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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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Wrong for me to think Biden will get some sympathy bump from the 70+ crowd?  Old people do vote... 


I watched Biden on Seth Meyers.  He had moments where he seemed to trail off (don't get me started).  And then he had mostly more moments where he spoke passionately about the country and the direction he has it in and what was going on.  And it's a breath of fresh air to hear someone not talk about themselves.  And you can feel that he will absolutely be the most gutted if he loses to Trump and he 100% believes he is the best one to beat Trump.  

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48 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I blame Joe Biden for this. You should too.



WTF is this imbecile even talking about? Of course the baby is born in 9 months (give a week or 2 either way). This has been going on since *thumbs through history and medical books* the beginning a our species. 


Jesus,  this ****er gives new meaning to clownshow.  


Folks, the wheel is turning but the hamster is dead. Please let this ****stain of a assclown disappear from the face of the earth. 



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5 hours ago, skinsfan4128 said:

WTF is this imbecile even talking about? Of course the baby is born in 9 months (give a week or 2 either way). This has been going on since *thumbs through history and medical books* the beginning a our species. 


Jesus,  this ****er gives new meaning to clownshow.  


Folks, the wheel is turning but the hamster is dead. Please let this ****stain of a assclown disappear from the face of the earth. 





He meant to say "torn," not "born" lol...then again, this is Trump we're talking about so for all we know he did mean to say "born." (this was also like 6 years ago, for the record)

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13 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

All of their jobs are to make money for their employing publication, and the news media right now is dying financially.  So if Biden is old stories generate engagement, either by people who love reading it or who are ****ing outraged that it continues to be such a focus, then they are happy.  


Obviously, they care about ratings, but I do think just saying that all that matters is selling them short.  Fox News has made the path to ratings clear.  If that's all you care about, you'd go hire Tucker Carlson.  But NBC and Meet the Press haven't done that, so I think they deserve more credit than that.


Though I also do think we get the news that we deserve.  To me that's another angle.  Stories that debunk things and break news requires more work and so money.  That means paying for it.  Which means we have to pay for it.  If you don't like the news you are getting, looking in the mirror might be a good place to start.

Edited by PeterMP
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I still don't understand why the media narrative isn't "Both candidates are weak, but Trump is weaker."  Even Haley is going all "Trump is going to lose the general" (positioning herself as the I TOLD YOU ALL SO) candidate. 


Trump is underperforming polling by 10%.  If this is true in the general, than he's actually down to Biden by 5%.  And there are at least two criminal trials he's likely to go down in, plus the potential of bankruptcy (needs to come up with $500M in the next 30 days).  


I too am not at all enthused about grandpa Joe.  But his policies are way more important. We are voting for the policies.   Not even sure why this GOP funded Michigan "Never Biden" campaign got so much play.  No President has been as pro-Palestinian. And it's also obvious that he's going to make a few steps in some months to lock in these voters.  The media surrly will cover these folks late break to Biden.


I remember being so convinced in 2012 that Romney will win, listening to right wing news hype / happy talk.  He got thumped. 


We need to start saying that Trump needs to commit to Presidential debates.  January 6 and all his criminal trials have changed things on that front.  So has his NATO comments.

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And there are a lot of conservative influencers (or at lesst former) who are writing things "let's kill MAGA - vote Biden".  Sure, the politicians won't go that far... but again, this is being underreported.  Biden's likely coalition and message is going to be more centrist again.  January 6 will be central and key.


I totally get why he is running (and I wonder if he would have declined to if Trump wasn't his opponent.).  Kamala does not have that centrist appeal. 


It's still gonna be a tight election.  

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He’s right that people thought he was called his wife Mercedes but he was looking at Mrs Schlapp when he mentioned her.



Don you may yap for 2 hours but you glitch plenty of times during that yapping.



Biden running takes away the age argument against Trump since Joe is older. Trump should easily be destroyed with all his missteps.

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Mitt Romney was on CNN and said he wouldn't vote for Biden over Trump.  Christie has said the same.  These ducking fastards.  If you don't want Trump, than your ownly true option is to vote for Biden.  Just not voting for Trump is a puny, tiny measure.

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