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5 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


You potentially bout to open up a hornets nest of folks that have seen what dementia looks like in their own family members and I advise you standdown on this one and jus listen versus going back and forth with them on it.


Trust me that's the last thing I want to do.



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5 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


In the context of being an interviewer and an interviewee where you are interviewing a Democrat, how does that middle ground play out?  What should she have done that wouldn't have been ignoring it that wouldn't have been whataboutism?


Right now, Democrats should want to go on news programs and talk about Biden's age and then do what was done there and flip it and talk about what is happening that is good.  It isn't like she through a list of his flubs the last few months.  By asking that question the way she did (and with Newsome's prep and ability to handle it), she did Biden a favor.




Why in the world is it even a question on whether it's responsible like he's pooping on himself in the oval office or needs his medicine administered for him because he cant keep track of it himself anymore?


That type of language is what you use when your elder relative could be in danger if they are outside the house in their own and might not know their way back, not someone CURRENTLY leading the free world.


This man is not a child or on his death bed, there is no need to reassure the public of that, it jus starting ****.

Edited by Renegade7
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Biden stutters and it's obvious that he's trying hard not to stutter. That's way different from cognitive issues. He might have a bit of aphasia too, again way different from cognitive issues. I have aphasia and my cognitive ability is just fine. My issues are lack of stamina and weakness after about 2-3 hours. It's not cognitive but is enough that I can't work. 


Biden is doing the job we voters hired him to do, fix what Trump wreaked. And he'll continue to do a fine job. 

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1 minute ago, redskinss said:


I'm saying it's a possibility is all And it worries me because I don't want to live through another 4 years of trump.



And I'm saying it's not really a possibility...those occasional flubs Biden makes are not sure fire signs that he's suffering from dementia or anything similar. Him walking slower than he used to isn't, either. MAGA's negative spin on all of the above, their airing doctored and edited videos of Biden, and spouting easily debunked claims about what Biden says or does isn't a sign of anything related to dementia, either. Unless an anvil falls on his head between now and November, there's nothing to worry about on that front lol...


You know what stood out to me?...When that report by Hur (I think) came out and talked about Biden's forgetfulness, and all the hangwringing supposedly done by Dem operatives and Biden campaign staff, not a single one of them was reported to have said "Oh, ****...the secret is out." Their reaction was more along the lines of a PR issue--they were afraid that Hur's "expert" analysis of Biden would bolster what polls said is the #1 knock against him. They were not worried that a secret everyone was trying to keep from getting out was now public knowledge. That tells me that, behind the scenes, everyone knows he's fine and they are not commiserating in the corner about catching the president talking to a toaster in the White House kitchen or something.


And the good news is that, even if some early signs of dementia start to peek through, there are indeed things that can be done to significantly slow down its effect...exercise, a good/great diet, mental exercises are just a start. Lucky for us Biden has a history of having all three of those being a regular part of his life. And mild cognitive impairment (which is not the same as dementia) can pretty much be reversed if caught early enough and addressed...and something tells me that the president of the United States has the type of health regimen that absolutely catches something like that in its early stages.

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26 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:




Why in the world is it even a question on whether it's responsible like he's pooping on himself in the oval office or needs his medicen administere for him because he cant keep track of it himself anymore?


That type of language is what you use when your elder relative could be in danger if they are outside the house in their own and might not know their way back, not someone CURRENTLY leading the free world.


This man is not a child or on his death bed, there is no need to reassure the public of that, it jus starting ****.


It is a question because people are concerned.  You can argue that they shouldn't be.  But they are.  Ignoring that is a mistake.


Even before Biden was first elected, my mom who is her 70s herself, was worried about it.  And her concern was that Harris (who she doesn't really know but doesn't like because she sees CA and therefore any elected official from CA as a far left vipers nest) would end up running the country.  I was able to alleviate those fears some (made the point that if Biden can't do it, it would really fall to his staff that has been working for him for decades as a Senator and than VP.  Not the VP who he has no history of working with).


You might think concerns about his age aren't valid or are stupid.  But it is reality and ignoring it is mistake.  The better way is to deal it with it directly.  What Newsome essentially has said is however things are working, it is working well.  That will put people at ease.


My mom voted for Biden last time (I think).  You want her to vote for Biden again, you need to directly address concerns about his age and mental abilities.  Ignoring them are a mistake. (or get another VP w/o ticking off and losing a bunch of voters).

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I like my approach, which I've posted. Openly and with good humor acknowledge some actual decline and be specific about the form it takes. Even try to educate a little to get away from implying "it's cuz he's x age" since in reality many people in their eighties aren't suffering such issues. 


Then, as I've also posted before, point out how much far above average cognition Biden is routinely displaying and his resume of legislative accomplishment and leadership competency nationally and internationally has been objectively superior to a number of much younger presidents, like bush 2 to pick a fairly recent example, or even compared to many current younger gop presidential hopefuls.


That said, I do see some folks doing what I regard as excessive, repetitive, hand wringing over it but that can just be one of their semi regular habits in general. And this is a very, perhaps supremely, important election.


It's hard for me to make a super confident call on how many people might make this topic the deciding factor in voting for Joe given all the context, inc. the "non senile" quantity of the totality of his communicating and job performance.


But it doesn't seem to me that it's  likely this matter is going to an actual big deal to many when the time comes to make your mark. 


I'd still like to cover all the bases though and I do think I see a fair amount of that happening in a variety of ways and manners from Biden aides and supporters, some more effective than others of course.



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37 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


People are concerned.  You can argue that they shouldn't be.  But they are.  Ignoring that is a mistake.


Even before Biden was first elected, my mom who is her 70s herself, was worried about it.  And her concern was that Harris (who she doesn't really know but doesn't like because she sees CA and therefore any elected official from CA as a far left vipers nest) would end up running the country.  I was able to alleviate those fears some (made the point that if Biden can't do it, it would really fall to his staff that has been working for him for decades as a Senator and than VP.  Not the VP who he has no history of working with).


You might think that's not valid or stupid.  But it is reality and ignoring it is mistake.  The better way is to deal it with it directly.  What Newsome essentially has said is however things are working, it is working well.  That will put people at ease.




Don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say these concerns were invalid or stupid.


I'm saying they should be rooted in facts, not fear mongering.


Perception is reality, perception can totally overwhelm reality if we allow it to.


I will not support the pouring of gasoline on this fire when Trump is already in the middle of nuclear meltdown.


The first election in 2020  it was fair to call Harris a novice compared to the wealth of experience Biden had. She's now been the 2nd most powerful government official in the country for at least 3 years now...that she is still in the same position of lack of experience is letting our anxiety get the best of us, imo. 


Is there anyone else with the combined AG, Senator, and now VP experience walking around in the Democratic party besides Harris, let alone has that and wants to be president right now?  Hillary maybe only one that's close, and forget everything else, she's a year younger then Trump so that isn't the solution to Biden being 81 at all.  It sucks, but Obama can't run again and wouldn't even if asked to because Michelle would kill him.


There's a difference between reassuring the public and asking if Biden should even be President like we really have a choice right now.  That choice was made during the 2020 primaries for the specific reason of beating Trump...now the SOB is back, of course he's back.


It is what it is at this point.  Trying to talk ourselves out of it is letting perfect be the enemy of good.  Did Dems not think Biden would run for a second term when he was nominated overwhelmingly back in 2020?  We are the sum of our choices, I'm going to start to run low on empathy towards this topic given I voted for Bernie in the 2020 primary for my state.  


He's old, too, I jus, what did people think was going to happen? That Biden would jus magically stop aging once elected President?  Kamela wasn't choosen jus because he promised to pick a black woman, she was in her mid-50s at the time of that election...Biden has done the math here, either we trust him or we don't at some point.


I'm not brushing this off, I'm jus not buying that asking questions designed to freak people out are the best way to reassure people.

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27 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


People are concerned.  You can argue that they shouldn't be.  But they are.  Ignoring that is a mistake.


Even before Biden was first elected, my mom who is her 70s herself, was worried about it.  And her concern was that Harris (who she doesn't really know but doesn't like because she sees CA and therefore any elected official from CA as a far left vipers nest) would end up running the country.  I was able to alleviate those fears some (made the point that if Biden can't do it, it would really fall to his staff that has been working for him for decades as a Senator and than VP.  Not the VP who he has no history of working with).


You might think concerns about his age aren't valid or are stupid.  But it is reality and ignoring it is mistake.  The better way is to deal it with it directly.  What Newsome essentially has said is however things are working, it is working well.  That will put people at ease.


My mom voted for Biden last time (I think).  You want her to vote for Biden again, you need to directly address concerns about his age and mental abilities.  Ignoring them are a mistake. (or get another VP w/o ticking off and losing a bunch of voters).


People are concerned because they're being forced to be concerned. They have a partisan prosecutor going out of his way to say Biden is basically a doddering vegetable. You have news outlets saying he's decrepit (dude actually works out), yet comparing him to Trump, they want to portray that lard ass as a vigorous 25 year old. Biden is mixing up names, realizing it, correcting it, acknowledging it. Trump is saying the wind is killing all the whales, water breaks magnets and there are people coming here from made up countries, using made up languages (???). Don't get me started on Jon Stewart or Bill Maher, Maher has been a shell of his former self for a while, don't know why Stewart came back just to say that.


I disagree, their concerns are stupid. Its stupid because it ISN'T an issue, going out of your way to make it one doesn't make it an issue. The fact that they point to Biden as someone who shuffles around in a diaper, while calling the other guy "energetic"...the one who ACTUALLY shuffles around and ****s his pants is disingenuous. This is a false narrative and shouldn't be entertained and definitely not in such a one sided manor. I can't take it seriously.

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22 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


People are concerned because they're being forced to be concerned.


I'm sorry.  This just isn't true.  The stuff from the prosecutor didn't help.  But people were concerned before that.


As I stated, my mom was concerned when he ran the first time.  It was already something out there in 2020.


You can think the concerns are stupid, but they are real.

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21 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

I'm not brushing this off, I'm jus not buying that asking questions designed to freak people out are the best way to reassure people.


It wasn't a question designed to freak people out.  Even she ends up talking about how people that talk to him in private talk about how he's still sharp in and command.


If she wanted to freak people out, she would have gone through a list of his recent flubs.  She would have said something like, "Given that Biden can't seem to remember which world leaders are dead and which ones are still living, is nominating him for President responsible?"  And if she had done that, I'd be in here agreeing with you.  But that's not what was done.


Harris' experience doesn't matter to my mom.  She doesn't trust her.  She does not believe that Harris shares her values or anything close to her values.  Harris getting more experience doesn't change that.


Look, I don't disagree about it being too late and who else was the Democratic party going to run.  A few pages ago I was making essentially the same point in that Biden easily cleared the field in 2020 and that somebody else would now beat him is unlikely.  While my mom has concerns about Biden's age, it isn't like there is some other Democrat out there that she's more likely to vote for.


But his age is a concern to a lot of voters.  They aren't comfortable with Harris as VP.  Democrats need to confront concerns about Biden's age directly.  That question allowed Newsome to do so.

Edited by PeterMP
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  • 88Comrade2000 changed the title to Election 2024 & Presidential Race: Demented WannaBe Dictator Trump vs President Biden

I hear the same junk around here. Worried about Kamala? Don’t trust her? Total bull****.


Republican voters (and a lot of others who pull the lever for Trump) will do anything to deflect from the personal accountability that comes with voting for that pile of ****. 

Biden’s age? The **** outta my face. My family came at me with that and I said “No, no, no. You wanna vote for a rapist and insurrectionist, then stand up and own it. Don’t hide behind some secondary garbage to make yourself feel better.”

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I'd easily and happily vote for Harris over any goper I can think of. Believe it or not though, there are still some gop political figures I like. 


One of my faves from either party, and has been for years, is Adam kinzinger.


He's young I know and not of limited experience, but he's been the kind of goper I like to use as a model in member of s party that's  playing counterpart to the dems.

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49 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Did Dems not think Biden would run for a second term when he was nominated overwhelmingly back in 2020?  

Not many people foresaw that either of the 2020 candidates would be their party's nominee this go around.

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19 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

I hear the same junk around here. Worried about Kamala? Don’t trust her? Total bull****.


Republican voters (and a lot of others who pull the lever for Trump) will do anything to deflect from the personal accountability that comes with voting for that pile of ****. 

Biden’s age? The **** outta my face. My family came at me with that and I said “No, no, no. You wanna vote for a rapist and insurrectionist, then stand up and own it. Don’t hide behind some secondary garbage to make yourself feel better.”


That might make you feel good.  It might be accurate.  But I don't think it is probably very effective at getting people to vote for Biden or against Trump.


In this case, what it likely does is get people to lie to you about what they'll do.

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45 minutes ago, PeterMP said:

But his age is a concern to a lot of voters.  They aren't comfortable with Harris as VP.  Democrats need to confront concerns about Biden's age directly.  That question allowed Newsome to do so.


100% this.  Biden has to actively overcome the criticisms about his age.  They are valid concerns until he defeats them.  He can do that in two different ways (and he should do his best to do both).  1, appearing in public and seeming to be in command of the issues and generally seeming "with it" and 2, trying to get Trump held to the same standard.  Unfortunately, right now the media is not hold both of them to the same standard.  

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5 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


100% this.  Biden has to actively overcome the criticisms about his age.  They are valid concerns


Balderdash! I'm senile years older than posters like that KriegBlitz guy and his whippersnapper hoodlum pal Buffalo Springfield and I still outsmart those wisenheimers and get the jump on them every time like that cow landed on the moon and he only had to jump to get there. Didn't even need your new fangled rocket science! Punk!

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I said this a few weeks ago. All things being equal, and fwiw I suspect Trump at 77 is much older physically and mentally than Biden at 81,  I'd rather fall back on Bidens VP, cabinet, and various advisors than whoever the hell Trump picks for his people in 2025... should hell freeze over. 


Also..I was too young to realize at the time but from what I can tell we already allegedly went through the age related worst case scensrio during Reagans 2nd term. 

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Just now, The Evil Genius said:

Also..I was too young to realize at the time but from what I can tell we already allegedly went through the age related worst case scensrio during Reagans 2nd term. 


Well that's because The Gipper was replaced with a clone by the deep state after the assassination attempt. 🤪

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:


I'm sorry.  This just isn't true.  The stuff from the prosecutor didn't help.  But people were concerned before that.


As I stated, my mom was concerned when he ran the first time.  It was already something out there in 2020.


You can think the concerns are stupid, but they are real.


The something there was just talk, the same thing everyone always says when an old person runs for office, this is different. This is being fed by the media and its not his age they're focusing on here. They're focusing on his mental capacity, he's shown nothing that says he's senile or anything of the sort. Its also extremely one sided seeing as how Biden is only a couple of years older and much more fit mentally and physically. If Biden's age is the hill people want to die on for not voting him (I'm not saying your mom feels that way)...I'm sorry, but that is just wrong.


I don't like that he's old either, but the other thing that bothers me about that is I don't feel that someone twice my age can connect with what my generation is going thru and needs right now. Never have I once thought he was too old to actually do the job or do it competently.

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7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I said this a few weeks ago. All things being equal, and fwiw I suspect Trump at 77 is much older physically and mentally than Biden at 81,  I'd rather fall back on Bidens VP, cabinet, and various advisors than whoever the hell Trump picks for his people in 2025... should hell freeze over. 


Also..I was too young to realize at the time but from what I can tell we already allegedly went through the age related worst case scensrio during Reagans 2nd term. 


An article posted a day or two ago made a fairly convincing case that Trump was already in the early stages of dementia.  It was written by a brain doc at Johns Hopkins and pointed out multiple symptoms, including combining 2 people into 1 (Pelosi/Haley), and making up words that aren't really words.



"Phonemic paraphasias" —the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s.

Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes “benefishes.” Renovations become “renoversh.” Pivotal became “pivobal." Obama became “obamna.” Missiles became “mishiz.” Christmas became “Crissus.” Bipartisan became “bipars.”


This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way.


Trump also engages in what we call "tangential speech." He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that's a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step not being, but of severe cognitive deterioration. What I don’t understand is why those clips aren’t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isn’t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden.


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23 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


What? The 1st term President wasn't expected to run for a 2nd term? 🤔

Of course in most cases that is true, but this country has never had anything close to someone running for reelection to the highest office in the land at age 82.


I think Biden even admitted that he wouldn't be running for reelection if the GOP had ditched Trump.

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