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Homosexuality: Choice?


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If its a choice then conversly that means all of us COULD be gay, which I cannot say I believe. If being gay is a choice then so is getting a woody, and any sixteen year old guy with a hot girl, in a skirt, in class knows that is not the truth

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Originally posted by afparent

Interesting that an Eagle fan started this thread....

Not that there is anything wrong with that...:D

:laugh: Don't worry about me.

My opinion on the matter is that a large percentage don't choose it, but there are some (ie- "bisexuality) that do, but the majority does not.

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i think it's both.

large majority are gentic defect...(no offense meant, but the human race was meant to procreate)

others are made, i believe, by mental and physical abuse.....

to each their own, and Godbless them....it cannot be an easy life to live....

so neither is really a choice....

however, when hot women CHOOSE to make out with other hot women....i can help but feel all warm and fuzzy....

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It is not a choice.

No one would simply choose a life of fear and ridicule. No one would choose to be a social outcast and a legal second citizen. No one would choose the possibililty that their own friends and family would reject them.

Most of all, and I'm sorry but this cannot be denied by any rational person... no straight guy who has experienced the wonder that is a naked woman would ever, ever, EVER, voluntarily choose to forego that perfection and instead go for the crankand sac of a hairy beastman like himself.

So it can't be a choice. Period.

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Originally posted by jpillian

Absolutely a choice. If the "fear and ridicule" argument was at all cogent, why the hell would I, a Redskins fan, be living in Dallas for crying out loud? :)

So you think that you could just up and "choose" to go for the frank and beans rather than the cherry pie at the next company picnic? I'm pretty sure I couldn't make that choice. I think that the poor saps that go for the frank and beans got gypped bigtime, and I'm sure they didn't just "choose" that option. Damn, who would ever give up the Cherry Pie unless they had to - it's FREAKING CHERRY PIE!!!!

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It is a combination of nature and nurture.......for some genetics are involved and for others enivronment and some both........

It isn't a choice at all....if you're gay you are gay........nothing wrong with being gay...heck more women for me.....

But seriously if you think being gay is a choice, like say having pizza for dinner or a hamburger...you are just plain ignorant....I know a fair amount of gay people both men and women.....they all say the same thing...they feel for the same sex we straight people feel for the opposite sex......feelings aren't a choice...they are part of you......

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Fact is, the people who say homosexuality is a choice themselves have no choice but to hold that belief.

These are good and honest people whose religious beliefs require them to condemn homosexuality as a sin. If gay people don't choose to be that way, if God himself made them that way, then they would be condemning the gay person for something that the gay person had no control over, like the color of their skin. That would be unfair, and no good and honest person wants to be unfair. So in order to be fair, maintain their own self image, and not undermine the reasonableness of their core beliefs, they have to believe that gay people simply choose to gay.

When I was a kid, I used to have a similar problem in Sunday School whenever we talked about Judas. We were told that Judas was evil and that he was burning in hell for his betrayal of Jesus. At the same time, we were told that Judas' betrayal was part of God's plan to have Jesus cleanse our sins, and that Judas really had no choice but to do his part in the plan. I found these two concepts terribly difficult to reconcile in my mind.

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Sexual preference is a behavior. Period! Some guys like busty women, some fall for the long legged ones. Blondes, Brunettes, red heads, Asians etc. etc. etc. Some guys like going five hole on the old lady (sorry, needed for the discussion).

So when you break down the traditional barriers of the "typical" partnership, this allows for sexual freedom and PREFERENCE!

Find me the gay gene and I might say it's not a choice. Good luck!!!

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RE: The argument against choice -

There are many people in the world who subconsciously need some type of chaos in their life. If they don't have any, they will create it.

Some people may choose the gay lifestyle because it gives them identity.

Some people my choose it because they will be accepted into a close knit support group of others who "understand" them.

You could just as easily argue that being a Wizards fan is not a choice because who would choose that? It's just not a valid argument.

I believe it's a choice for some, a preference for others. Either way though, it's entirely psychological, not genetic. (Don't get me started on that one) The reasons vary person to person, you can't say "All gays are this way because of..." Just like everything else, it's more complicated than that. It's different for everyone.

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Originally posted by Predicto

Fact is, the people who say homosexuality is a choice themselves have no choice but to hold that belief.

These are good and honest people whose religious beliefs require them to condemn homosexuality as a sin. If gay people don't choose to be that way, if God himself made them that way, then they would be condemning the gay person for something that the gay person had no control over, like the color of their skin. That would be unfair, and no good and honest person wants to be unfair. So in order to be fair, maintain their own self image, and not undermine the reasonableness of their core beliefs, they have to believe that gay people simply choose to gay.

When I was a kid, I used to have a similar problem in Sunday School whenever we talked about Judas. We were told that Judas was evil and that he was burning in hell for his betrayal of Jesus. At the same time, we were told that Judas' betrayal was part of God's plan to have Jesus cleanse our sins, and that Judas really had no choice but to do his part in the plan. I found these two concepts terribly difficult to reconcile in my mind.

Yet some of those same people would also condemn a Tibetan monk, isolated from the world, to hell for not accepting Jesus.

I think you misunderstand their beliefs. It is not the being attracted to a man that they say is wrong. It is the act of having sex with a man that is wrong.

Just because you are gay, doesn't mean you have to have sex with men. That is a choice you can make.

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So that means that all of you "choicers" have been turned on by men and chose not to acknowledge it. By your assesment all people can be gay but choose not to. I for one have never been turned on by a man and have never had that thought so I never had a choice. Women turn me on period no man ever has so sex with a man would then become impossible. It is not like any other choice anyone on this board has mentioned because it involves an INVOLUNTARY reaction from your body

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