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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:


If he expressly has the power under state law, then it is absolutely appropriate for him to pick her replacement. 


This is fair.


1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

"This close to the election"?  We are over 400 days out.  


Think it was you who suggested picking someone that isn't running for that seat.


Picking either Schiff or Porter would give them clear advantage in running for the full-term in 400 days, a borderline unfair and debatable anti-democratic one given they are neck and neck on the polls right now.

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15 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


This is fair.



Think it was you who suggested picking someone that isn't running for that seat.


Picking either Schiff or Porter would give them clear advantage in running for the full-term in 400 days, a borderline unfair and debatable anto-democratic one given they are neck and neck on the polls right now.


It was me that suggested that Newsome could pick someone that wasn't running for the seat (which I believe I framed as "I guess he could" not "he should").  That was not because I don't think it's appropriate for him to pick someone because it is sorta/kinda close to the election (but not really), it's because I don't think Gavin Newsome wants to get involved in the politics of it from his own personal perspective because (1) whoever he doesn't pick will likely hold a grudge (because, as noted, it gives that person he picked a huge advantage in the eventual election) and CA politics is cutthroat AF and (2) when he runs for President in 2028 he doesn't want the baggage if whoever he picked does something unpopular.  Those two things would be true if he makes the pick 300, 400, 500 or 600 days out from the election. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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Another suit to disqualify Trump under the Constitution's 'insurrection' clause is filed in Michigan


Aliberal group on Friday filed a lawsuit in Michigan contending that former president Donald Trump is disqualified from regaining his old job based on a rarely used, post-Civil War provision in the U.S. Constitution.


This is the first time an organization with significant legal resources has sought to block the GOP frontrunner’s campaign in a swing state.


Free Speech For People argued that Trump's attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss and encouragement of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol violated section three of the 14th Amendment, which holds that anyone who swore an oath to uphold the constitution and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against it is barred from holding office.


Click on the link for the full article

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Just thinking. (Always dangerous.)


Trump wasn't the only member of this insurrection. The plan literally involved hundreds. 


Granted, most of them, be tough to point at an actual act that they took, in furtherance of the scheme. 


But for example, I think it was Ted Cruze who stood up and said not to count the state of Arizona. 


And I'm pretty sure it was Mitch who just skipped them and called the next state. 

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Just thinking. (Always dangerous.)


Trump wasn't the only member of this insurrection. The plan literally involved hundreds. 


Granted, most of them, be tough to point at an actual act that they took, in furtherance of the scheme. 


But for example, I think it was Ted Cruze who stood up and said not to count the state of Arizona. 


And I'm pretty sure it was Mitch who just skipped them and called the next state. 

We’ve touched on this before - my stance is this country doesn’t have the balls to deal with that. 

maybe they’re some of the unnamed co conspirators. Maybe the doj will go after them. Maybe it depends on some of the currently indicted flipping for plea deals. 

I’d be impressed. And happy. But my pessimistic self sees a country that doesn’t have the stones to go through it. 

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8 hours ago, tshile said:

We’ve touched on this before - my stance is this country doesn’t have the balls to deal with that. 

maybe they’re some of the unnamed co conspirators. Maybe the doj will go after them. Maybe it depends on some of the currently indicted flipping for plea deals. 

I’d be impressed. And happy. But my pessimistic self sees a country that doesn’t have the stones to go through it. 

There are several members of congress involved but nothing will happen to them.

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9 hours ago, tshile said:

We’ve touched on this before - my stance is this country doesn’t have the balls to deal with that. 

maybe they’re some of the unnamed co conspirators. Maybe the doj will go after them. Maybe it depends on some of the currently indicted flipping for plea deals. 

I’d be impressed. And happy. But my pessimistic self sees a country that doesn’t have the stones to go through it. 


I unfortunately feel the same way about child porn in this country...Epstein didn't kill himself...


It's disturbing to say we'd be more likely to put a hole in the net big enough for the folks who tried to implement authoritarianism in this country to slow them down then we would the overall business of raping kids on camera.

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Dude is out of his mind.  I hope he ends up in a rubber room.


Trump Mocks Hammer Attack on Pelosi’s Husband in Insane Speech


Former President Donald Trump made heartless comments about the brutal hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, during a bizarre pitch to California voters Friday.


Paul Pelosi was violently attacked with a hammer last year during a home break-in by David DePape, and underwent surgery for a fractured skull.


“How’s her husband doing?” Trump said, jeeringly, adding, “She’s against having a wall at our border even though she has a wall around her house—which obviously didn’t do a very good job.”


Trump, who has been indicted four times since leaving office, also cast blame for his precarious legal position on the Biden administration during the bizarre speech, arguing that there has been a conspiracy to sink him.


“If you become president and you don’t like somebody, or if somebody’s beating you by ten, fifteen, or twenty points like we’re doing with crooked Joe Biden, let’s indict the mother****er. Let’s indict him,” he said. The crowd erupted in cheers.


If reelected, the former president pledged to “bring back law and order to California,” he told the audience, and he vowed to leverage the Department of Justice to investigate “radical” district attorneys.


“We will start with the Marxist monsters unleashing mayhem on Los Angeles and San Francisco,” he said.


Trump also promised to fill the state’s canals with enough water to irrigate bathrooms and dampen forests to prevent wildfires.


“All the currently dry canals will be brimming and used to irrigate everything, including your own homes and bathrooms and everything—you’re going to be happy and I'm going to get it done fast,” Trump said.


“They say that there’s so much water up north that I want to have the overflow areas go into your forests and dampen your forests because if you dampen your forests you’re not going to have these forest fires that are burning at levels that nobody’s ever seen before.”


Click on the link for the full article


I'm surprised he didn't say his was going to buy Greenland and then take all the glacial ice out west to solve the water crisis.

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Bill Maher Tells DeSantis, ‘Let’s Face It Ron, If This Campaign Was Going Well, You Wouldn’t Be on This Show’


Bill Maher gave Ron DeSantis a brutal reality check on Friday, telling the Republican presidential candidate, “Let’s face it Ron, if this campaign was going well, you wouldn’t be on this show.”


“The debate, it was a ****show,” said Maher to DeSantis on Real Time with Bill Maher. “I heard you won, I heard the polling said you won. What did you win? No, honestly. With Trump not in the race, what did you win?”


Maher then said, “Why run against Trump? You’re trying to thread this needle that will never happen,” before adding, “I mean, let’s face it Ron, if this campaign was going well, you wouldn’t be on this show.”


Click on the link for the full story and video

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14 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Don't think Ron or anyone else realized how much the GOP was going to circle the wagons around Trump in the past 2.5 years, especially the past year.

I don’t think the GOP realized how much they would need to. 

im guessing most thought superficial lip service to Trump would suffice as they transitioned away from him. I know McConnell must be quietly praying to God that Trump gets tossed in jail asap, especially after the dreaded Red Wave failed in spectacular fashion. The more indictments that come down the pike and the more lunatic ramblings the Tangerine Toehead posts on Truth Social, the more wagon circling the GOP has to do. And they’ve given up on DeSantis being a, ahem, “smarter” version of Trump lol…

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I was listening to about 30 minutes of the Trump speech.  He spent a lot of time talking about how he really would win if there were "free and fair elections" in California.  No, really.  He claimed that Democrats vote 4 or 5 times with mail in ballots.  That with a free and fair election (ie. no vote by mail, voter id required, etc.) he would win California.  It's true!  He continued to disparage vote-by-mail, using Jimmy Carter (Carter-Baker Commission) to claim that "Jimmy Carter doesn't want you to vote by mail..." when the 2005 commission said "Vote by mail is the biggest area for potential voter fraud".  Carter has since also revised his remarks and indicated that he himself has voted by mail.  


I didn't pay attention to this noise after 2020,.. but now that I can pick it out of the noise... wow, it's scary.  Trump even said "in France they had an election in 1 day".  Does anyone remember when anyone on the right would be like, "Oh!  We don't look to foreign governments for guidance, we are America!!"  


Re: DeSantis on Bill Maher

The delivery of Bill Maher on "What did you win?" was just fantastic if you watch the video. 

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