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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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29 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

You think the media brings it up at the.GOP debate?  I don't think Trump was a topic at the last one.

I think the five remaining candidates who made the stage were asked "why you instead of Trump" for the first question. Nikki's answer of "he was the right president at the time" is pretty weak.

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54 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I think the five remaining candidates who made the stage were asked "why you instead of Trump" for the first question. Nikki's answer of "he was the right president at the time" is pretty weak.


Of course I get the pragmatism but it's hard watching intelligent people in the GOP discard every iota of integrity to cater to maga-ts.

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56 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Mayor Pete is done on the national stage. Black voters will not vote for him.


Black people look right past "That little girl was me" in order to get rid of Trump, pragmatic like that. 


It's not hard to find articles about Hillary struggling to defend her support for the crime bill when she was running for president...the same one Biden mostly wrote.


I'm concerned about Black voter support impact from him being Gay, many are more conservative then would be suggested by so many that vote Dem.


He's getting a stupid amount of experience right now helping out with getting this Infrastructure Bill money where its supposed to go and kicks ass every time he goes on Fox News...he's gonna try anyway and I expect to see more of him going into 2028...

Edited by Renegade7
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17 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Yall what want to replace Biden who are your top choices? 

Biden gives a press conference. He’s standing at the podium announcing that he’s going to step down and pass the torch to the next generation. As he goes to walk off the stage, someone in the audience runs up and grabs his foot screaming “don’t leave Joe” and tries to hold him in place. Biden tries to shake free, he’s reaching for someone off stage, he’s not going to make it, pain in his eyes, desperation in his face, he somehow manages to slip away and dives toward the curtain just offstage and slaps the hand of someone unseen waiting. Biden made the tag! 

Up to the podium walks: 



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The "liberal media" is a real thing and while not nearly the total cesspool right wing media is, it's become enough of a toxic dump. Even these guys who try to claim a center view, like Scripps, play politics in a manner that's bad for a healthy democracy.


These days I actually find the three major broadcast networks to be the least problematic.



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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday took aim at fellow Republican Mitt Romney, painting the outgoing senator as a member of the "surrender caucus of Republicans" who "never fought for us in the beginning." 


"I don't really know Mitt Romney," DeSantis said in response to a question about a Romney-backed gathering of presidential candidates last month -- an event to which DeSantis was not invited. 


But a black-and-white photograph from DeSantis' Harvard Law School yearbook unearthed by ABC News indicates that at one point, DeSantis campaigned on Romney's behalf.

RINO alert

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21 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


The shaman guy is a Navy vet, so yes, the 14th Amendment Section 3 does apply because I think military veterans swear an oath to the Constitution. Is this correct military guys and gals?

You swear the oath when you enlist.  I was in the delayed entry program for almost a year, so I had to do it twice (second time was when I shipped out to boot camp). 

But it's still my way of life.

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1 hour ago, Larry said:



Left them out on purpose after some thought.


As I'm sure you know since I've often posted on it, I'm a big fan and love npr radio programming of all forms. The reason I decided not to list it is nuanced and a newer take for me and I'm too lazy to type it out now. 😁


Still think very highly of the news coverage overall.

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

You swear the oath when you enlist.  I was in the delayed entry program for almost a year, so I had to do it twice (second time was when I shipped out to boot camp). 

But it's still my way of life.


Thanks for the confirmation. Although I don't think that Arizona will stop him from trying. Isn't the Arizona AG a Democrat? 

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When Donald Trump ran for reelection in 2020, his campaign called Univision, the nation’s most influential Spanish-language network, “a leftist propaganda machine and a mouthpiece of the Democrat Party.” 


“We shall treat them accordingly,” top advisers promised. 


Three years later, Trump is treating Univision and its new corporate owners like long-lost friends. He hosted a trio of its executives at Mar-a-Lago last week during an hour-long Univision interview that was notable for its gracious tone, starting with a question about how well he is doing among Latino voters in early general election polling. 


Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, a friend of one of the executives, helped arrange the interview and was also in the room, according to multiple people familiar with the event.  “All you have to do is look at the owners of Univision. They’re unbelievable entrepreneurial people, and they like me,” Trump said in response to the question about Latino voters. 


The reversal has shocked Democrats — who are preparing a massive ad campaign to brand Trump as hostile to Latino interests — and some journalists inside Univision, who think that the past week has demonstrated the heavy hand of their new corporate bosses. The Mexican media company Grupo Televisa, which has long fostered a close relationship with Mexican political leaders, merged with Univision in 2021. 


The Democratic alarm further spiked two days later, when Univision advertising representatives told the Biden campaign that spots already purchased to run during the Trump interview in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida had been canceled — owing to a heretofore unannounced policy about opposition advertising in single-candidate interviews. 


Univision also canceled a booking with Biden’s Hispanic Media Director Maca Casado to respond to the Trump interview after it aired on the network’s late news broadcast, according to people familiar with the details, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity for this article because they were not authorized to speak publicly.


The fix is in at Univision

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