had two teams, then no teams, and now two teams again.  Gonna be a ton of convert and noob Chargers fans, as well as old Rams fans being rejuvenated.  You gotta think some of those old Rams fans kept their fandom of the team as they played in St. Louis.


You're close. Oakland and San Diego threw their hats into the situation to say they would build and share their own stadium.

St. Louis was a separate thing.

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Young, me and my "girl" was talking earlier. She asked me something about why am I always putting the wants of other people over my own. So I said this...

"I like to make people happy. Sometimes that means putting their needs over mine. I'm cool with that though. God has blessed me to be able to handle that. What is the one thing I can do, realistically speaking, that can bring you happiness? I won't promise I'll do it, but I'll be as persistent as possible. I'm about to go to class, but I want you to really think about this and let me know."


This bamma said, "the one thing that would make me happy is if you can take me to Chipotle tonight."




I did ask her to be serious, and she replied, but when I first read her first answered I almost had a heart-attack man lol

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