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Homosexuality: Choice?


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So then HeteroSexuality is a choice or a preference then, too, correct? Heterosexuality cannot possibly be genetic, according to that theory. Why do alot of hetero guys feel so threatened when someone questions their masculinity or their sexuality preferences? They know who they are right? Because they "chose" to be that way - they chose to be hetero and they are damned proud of it.

Am I a heterosexual because I am genetically made up that way or because I chose it? When a heterosexual boy is born, he decides at that moment that he is heterosexual? It's his choice? Of course not. He may be a heterosexual and something happens in his life at some point which makes him choose a homosexual partner - he could be 6 years old when that happens or it cold be when he is 60 years old. I know homosexual men who say that they knew it from the beginning and I know some who just sort of "realized" they were gay when they were 30 with a wife and two kids.

At any rate, I could care less if it is a genetic makeup or if someone chooses to be gay. Why do people always have to figure things out like that? Why am I heterosexual and not homosexual? Do we analyze that and have arguments about why we're not homosexual?

People are people.

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I wasn't necessarily talking about physical maturity guys. I meant as the brain matures into that process of attraction. Obviously a 8 MO old isn't going to have the comprehention and awareness of surrounding of someone older. Everyones mental faculties progress differently.

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Originally posted by Bucaro

How do you explain 12 year old gay kids then?

Are you serious? How do you explain ANYTHING a 12 year old does? Have you watched MTV lately? Seems there's all kinds of homosexual and bisexual activity being promoted on that channel. So, did you ever act a particular way as an early adolesent? Impressionable? Maybe you try something that is no longer considered unacceptable and you like it, you might even feel very comfortable with the situation. It's called a preference.

I use to love smoking pot as a teenager. Now, I'm anti drug. So let's not look at 12 year olds to determine our budding sexuality at that age. Hell, your cognitive mind has just started to shift into second at that stage.

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Originally posted by jchild

It is too tough a question in my book. There are all types of homosexuals. Some I believe are born that way and you all know some kids you went to school with who you knew were "different" as early as 2nd or 3rd grade.

I thought this was the best argument on this thread. I do remember kids who were "different" as early as 2nd grade with siblings that were not. Seems to point to the fact there is another possibility other than choice.

Good post jchild. :yes:

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Homosexuality is an immoral act no different than fornication or adultery. Is a person born a fornicator or adulterer? No of course not, just like he or she is not born a homosexual. Sex starts with a desire or temptation that most often begins with an attraction to another person. The more at ease or familiar you become with that person the easier it is to act on those natural desires and give in to immoral temptations. People are born with personality traits that make them more comfortable with a person of there same sex. But they are not homosexuals until the enter into a homosexual act. Most every person has allowed themselves to give into sexual temptation of one kind or another, just like most people have resisted a sexual temptation that they feel strongly is wrong. The failure that we have made as a society is that we justify the immoral acts we commit and strongly condemn the immoral acts others commit. All sexual immorality is Sin and wrong in God’s eyes. I'm so thankful that God sent us Jesus so we could be forgiven of these Sins and go on living a life that is pleasing to Him.

I do not hate fornicators, adulterers or homosexuals. I've been one myself. But, I do know the bondage a person gets under after continully enter into these acts will stop a person from living a fulfilled life. For this reason and my love for all people I do hate the Sin.

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Originally posted by galloprf

Homosexuality is an immoral act no different than fornication or adultery. Is a person born a fornicator or adulterer? No of course not, just like he or she is not born a homosexual. Sex starts with a desire or temptation that most often begins with an attraction to another person. The more at ease or familiar you become with that person the easier it is to act on those natural desires and give in to immoral temptations. People are born with personality traits that make them more comfortable with a person of there same sex. But they are not homosexuals until the enter into a homosexual act. Most every person has allowed themselves to give into sexual temptation of one kind or another, just like most people have resisted a sexual temptation that they feel strongly is wrong. The failure that we have made as a society is that we justify the immoral acts we commit and strongly condemn the immoral acts others commit. All sexual immorality is Sin and wrong in God’s eyes. I'm so thankful that God sent us Jesus so we could be forgiven of these Sins and go on living a life that is pleasing to Him.

I do not hate fornicators, adulterers or homosexuals. I've been one myself. But, I do know the bondage a person gets under after continully enter into these acts will stop a person from living a fulfilled life. For this reason and my love for all people I do hate the Sin.

ding ding ding... now its on....

I may not believe everything above, but some is correct and is just as valid as my opinion.

Others on this board are more intolerant to the above opinion than to two guys slamming each other in an ohhh so intimate way ;)....

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But seriously...

It is not natural. If it was natural, both sexes would have child-bearing capabilities.

To the person who feels the attraction to same sex individuals it may not feel like a choice. They may feel drawn to that person so strongly that they just can't help themselves.

On the other hand, I know one guy who is very feminine. Likes jewelry (wears lots of rings) is a clothes horse, talks like Christopher Lowell (even acts like Chris), but is not gay. Happily married, with children and recently grand-children.

On the other other hand - Another guy who I work with is gay. But he does not know it, or is afraid to even admit it to himself. He is seriously in love with another guy we work with. You should see the way he falls all over himself trying to get the second guy's attention, and to make an impression. It's hilarious.

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You want to know if it's a choice or not? Go stare at a picture of some dude dick and tell me if you choose to be turned on or not. I certainly know the first time I saw a naked chic I didn't think "hmm should I like this or not" my body answered the question for me by forcing me to remain seated until I was once again able to walk with out embarassing myself.

Claiming it's a choice is the only way people can defend their stance, because if it's NOT a choice then that makes them bigots.

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Claiming it's a choice is the only way people can defend their stance, because if it's NOT a choice then that makes them bigots.

On the converse, though, establishing that it's NOT a choice is not necessary. Let's say that in some alternate universe, being born black is somehow a choice. Would we then be legitimized in making laws that discriminate between blacks and non-blacks?

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

But seriously...

It is not natural. If it was natural, both sexes would have child-bearing capabilities.

Wouldn't that scenario facilitate the choice argument more?

I think that there are people who are born as such (the gay person who is that way since early on) , and I think that there are people who are open to experimentation ( bi sexuals ) and people who become gay due to mitigating circumstances. ( Authority figure who commits rape, or any act that induces severe fear or loathing of opposite sex).

If we are talking purely about someone who has only been with the same sex and has no attraction to the opposite sex, well then my assumption is that it is not a conscious choice. If it were a choice, then I'd assume that the person would try both before coming to a preference.

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I think there are examples of both sides.

I think there are some people that are born gay and can't help how they feel and some who choose it because of some sexual fetish or something.

But there are so many guys that are just plain feminine, and I know of a few that were like that at a very early age.

My guess is that the majority can't help it because I cannot for the life of me find anything appealing about a guy.

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Originally posted by Lothar of the Hill People

Yet some of those same people would also condemn a Tibetan monk, isolated from the world, to hell for not accepting Jesus.

I think you misunderstand their beliefs. It is not the being attracted to a man that they say is wrong. It is the act of having sex with a man that is wrong.

Just because you are gay, doesn't mean you have to have sex with men. That is a choice you can make.

Exactly. There are many people who have PSYCHOLOGICAL problems which make them more interested or capable of killing another human being than others. They have the CHOICE to fight it or go Gacy.

Originally posted by Thiebear

Its a choice... You cant use ridicule and pain/suffering as a defense.

People dye their hair purple and mohawk it and put beads under their skin to look like reptiles.. Were they born that way because they get treated so poorly otherwise...


I do believe that some homosexuals find comfort and acceptance by the homosexual community that they may never have expierenced before. The "pain and suffering" they felt by those they did not feel accepted tehm in the first place, in effect, led them to become homosexuals.

Originally posted by Bucaro

So that means that all of you "choicers" have been turned on by men and chose not to acknowledge it. By your assesment all people can be gay but choose not to. I for one have never been turned on by a man and have never had that thought so I never had a choice. Women turn me on period no man ever has so sex with a man would then become impossible. It is not like any other choice anyone on this board has mentioned because it involves an INVOLUNTARY reaction from your body

I'm sorry if that you have to kid yourself in that way. The SCIENTIFIC STUDIED FACT is that ALL men and women , usually in their younger, adolescent years, expierence some amount of curiosity about others their own sex. This does not mean that it makes you gay in anyway. It is simply human curiosity. Now, some people's curiosity is much more intense than others, but we all expierence some amount of it. And genetics dictate that all living creatures are genetically wired to promote the survival of the species. Genetically put, we are all wired to procreate. So, homosexuality cannot be genetic.

As far as an involuntary reaction, it isn't so involuntary. All men have found themselves with a woody or with that excited feeling for no reason at all, or even at a time when we around a female that we are not attracted to at all. Plus, if someone chooses to try or like something that is not natural, like smoking, eventually their bodies will start to involuntarily go for that unnatural thing.

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Originally posted by Destino

You want to know if it's a choice or not? Go stare at a picture of some dude dick and tell me if you choose to be turned on or not. I certainly know the first time I saw a naked chic I didn't think "hmm should I like this or not" my body answered the question for me by forcing me to remain seated until I was once again able to walk with out embarassing myself.

Claiming it's a choice is the only way people can defend their stance, because if it's NOT a choice then that makes them bigots.

Come on now, Destino, I thought you were above comments like this.

Bigot is a term which is thrown around with great affinity by those who would like nothing more than to stifle discussion of contentious topics.

More discussion, less insult, please :D

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I've known two types of gays:

Type 1 are people that are born gay. For them there is no choice about it. Call it genetics, chemical imbalance or whatever, but some signals got crossed somewhere. I think most gays fall into this category. I know several, including one good friend of mine. I know for a fact that she did not choose to be gay, b/c it has basically ruined her life.

Type 2, a much smaller group, are people who choose to try out being gay. These people are usually extremely screwed up and just confused about life in general. An example is like the kid we all knew in college who suddenly was gay, flaming and twirling his way around campus, flirting with every straight guy who crosses his path. These people are desperate for attention. I don't know if these people really qualify as gay though, b/c you usually find out years later that they've gone back to being straight.

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Originally posted by jpillian

Come on now, Destino, I thought you were above comments like this.

Bigot is a term which is thrown around with great affinity by those who would like nothing more than to stifle discussion of contentious topics.

More discussion, less insult, please :D

Hey I'm not saying you are bigots because I think people really believe that stuff about choice. I guess you guys actually did have to think about it when encountered with the male or female question. I can't relate to that at all.

However if it ever become proven that it is not a choice it is in fact a situation biologically caused, then at that point anti-gay folks will lose that title and have it replaced with bigot. It's that simple, anti-gays are not bigots at the moment only beacuse the cause hasn't been proven. That's my honest opinion and see no reason to see it any other way.

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I think it is both.

Some people choice to be gay, for attention, or just to be different. Maybe they never found suitable opposite sex partners, or had bad experiences. Who knows.

I think most are probably born Gay. I believe in most people that are gay, it is a Genetic dysfunction. For whatever reason in a child's development, something goes wrong and makes the child become attracted to the same sex. I think most Gay people can not help but to be Gay. Why anybody would CHOOSE to be Gay, is beyond me. I believe Sex exists only for pro-creation. The urge to have sex, and the enjoyment that comes with it, is just nature's way of making sure that life goes on. Until nature figures out a way for a single person to create a baby on their own, like in "Enemy Mine" when Louis Gossett Jr. has a baby drac! ( :laugh: ) I will continue to believe that. :)

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There's a gay guy in my department at work, and he definitely does not try and hide it. He told me before that he knew he was gay when he was in the second grade and came out to his parents when he was 18. Just wanted to throw that into the hat of the discussion.

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