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Homosexuality: Choice?


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Originally posted by phanatic

Sexual preference is a behavior. Period! Some guys like busty women, some fall for the long legged ones. Blondes, Brunettes, red heads, Asians etc. etc. etc. Some guys like going five hole on the old lady (sorry, needed for the discussion).

So when you break down the traditional barriers of the "typical" partnership, this allows for sexual freedom and PREFERENCE!

Find me the gay gene and I might say it's not a choice. Good luck!!!

Well, I voted for it being a choice. No reason for me to explain why as I think phanatic hit the nail on the head with his post above.

LMAO at the old lady comment phanatic. You fit that into the arguement nicely...I just was not expecting it.

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people choose to lust after women, hold the redskins as an idol, and have premarital sex.....

all choices that are condemened by others.....

only one judge in my book though.

people can't "choose" to be gay....they can "choose" to act upon their urges....obvoiusly....

but i think the question being asked in this thread is, "are homosexual urges a choice"

i don't think so.....

do you remember the first time you liked a girl? did you look at the guys in class too and choose the girl instead? hell no you didn't....it was natural....and why could it not be genetic? it would make sense to me.....

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I know dozens of gay people. 2 of my best friends are gay. My next door neighbor is gay. My boss is gay. These are normal people, people who shun attention, who look just like you and me, who have normal jobs, who do not flaunt their sexuality in the least. They have been gay since they were 12 years old. It just happened to them - it wasn't a choice - it's who they are. Comparing them to some freak who puts beads under their skin to get attention is a bit simplistic.

Oh, I'll throw a few of these in to make my point more compelling:

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

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I would like to believe that people are just born one way or the other. Then you see that gay couples raising a child are much more likely to have that child be gay. Coincidence?

FunkyAlligator, from the "10% Dance" you had in your signature, I'm surprised to see that you aren't gay.

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Homosexuality is definitely a genetic makeup of some individuals however some people make it a preference based on their suroundings, environment, life-changing events, ,etc. etc. etc. whatever might be the case. There are many many factors which could lead a heterosexual person to choose a homosexual lifestyle or a bisexual lifestyle. I think it is ridiculous how many people think it is PURELY a choice or preference made by an individual, though.

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I was using the reptile people to explain the Bishop statement on people wouldnt put up with the abuse if they werent born that way...

It's all about choice.. Every step of your life you make a choice, each choice leads to another choice... Your parents make choices for you in the beginning and you go from there.

Sometimes you need to destroy your foundation and start over as you find your foundation is not stable enough to build you house/life on.. Some people choose not to go through the trouble..

None of this is gay or bi or trans either its a basic form of life that effects everyone...

Find me a Gay Gene other than my brother in law :) and I'll conceed the argument...

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It is too tough a question in my book. There are all types of homosexuals. Some I believe are born that way and you all know some kids you went to school with who you knew were "different" as early as 2nd or 3rd grade.

Others veer that way based on how they were raised, treated by others, etc.

Some want to be accepted and find the gay community will accept them.

I believe it is a psychological choice and not a genetic choice for the most part.

They are ok in my book. Everyone I have ever worked with who was homosexual were alright by me. We would have beers together after work and it was just like having beers with the guys. Only difference is they like men and I like women.

Takes all kinds to make the world go round even crazy "spike haired freaks". To each their own.

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Originally posted by Bucaro

Find me a specific Fat gene then.....they can't identify that yet for many things because we are not far enough along in Genetics but I am pretty damn sure that some types of obeseity are genetic

Then how do people lose 180pds.. do they stop that gene that makes their arm chose pasta? ;)

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And explain to me the: "It's ridiculous...!" comments which always accompany this topic. This is a totally, and completely OPINION-based topic.

Maybe it's just in my book, but any statement which is prefaced by "it's ridiculous..." lacks respect for your fellow posters intelligence and right to make their own mind up for themselves.


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Who are they? There are tons of people in this counrty that eat better than you and I and mave metabolic disorders (most leading studies say) brought on by genetic disorders/markers that slow their metabolism to a crawl. There is a difference between fat and a glutton. If you don't believe that there are types of genetic obesiety then I will give up until you go back to school

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Why would someone give up the Kornikova chick or Meg Ryan or Pamela Lee or any other Super hot model:

They choose too.. Now i know it sounds almost as crazy as being gay is a choice but its true. I saw it on "E".

Because they were crazy b*tches that you couldn't live with. Didn't mean those guys left to go with Bruce the Tennis Instructor. They are with some other supermodel right now, laughing at us poor bastrds.

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I wouldn't say its a choice per say as you just up and decide. I think it's more mental/psychological. How you were brought up, life events and habits shape what we all are today. Nobody was born one way or the other. Sexual preference develops as one matures.

Honestly, if humans would realize the power of the human mind and could master it, this would be a much more scary world indeed. Everyone is so focused on the physical. The mind, and how it operates is a fascinating and dangerous thing.

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Sexual preference develops as one matures.

i'm sure i was 3-5 when i started liking girls.....

and if it isn't a "choice"

no one's world is gonna come crashing down people....

i'm as religious as the next guy, but let the good Lord be the judge...not us.

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