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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Unless the defense surprisngly shows up out of nowhere, which I think actually could happen, this will be a bloodbath. 42-24 Chiefs.
  2. The fact the NFL investigated 650k emails from Washington, and in the midst of a massive sexual harassments suit that meant a 10 million dollar fine, chose to release only the handful of them involving the coach of another team and nothing involving the team actual under investigation may be the biggest screw up Goodell and the NFL has made. It makes them look really sleazy and complicit in everything in Washington, in they desperate attempt to defend the indefensible Dan Snyder. The NFL will never allow the release of all of those emails because of the number of big people it would take down and precedence it would set, which is why it was such a big screw up they allowed some of them released and for people to clamor for what they didnt even know existed. Goodell is definitely complicit now, and if Snyder falls due to his screw up, so likely does he, so he will protect him to the last.
  3. Sorry, Im not neccessarily taking a side in that, but Snyder knew very well in advance that the FedEx thing was coming, and hes had a habit in the past few years of pre-empting really bad news with some PR moves(the sexual harassments investigation, the sexual harassments investigation part 2 etc etc). If you think for one moment that he was completely unaware of the way FedEx was going on that until the moment it became public to us peons, you are very very badly mistaken. The fact some people think it must not be a deflection because it happened BEFORE the news, shows just how effective it is to get PR out before something bad is going to come out. Because slimeballs know it works.
  4. Yes, all really really really important ceremonies that are planned long in advance are announced only 3 days before a game. The fact that it was just after another scandal, like all of the other hirings and firings for the past year or so, its pure coincidence. Again.
  5. Thank you Mark Sanchez for the insightful commentary telling someone playing well what they should be doing instead, that you cant do. There are ballers, and then there is TH.
  6. That call is the reason Im done with the NFL. Its pointless now(Well, it has been), its a referees league and players dont really get a say in games except for blowouts.
  7. What do you know, it seems if you let your best players in the secondary go, or cut them, arrogantly thinking you can just throw someone else into those spots, you might end up with a terrible secondary. Kind of like our Offensive line as well. The two areas of the team derailing the seasons all had starters cut or let go this offseason in favor of cheaper guys.
  8. Allen has looked like poo on a football field just about every single time he has stepped on one. TH outperforms in a really tough game against a tough D but doesnt go 4 TD 0 INTs and you are ready to throw in the towel? Let me know when he has has his first actual bad game against a non top-D where hes not chasing 40+ points. We can start there. And people wonder why we have had a QB carrousel for the past couple of decades...
  9. Another horrific call, refs and NFL decided this game before kickoff
  10. Its just so easy, no one is covering in the secondary so WRs are just running free, they dont even have to make contested catches. Thats what happens when you dont improve the S core and think you can drop 2 of your better CBs because of overconfidence.
  11. Well, the game has already been decided by the NFL, shocker.
  12. I think this is the game TH finally stumbles. Buffalo has a good D, and I think he ends up throwing 2-3 picks, and finally gives the haters some ammo to say "See, hes bad and we are doomed". Of course he will return to the normal course of things next week.
  13. Im not surprised, personally I thought he was a poor safety coming out of college and couldnt understand the first round hype for him leading up to the draft. He could make some hits but was terrible in coverage, and was actually a really bad tackler. It just look like he used his physical abilities to knock players down. Any player taken in the draft has the talent to produce some good games and hope for people, but he never had any real "football" tools and the longer we hang on to him the more we are just fooling ourselves.
  14. Lol, love the Bud Light getting cheeky with the sponsorship there.
  15. Hahahahaha, Im a downer as the one saying "Why not be happy instead of down about things?" Nice red herring bro 😉 I mean, I quoted you lol. Pretty hard to misrepresent. You said "literally ANY QB" in the NFL or on a practice squad. Thats not something anyone who has ever watched the NFL would be wise to say.
  16. Ah, so you are one of them. At least you know! I think Ron Rivera is like most coaches and doesnt enjoy anything until the offseason, and I also think that a fan shouldnt be pretending to be a big bad NFL head coach and would be happier to maybe focus on their actual life and enjoy it when a player on the team they root for plays well. If you want to live your life like Ron Rivera every minute by all means, but you are going to be miserable and also pointless because hes already doing that job. Also, I like how you decided to take my words and completely mistrue them to "crowning him" and "an entire line about what someone else might have said that I may or may not have been responding too but completely made up"! Its okay to relax, some of us already are 😉
  17. Ive almost never seen something more false said in my life. Pretending that the NFL is easy for someone that hasnt played, to just roll in and dominate the best players in the world just because they havent seen his super-unique-never-seen-before-throwing-of-footballs is beyond absurd. How about the highly regarded out of college and future second coming John Beck(2nd round pick)? What did he do in his few games where nobody had any tape on him? Thats right, he sucked. The greatest ever in Brady had 18 TDs and 12 INTs in his first year at QB, Peyton Manning sucked, Brees was terrible for two years, Rodgers learned behind Favre for 3 years and after his first 4 games average 160 YPG. Nobody had NFL game tape on them, did they? Tell me this, if its SOOOOO ridiculously super easy where I can roll out there and light up the league because nobody has any tape on me, how come nobody has ever done what Taylor Heinicke has done before? No QB in NFL history has ever completed 93 passes in his first three starts until Heinicke. Because starting your first games at QB in the NFL is really freaking hard. Put down the sauce and call it a night.
  18. Hah, its funny to look at all of the twisting and turning and desperate attempts to take down Heinicke, whos never had a bad game for our franchise, rather than just enjoy the win and the results right now and have some happiness. Have a drink, watch a sunset, enjoy a baller helping your team win, there will be enough misery later without needing to inject it where it doesnt exist.
  19. Taylor Heinicke is just a straight up baller. That TD throw late was ridiculous, I thought he was just throwing it away from the looks of the play. Every game he has pulled off at least a couple of plays like that. Right now, he is 4 for 4 in games for the WFT, the most consistent stretch a QB has had here in the past decade outside of Cousins a few times.
  20. Good point, and remember, Tom Brady has won as many games starting for WFT as my Dad.
  21. Heinicke did a great job coming in, again, and if he can keep his talent level and play up to where he has been in his last few games, he will have a great season. That of course is the big if. Keep in mind, he only got 5 drives, 3 of those were scoring drives(except missed FG), 1 of those was a fumble where he never got to throw a pass. The last drive he drove us down again deep into Chargers territory but got it pushed back because of a clipping penalty. Basically there wasnt a single drive where the offense didnt drive down the field when he had the ball.
  22. Scherff trying to make sure hes on a new team next year.
  23. Or, good QBs see the hold and throw it that way to force the flag. You take the chance once you know you have the penalty. Taylor and Terry doing work now
  24. If hes starting for the majority of this season then I think we found our franchise Qb.
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