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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. So not responding to the point and making a straw man, cute. No matter how much you hate the guy for some bizarre reason, hes an above average NFL QB with a below average arm and has been one of the few reasons to watch in the past 5 years for true fans.
  2. The reason we lost is really simple. Our Oline and our Dline played poorly. They ran at will, and stuffed us at will. Hurts had a lot more time and space. Seriously anyone blaming TH for that is a headcase looking to vent anger because for some reason they thought Ron Rivera and this team was the next coming of Joe Gibbs for some reason. The team played like it has been all season. If you swap out a WR, a QB, a TE, whatever, this team isn't much better until the lines are fixed and/or healthy.
  3. Stop believing things just because he says them. "Snyder told him in the interview that he is embarrassed at the results of his team". He lies. Imagine if he told them he wasn't embarrassed by it, would that coach want to work for the team? He lies and people just eat it up, take his words at face value, and say "see, that means something". It means he wants you to think he cares, and look, it worked again. If you go through life believing proven liers words simply because they come out of their mouth, you will live a life of bad decisions and unneeded suffering and never get a firm grasp of what is true.
  4. Every year someone starts these threads on how to fix the team. Every year some people focus on the small things wrong. Every year the team fails for another dozen reasons. There is a common denominator, and the answer to how to fix the team is for Snyder to leave. Until he sells the team nothing will change, and he will desperately try and convince you otherwise. Hes a bad owner, who makes bad decisions, and hires bad people. Ron Rivera may be one of his "better" hires, which obviously isnt saying much, but Ron is a guy whos teams have gone 7-9 most seasons of his career, and hes doing exactly what he always does.
  5. Whats true is not true? Strange take. Its absolutely true we have to win out to go to the playoffs, the fact we cant be eliminated with 2 weeks left is meaningless. The fact that Eagles, Saints, and Vikings would all have to go 1-2 is the reason why.
  6. I mean, I dont think it was so much him as it was the OLine was obliterated by the Dallas Dline. Theres no way we can beat Dallas with Oline play like the last time we played them. Basically the last 3 games are TH's audition for next year. Hes played at a level where if he plays well for the last 3 he may convince the staff hes the answer, and if its mediocre or less they look for a top QB option.
  7. I mean, simply we have to win out and I dont see that happening. Unfortunately this is the result of having a bad luck/bad scheduling stretch, and why you cant suck for half of the season and then get into the playoffs except in rare cases.
  8. Well, less than 24 hours after my last comment the NFL has had 4% of its players test positive in only 2 days. Sweat has been very busy. Also, the Rams are now in dire straights, despite having all but one guy vaccinated, so clearly its a league wide thing and not one player
  9. I mean not to necessarily defend Sweat, but, the anger at him around assumptions about other people getting infected is absolutely bizarre and irrational. Sweats personal health and decisions are his own faults, but now apparently many armchair WebMD/lockerroom experts are saying all of the vaccinated players have now gotten infected and its Sweats fault? So just to clarify, apparently if he was vaccinated he couldn't get it because vaccinated people cant get it and he would be protecting his teammates. Except all of the other players are vaccinated and all got it. If it was literally that easy for one person to infect the majority of vaccinated people around them(and as non-vax he has to wear masks etc and live by different protocols in the facility including social distancing and daily tests), then wouldnt they have all gotten it long ago? Also, apparently Sweat was visiting all of the NFL teams because there was a huge number of positive tests around the entire league. And Sweat is being tested every day, meaning they caught it very quickly, meanwhile the NFL(Despite what the NFLPA has pushed) is only testing vaccinated players once every 7 days, and we KNOW they have gotten infected so they could have been infecting teammates for up to a week. And. And. And.
  10. Yes, after the handoff, you fake a pass. Or you make it look like you are going to run. Or, after you handoff you continue to drop back as if you are looking to pass. I understand you may be new to watching the NFL, but many top QBs do this as second nature in order to freeze the linebackers for a step. Watch a few extra games every week, maybe look back on the past ones and you will see each QB does this differently, and see the different tendencies each team has. Its very interesting to see and learn about the various ways every player has to be involved in plays and can help his team gain extra yards, even once that dont primarily involve them.
  11. We literally are. I mean if you dont watch the games thats fine, but he puts more effort into after handoff fakes than almost all other QBs, and his passing on play action keeps linebackers a step behind. I thought it was very common knowledge that good QB play literally leads to a better run game. Kind of in the same way a good run game leads to more opportunities in the passing game.
  12. Omicron is going to run rampant through the league, and Im curious to see if they will keep the arbitrary testing vax/non-vax rules with it if it continues to appear it makes no difference for either. I dont recall whether the commish gets to just make the rules on that or whether the NFLPA is involved as well, but I suspect they change the rules in about a month or so or end up with a lot of cancelled games. I dont think our D has particularly struggled without Sweat(and in fact without Sweat and Chase its been much better, coincidence or not). He knew the rules and the chances, I think people are too bent out of shape about it but we live in that age and he gets paid the millions to deal with that.
  13. Yeah, this is the case for pretty much every team in the NFC. WFT at 9-8 wins the tiebreak against every team, and its going to take either the Eagles to sweep the series, or some 5-7 team to finish 5-0, which would be amazing. Otherwise this is one of the simplest playoff scenarios we have had in a long time. Go 3-2, with 1 win against the Eagles and make the playoffs, with a 98% guarantee.
  14. I dont think we will win this one. If we did, it would be a huge statement and confidence boost going into the Eagles game. Its hard to have a winning streak in the parity of the NFL, but as good as 4 straight wins is for what was a struggling team, 3 were close and 2 were against the Panthers and Seahawks. Keeping the streak going would feel like the team is playing at a really high level, and not simply just "good".
  15. At this point the only thing that matters is we go 3-2 for the rest of the season. If we do that, and take 1 of 2 from the Eagles, then statistically we have something like a 98% chance to make the playoffs. We have tiebreakers on everyone except the Eagles if we dropped both to them. Otherwise, just win 3 of the last 5 and we are in, regardless of what else is going on in the league. Likely the other spot goes to one of San Fran, Minnesota, Philly or New Orleans. But the reality is NO needs to win out to finish ahead of us, so does Minnesota, so does Philly, so do the outliers such as Carolina and Atlanta. Unless those teams win every game for the rest of the season they cant finish ahead of us. The only one who doesnt have to is San Francisco, but they do have to go 4-1 and still have 3 games left against better teams.
  16. At this point it looks like we need to go 4-2 from here on out, and it doesnt matter who its against. If we do that, I think its most likely we end up winning all of the tie-breakers with anyone else at 9-8 and make the playoffs. Basically it means we need to win 1 each from Dallas, NY, and Philly, and then the last against either LV, Dallas or Philly. If we manage to beat the Cowboys twice, then they will likely drop the one at Arizona, and the best they can do is 10-7. That would mean theres an outside chance they drop one against either Philly, NY, or New Orleans and we could take the division then. Obviously beating Dallas is first priority, but realistically we just need 4-2 from here on out against anyone.
  17. My how the turntables turn. Defense made short work of Russel outside of two blown coverages, he looked terrible all night. Unfortunate blocked XP and injury to our kicker basically spotted them about 9 points, otherwise it wasnt close. TH with another good game, should have had 2 TDs and the INT was on a deflection. This is about to 100% come down to the NFC east games, so it just depends on who shows up in the last 5 weeks.
  18. Well, if one were a team that wanted to make a run of it, one would be very happy with getting the Seahawks this week. If the team is going to make some miracle playoff push than you have to win the game against the really struggling west coast team that now has to travel across the entire country for the game. However, keep in mind this is a primetime game and we always fold in those for some weird reason, so while on paper it looks like an easy win in reality it will be 30-10 Seahawks.
  19. Any player who can stick with CMC in open field on multiple plays deserves a massive contract. Without Curl's plays we definitely lose that game, and hes 10 times the safety Landon Collins ever was in coverage.
  20. I think Gibson has shown the potential to be a top 5 RB in the league. If he can just learn to secure the ball like Tiki Barber did, and just improve a little(hes not that far from it) on some of his reads and vision, hes there. Honestly hes playing as a top 10 RB if he doesnt have the fumbles, so thats what he needs to clean up.
  21. Definitely +1 from Blewitt, but then again we all knew that was going to be a disaster. He gets the chance to win an NFL job, if he just makes his kicks he gets paid some money and gets a contract. So far so good.
  22. ............Do you want to wisely backtrack that, or do you want me to go back and quote posts in this thread? And not just those who gleefully only show up after a tough week, and talk about how no supporters are there to post. Maybe stop creating weird narratives and defending people who you say dont exist? If you truly believed that no one thought that way or acted like that on here, then your post would be very bizarre and non-sensical, vigorously defending non-existent people.
  23. Hah, hit a little too close to home? It was made for two reasons. To praise TH for being a baller in a thread dedicated to that, and point out how weird it is that some people hate that... and hate people pointing that out. But I can stick to the recent posts you dont have an issue with sir, that have nothing to do with TH and instead having to do with other QBs we can replace him with?
  24. I think its more so the coaching staff(mostly Turner, who I think TH is making look good right now fitting in tight throws on poor plays) thought they should transform him into their QB(AKA bad) and found that wasnt working. So they went back to just letting him play like he wants to. He reminds me a lot of what I saw from Cousins in the year before he broke out. He will make mistakes. But I dont care about that, I want to see good positive plays made by a playmaker. Growing into a great NFL QB is about being a playmaker, not a safe game manager. Some QBs never make plays, but dont make as many mistakes, and fans weirdly hope they turn into something because they throw few INTs. But they never will, because their ceiling is really low. With a QB who makes plays you can see how high the ceiling is, which is what I saw with Cousins. You just know in order to truly make it they have to reduce the bad plays and mistakes to a manageable or better level. But their ceilings and how good they can be is way higher. Im not saying Heinicke will make a great career in the NFL and be a top starter for years to come. But to me he clearly shows the ability to do what most NFL QBs still cant, and the determining factor to him making it is just consistency. That will be up to him and his determination, not to fans on a message board, and I do get the feeling hes got loads of determination, ala Trent Green. Any fan who looks at what he has done in less than a year of starting and counts him out, bashes him after a loss, or is already looking to the next QB is an absolute fool in my mind.
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