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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Heinicke tearing it up right now, and knows how to get the ball to The Scary One. Hes about the only reason I tune in to watch the NFL, and hes having another fantastic game tonight. If the rest of the team can show up we can start a win streak, even with the OL injuries pilling up.
  2. TH is just a baller, and some of you weirdly hate that and his success.
  3. Well, I guess if you are going to be proven wrong, might as well double down on it
  4. Im pretty sure yes, the NFL rulebook is 798,275 pages long and very confusing but I think thats a pretty clear one.
  5. TH has now outplayed Tom Brady in both games they have faced off. Clearly hes the better player and obvious star of this franchise.
  6. So far Taylor Heinicke is now 2 for 2 in outplaying Tom Brady.
  7. Jackson has been a horrific signing. That may be the dumbest facemask penalty Ive ever seen in the NFL, and thats saying something.
  8. .................Making things so miserable a coach quits after a couple of years is still part of "factually" running through coaches. 6 coaches in 19 years is horrific(6 of those being Gruden, so as of 2014 it was 6 in 14 years), as is any attempt to defend that. The fact that you THINK that a coach every 3 years is actually a long time shows just how "running through coaches" Snyder has been over the years. 3 years seems like an eternity to you apparently, one where its okay for 4 of the 6 coaches to be fired, and a 5th quit.
  9. So in other words, you never liked him and dont care how irrational your dislike is. its the QBs fault if the kicker misses, got it. Also, Ron is the best. Sorry I said otherwise.
  10. If this season ends 4-13 or something like that, do you think Dan will decide hes had enough staying on the sidelines, and maybe can Ron and get back involved?
  11. Another game with major points left off the board directly from Ron. Last week missed FGs and attempts to go for 4th cost us 4 scores, this week it was 3. You cut a kicker because theres a fantastic kicker available. Not when you dont have a better replacement.
  12. Yeah, after all of the moves this past offseason and money spent, this team is worse from a personnel standpoint than a year ago, and its going to get worse next year when we let a couple more good players leave. Thats what happens when the coaches and the front office are arrogant enough to say "we can replace whomever, find someone else to fill that spot". When you find players that work well you keep them, and our very expensive failing secondary is showing why cant just plug and play. So far Mayhew etc get an D at best.
  13. The typical knee jerk "must be the QB, if only we signed one we would win the superbowl, look at how good Tom Brady is". The problem with this team is definitely not TH, and an average team can go to the playoffs with the way TH is playing this season. He is way overperforming for expectations coming from a journeyman on his 7-8th start, and its not even close. But as long as Scott Turner is calling plays and Ron is making decsions, we wont go anywhere with any QB. If you try and throw Kyle Allen in there right now, you're going to see real quick that things can be much worse, as Ron found out with Blewitt. TH has lead this team to a grand total of 1 punt in the last 2 games. He got 7 actual drives last game, thats it, and 6 of the 7 were all "scoring" drives if we simply made a FG, or even attempted a FG. Touchdowns would be the best, absolutely, but Ill start with an inexperienced QB leading scoring drives all day all over the place, and half of those drives stalled because of Turners bizarre obsession with running 72 million screen plays, and running some of the worst 3rd and 2 and 4th down plays Ive ever seen, giving us no shot. Against the packers, TH lead 3 drives in the first half, all 3 were scoring drives except for, you guessed it, a missed FG and Ron going for 4th again. Then, in the second half, AG fumbles in the first drive, and once again TH leads 4 straight scoring drives, but only one of them scores because Ron goes for 4th twice more, and then TH forces a late interception near the end of the game. In the last two games, TH has lead the team to "should-have-been-scoring" drives in 13 of the 15 drives he could have, one was an AG fumble, one was a punt. But we missed 3 FGs, and we turned the ball over on downs an astonishing 4 times. That's half of those scoring drives with no scores because of Ron's in-game and kicker decisions. Maybe Ron is a good manager of people, he talks tough and demands discipline. But maybe hes been such a poor coach over his whole career because he makes bad decisions and doesnt change.
  14. Ah lol, I was even more on the nose than I thought about the cult thinking
  15. I feel like this is definitely overblown right now. The fundamental problem with this team isnt QB, its that the defense is awful. If we went and got a top QB, the defense would still be awful, and we would simply improve to missing the playoffs, instead of badly missing the playoffs. A top QB doesnt fix the problem of paying out 3 huge contracts to secondary players who are your worst performers on the team. Of course having a top QB would be a huge deal, but until this team gets to the point it can actually compete year in and year out having a top QB would just help us tread water. We still wouldnt do anything.
  16. Glad hes moved away from Safety but...im betting he also just ends up being an expensive and bad LBer. Sadly, our top 4 contracts are all to players either playing poorly, or not playing at all. 3 of our 4 top salaries are to our secondary, which is awful.
  17. I just dont think im taking a Broncos beat reporters word on it as sole evidence of something guys like Keim say doesnt exist(and he never comes out strongly against anything unless its true). Literally just came from him getting too excited to make nothing into a headline, and when someone said "Broncos rumored to be in on Tua" he responded with "Washington too. Buckle up." and is now trying to walk that back. Thats it. Best case scenario for him is Washington has no interest unless they can get him as a free backup, and just inquired as to whether they would give him up for a 6th round pick and Miami pays his salary.
  18. With the months of "planning" that went into this, there certainly wouldnt have been a way to tell the porta-potty supplier not to put them next to the sign. Impossible.
  19. Can someone at the game make a guess as to what attendance actually was? I saw average attendance was basically almost unchanged, just up a little from the 3 prior homegames. That would mean attendance was just over 51k and almost no one bought seats after the announcement.
  20. Dan Snyder. Since Tanya is now "in charge" she should just simply fire him. Then Rivera, who I didnt think was a good hire in the first place. He has had a loosing record for almost every year he has coached. I think hes a bigger problem then Del Rio, and it has to do with player retention. Arrogantly we thought, lets blow up the secondary and replace them with a few new faces. Yet they are our worst position and the ones consistently getting torched. Sometimes coaches arrogantly think the success is all them and they can throw another talented guy into the same spot. They almost always find out its not. I think if we kept our secondary from last season in tact, the defense would look worlds different.
  21. Seems we have every reason to let him run out the season. The rest of the team is so bad, we would be 0-6 without him. I think at this point its clear the rest of the team and defense included is not going to play well for the rest of the year and go 7-4. So then theres no point in doing anything but letting him play out the season. You either get a high draft pick or he turns things around and shows he can be your QB of the future.
  22. Ive spent almost 90% of my life watching every single game, and through most of that time the idea of not watching every single play of every single game was unthinkable. But the reality now is my son knows almost nothing about them because I care too much about him, and when my wife says theres a get together on Sunday but she knows its football time so she expects me to stay home and watch the game, I just go "No, Id rather go, maybe Ill watch it later. Maybe." I never contemplated the thought that being a sports obsessed person I might not want to share my favorite sports team with my kids but...thats where we have been and will be for the foreseeable future. I would take the Cowboys winning the super bowl if it got rid of Dan Snyder, how sad is that?
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