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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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9 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Trump was fortunate enough to be able to nominate and get confirmed three SCOTUS judges in one four year term (and had an assist from Mitch on one of those). Many recent presidents on both sides have only gotten to choose two judges over the course of two four year terms. Shouldn't W get credit since he picked both Alito and Roberts? Or his dad who picked Thomas?


But yet Don's supporters think he did something magical. And, as has been pointed out, is not being as hard line on the abortion issue as some of his competitors like DeSantis and Pence.


McConnell entirely engineered it, by holding one seat open for over a year when it was Obama's seat to fill (arguing that vacancies should not be filled in an election year), allowing Trump to pick Gorsuch off of a list provided to him, then jamming through ACB in about 5 weeks (4 months before an election).  


Trump's contributions to the project were limited to (1) picking names (probably based on their physical appearance) off a list provided to him by the Federalist Society and (2) cheerleading. 

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On 8/28/2023 at 2:32 PM, China said:

Kari Lake still ‘contemplating’ Senate bid in Arizona


Arizona Republican Kari Lake is still “contemplating” a run for the Senate in 2024, the former gubernatorial candidate said Sunday.


“There is speculation that you are going to run for the Senate. Are you going to be announcing that soon?” Fox News host Maria Bartiromo asked Lake during an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo.”


“I’m contemplating it,” Lake replied. “I mean, I could go off and go back into media and make a fortune, but this is not the season for that,” the former TV news anchor said.


Lake, an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump, met with several members of the Senate GOP’s campaign arm in May to talk about possibly running for the seat now held by Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat-turned-independent. Sinema is running for reelection in 2024, and already faces competition on the left from Rep. Ruben Gallego, who announced his bid in January.


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Kari Lake set to launch Arizona Senate bid next month, after gubernatorial loss: Sources


Kari Lake is set to launch a Senate campaign next month, three sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.


One of the sources said Lake has been eyeing mid-October to jump in the race. News of her plans was first reported by Politico.


Her entry would mark the latest twist in the race for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's seat. Sinema, who late last year left the Democratic Party to become an independent, has not yet said if she plans on running for reelection, while Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego has cleared a path to his party's nomination.


Democrats currently hold a 51-49 majority in the Senate, in part with Sinema's support.


Lake generated a wave of enthusiasm among the GOP base in 2022 with her hard-line campaign for Arizona's open governor's mansion.


She lost to now-Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, but she has falsely blamed her defeat on baseless claims of voter irregularities -- even as she has failed in her legal challenge to the results.


A lawsuit she filed in 2022 with filled with distorted allegations that echoed former President Donald Trump's own campaign against his defeat, sought extraordinary relief of fully overturning Arizona's election and certifying Lake as the winner instead of Hobbs.


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13 hours ago, Simmsy said:

I don't understand how a woman being a VP helps the GOP, they will not vote for her because of that and it will not sway any liberals to the right.

No, but it will give a fig leaf of an excuse to the "Moderate" (aka, Conservative But Ashamed To Say It Out Loud) Suburban Mom to justify somehow supporting Trump because he might die and it might lead to a woman President finally. Even if you can make that exact same argument for Biden and Harris, there's something about Harris becoming the first female President that doesn't sit qwhite right with them, they just can't put their finger on why.


So, despite decrying "Identity Politics" as one of the worst things in the world when the Dems do it, it's totally fine when Republicans shamelessly do the same thing.

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I still stand by the thought that she is the best Republican at the moment. 

But, if they eliminate the federal gas and diesel tax and they cut the taxes on the wealthy to 15% like I’ve heard proposed, then who is going to pick up the slack? Oh, duh, we get all that money from defunding every government program. No more education or CIA or FBI or EPA and many others I’m sure….or…..

I bet the Republicans think Mexico will pay for the missing money in our economy. It worked great with the fence they bought. They just have to buy us road this time. 

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Ted Cruz Warns Of ‘Very Serious Danger’ Joe Biden Will Drop Out Of 2024 Race By August and Be Replaced With Michelle Obama


Texas Senator and part time podcaster Ted Cruz shared a wild theory that President Joe Biden will drop out of the 2024 race by August.


Cruz floated the idea on the Monday edition of his podcast, Verdict with Ted Cruz, in a discussion with his co-host Ben Ferguson.


“So here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous. In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” Cruz said. “I view this as a very serious danger.”


Cruz argued Obama would be a simple decision that wouldn’t disrupt the party.


“Michelle Obama, number one, you don’t infuriate African-American women, which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win. But number two, you avoid the problem, if you pick from any of the four, the other three are pissed because they’re all to some extent, peers, they’re rivals. They’re all jabbing knives at each other,” Cruz said.


Cruz said this would be the one idea that would actually unite Democrats.


Click on the link for the full article

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My understanding is gas/diesel tax is a dwindling revenue source due to increased fuel efficiency combined with the growth of electric and even hybrid vehicles. you have to replace the revenue somehow (and even add to it if you, like me, think our roads aren’t being taken care of well enough) but the idea of getting rid of it isn’t a bad one. 

i do wonder though… when you look at things from an Econ 101 perspective (which is always dangerous) will the result be cheaper fuel for everyone, or in end will it just redirect most of that money to the gas industry? This particular market has kinda shown what the expected reaction to certain price points are. 


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I also now realize I have no idea how the federal gas tax works. Where I live has great roads. When I’m in other states I see ****ty roads. I don’t know who the net contributors/takers are on the federal gas tax, but if the argument is make the states foot the bill im perfectly fine with that. 

I don’t understand why states like MD and PA have such ****ty roads. But I’m certainly fine with my money not going to them, cause they obviously don’t know what they’re doing, and I’m not really interested in them having anything to do with what goes on here. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

I also now realize I have no idea how the federal gas tax works. Where I live has great roads. When I’m in other states I see ****ty roads. I don’t know who the net contributors/takers are on the federal gas tax, but if the argument is make the states foot the bill im perfectly fine with that. 

I don’t understand why states like MD and PA have such ****ty roads. But I’m certainly fine with my money not going to them, cause they obviously don’t know what they’re doing, and I’m not really interested in them having anything to do with what goes on here. 

PA has ****ty roads for sure.

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