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I think the biggest reason I enjoyed my trip to the Pacific was not the weather, the scuba, the comparatively huge amount of free time withut obligations. It wasn't even the beautiful women.

It was the seemingly cultural habit of building up people in conversation. It took me almost half my 3 week trip to finally isolate it. When I and my friends talk, there are far fewer compliments, and even those are edged and constrained like "She is almost as gorgeous as X." or "She is the smartest person I've met since X." When I was in Guam and CNMI, most of the people spoke in ways building up my self esteem. Even recognizing some (ok most) of it as BS, it still feels good. I sat on a corner eating a chicken kabob and just listened to the croud. It's not just to tourists.

Add in some humor, and it was the best pick me up I've ever had. "You have the darkest green eye's I've ever seen."

Me,"So dark they're brown?"

During a massage "You know where I come from in China, chest and back hair is exotic. Most of my friends would think this is a turn on." I wanted to reply, but I was too busy laughing.

In any event, what I learned is attitude really is everything in terms of perception.

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I would never let a Pawn shop owner bring in one of his buddy experts to tell me how much something is worth. No way. We are calling some neutral guy so that I'm not gonna get screwed over. Not that I think they do that on the show, but I'm not messing around.

To be fair, there is at least one guy they use a lot who will never place a monetary value on something. He works at a museum so I'm pretty sure that's why. Most of the people seem legit though - they run their own specialty stores or something like that. And whatever they value the item at, the Pawn guys always undercut it and will say that they do so to make a profit. Long story short, if you want to get real value for something, don't try to sell it to a middle man. If you want to move something fast, go with the pawn shop.

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ha! fat chance. Identities are being stolen as we speak. What a joke. I hope she doesn't think that by publicly apologizing, she doesn't deserve to get fired. I'd like to find out if there is someway we can make sure that our info wasn't included in the 3.5 million.

That's about 14% of the overall population of the state. Inexcusable

edit: just noticed it said they will notify people whose info was revealed.

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I was stationed in NC at the time when that song dropped back in '01 too. They would go CRAZY in clubs in NC when that song came on LOL

Yeah I was in High School in Salisbury... Then when I moved to Arkansas, one of my friends would just randomly break out in to "NORTH CAROLINA", to me... It was so random it was hilarious...

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If you like stand up comedy go get Daniel Tosh's Happy Thoughts...sorry I tried to find a clip on Youtube, but it got taken down...:(

Was this from the show in just did a Tour for? If so, I saw him when he came to DC and it was great.

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Awesome I always wanted to do this. I just might.
I'm totally going to get this


When they taught us mitochondrial DNA, we were shown a world migration map in which scientists traced migration using maternal lineages.


It's just a generalized map but still pretty cool to see how human migration took place.

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To be fair, there is at least one guy they use a lot who will never place a monetary value on something. He works at a museum so I'm pretty sure that's why. Most of the people seem legit though - they run their own specialty stores or something like that. And whatever they value the item at, the Pawn guys always undercut it and will say that they do so to make a profit. Long story short, if you want to get real value for something, don't try to sell it to a middle man. If you want to move something fast, go with the pawn shop.

Yeah I think it's the guy who runs the American History museum in Vegas.

And they say it's so they can make a profit because it is. If something is valued at 4000, then why would a pawn store buy it for 4000? They make no money. The rule in most businesses--from pawn stores to selling drugs--is that you want to at least double your money. So they want to get a 4000 piece for 2000.

But you're right, if it's no rush, put that **** up on ebay.

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