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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


So basically the same as the current gas tax? But less dependent on unefficient gas models? 


Fwiw, I'd also probably add a vehicle weight penalty (or multiplier) into my model. You choose to drive a large truck or SUV on the highway, then you pay an extra penalty when the usage is recorded. 




The confused reaction is only because of your use of the 'word' uneffecient.

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53 minutes ago, Larry said:


Observing that Trump beats DeSantis 3:1 in the primary.  And Haley by 8:1.  


And every one of them will vote for "whoever has the R", without any change.  

People often mention how supposedly weak the proverbial Democratic "bench" is.


The poll numbers on the GOP side really casts doubt on the depth of the Republican bench.

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6 hours ago, hail2skins said:

This poll is terrible for Biden. It is hard to believe that it had Trump by 15 among people aged 18-35.




Simply amazed that white males who answer their land lines during dinner hours prefer Trump. 


1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


The confused reaction is only because of your use of the 'word' uneffecient.


Meh. Inefficient then. As in, gas taxes rely on inefficient gas cars moreso than efficient ones. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Potential for threats from Trump in 14th Amendment case sways Colorado judge


Trial set to begin Oct. 30

A lawyer for plaintiffs who are suing to block former President Donald Trump from the 2024 Colorado presidential ballot persuaded a judge to enter a protective order for witnesses and other people involved in the lawsuit, largely based on Trump’s history of “inflammatory” statements around other cases in which he is a defendant.


Denver District Court Judge Sarah B. Wallace during a Friday hearing said she had concerns for the “safety for the parties, for the lawyers and frankly for myself and my staff, based on what we’ve seen in other cases.”


After special counsel Jack Smith in June filed an indictment against Trump for alleged crimes around Jan. 6, Trump responded on Truth Social, “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!” which prosecutors viewed as “inflammatory” and “intimidating.”


The plaintiffs’ lawyer who argued for the protective order, Sean Grimsley, also noted during the hearing before Wallace that Dave Williams, chair of the Colorado Republican Party, which this week joined the case as a so-called intervenor, called the filing of the Colorado lawsuit against Trump “treasonous” behavior.


“That’s code for, ‘The folks coming to court have committed a capital crime,'” Grimsley said.


The protective order bars “inflammatory” speech, based on remarks during the hearing.


Click on the link for the full article



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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

Re: Sinema

That's pure delision.  Why would the GOP voters elect her over Crazy Kari Lake?

Which has a high probability of happening if Sinema runs as a 3rd party independent. 

Thanks Kirsten, but Congress already has more than its fair share of bat-**** crazy.

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