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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Biden has his flaws, but I don't see anybody out there that is an obvious replacement.  And the fact that essentially nobody is running against him tells you that they don't think they can easily replace him.  If there was somebody that was a power house out there that was saying, you know I can easily knock Biden out as the Dem nominee and beat Trump, they'd be running.

Edited by PeterMP
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Just now, PeterMP said:

Biden has his flaws, but I don't see anybody out there that is an obvious replacement.  And the fact that essentially nobody is running against him tells you that they don't think they can easily replace him.


Fwiw I think there are a few governors right now who'd be excellent candidates in 2024. But only if we time travel back 2 years and they entered the race.


9 months out, it's Biden or Trump. That's the only choice. And I don't see what good discussing alternatives does if you correctly believe Trump is a clear and present danger to the country. 



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Democrats still believe in the incumbancy advantage.  And they don't want the expense of a primary. Biden should have said between November and January of 2022 to 2023 he would just do one term.


Obama was also sinking at this point in 2012.  To be frank, GOP should be pushing out Trump for Nikki due to the same reasons.


I think Dems just think that age will be a wash for them both.

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50 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

I'm a moderate but Biden is a legit awful choice for the democrats. if they lose in November it's on them. 





To the extent that there's a sliver of the voters that would either stay home or show up to vote for Trump if Biden is the nominee vs show up and vote for another Dem nominee, if they are enough to swing the election, pretty sure Dem loss in November would be on those voters.  Biden gets plastered with issues du jour because he's the Dem nominee.  If Newsom, Sanders, Whitmer, or whoever else was the nominee, they would be the next devil incarnate.  Either Trump and overturning of Roe/prospect of federal ban on abortion drives enough voters to the polls for a Dem candidate or they won't.  I don't think there's a Obama 2008 like candidate that people are clamoring to vote for on the Dems' side.


Edit: double post

Edited by bearrock
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36 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

This is what I don't understand they're going to continue to trot Biden out there when there are so many better democratic candidates that would obliterate Trump, that aren't trailing in the polls. don't tell me polls mean nothing or that it's too early. it's never too early. biden's handling of middle east has been a blow and his economic handling only marginally better. even if you consider his presidency higher than a C could you honestly look me in the face and tell me he is better than Kamala, better than Bernie, better than anyone else interested in running? 


He is a liability at this point. the dems are hitched to that wagon, it's do or die now. so sad he's the best they have to offer and losing in every poll. and again I'm far from a Trump "magat" but I'm a realist. I don't cower under the blankets oblivious of the struggles in this country from our working class plebes 



They "aren't trailing in the polls" because they aren't in the race.  They aren't getting slandered and having mud thrown at them 24/7.

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18 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Democrats still believe in the incumbancy advantage.  And they don't want the expense of a primary. Biden should have said between November and January of 2022 to 2023 he would just do one term.


Obama was also sinking at this point in 2012.  To be frank, GOP should be pushing out Trump for Nikki due to the same reasons.


I think Dems just think that age will be a wash for them both.


I disagree.  I think Dems see less of an upside to a primary challenge against an incumbent president vs the downside.  Replace Biden with another candidate and you still have the same demonization just for a different reason, only you just went through a bitter intraparty primary and likely have a fractured base.  All for what?  To court the hypothetical voters who won't vote for a Biden/Harris ticket but will vote for someone else?  If a person's opinion of Trump isn't negative enough to hold your nose to whatever complaint you might have about Biden and show up and vote for him anyway, really skeptical on the prospects of such a person, after the general campaign hatchet job, voting for the eventual dem nominee.

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36 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Fwiw I think there are a few governors right now who'd be excellent candidates in 2024. But only if we time travel back 2 years and they entered the race.


9 months out, it's Biden or Trump. That's the only choice. And I don't see what good discussing alternatives does if you correctly believe Trump is a clear and present danger to the country. 




I agree that it is too late now.  But I'll point out that Biden even looked weaker (IMO) 2 years or so ago when inflation was higher and it looked (more) like a recession was likely.  (Whether you give Biden credit or not it affects his re-election chances).


I suspect that several of the people you are talking about it looked into it and decided they didn't have a very good chance of beating Biden. 


(I know people here like Newsome, but unless he puts in a lot of effort getting to know black religious leaders in the south and even into cities like Chicago and Philadelphia, I think his chances of being the nominee are pretty low.  The black church is still a powerful force in Democratic politics, and I think to those people being from CA is a strike against him.  I've not paid a ton of attention to Newsome, but I think he'll have to talk about religion in a meaningful way to have a good shot of winning the Democratic nominee to get the support of black church leaders.  His other hope is that vote gets split, but then energizing that vote to come out and vote for you is going to be hard, especially as the Republicans with the anti-abortion/anti-trans stances appear to be making some headway there.)


I suspect despite the issues that Biden has had among groups like the black church leaders, Biden still had strong support that would have made wresting the nomination from him very difficult.

Edited by PeterMP
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Not interested in dismissing the issue of generally wanting (competent/qualified) newer, younger blood in politics, period.


And I certainly would like to see it on the dem side since that's the side I expect to vote for 95% of the  time in my remaining years, barring something surprising. 


However I consider any serious repeated emphasis on Biden's age to be misplaced at this time.


When coming from the left currently,  I see it as part of those classic negative dem traits they're  famous for in politics: self-defeating activity.


Another oft-mentioned one in this forum is leaving attack opportunities, that most likely would be highly productive, passively untouched in the playbook. ☹️



btw, on that last, I'm impressed in every way by what I'm seeing coming from biden-harris site lately ( esp the Dark Brandon stuff) and increasingly. It's smart, aggressive, and relevant stuff. I know they said that kind of campaigning would start when they thought best and I hope that's now.

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11 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I voted for Biden because he wasn't trump. That was literally my only expectation. But he's blown expectations out of the water. I see no reason to make the mistake of doubting him again.


I also have a lot of respect for him defending Haley and her Husband over his military service to help keep the conversation honest.


It seems so easy to do, but Trump would NEVER do that.

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Nato chief says Trump remarks may put US and EU lives at risk


The Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, has said any attack on the western military alliance would be met with a “united and forceful response”, after Donald Trump invited Russia to attack member countries that he perceived as not meeting their financial obligations.


Stoltenberg said in a statement: “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk. I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election, the US will remain a strong and committed Nato ally.”


He said Nato remained “ready and able to defend all allies”.


Trump told a campaign rally in South Carolina on Saturday night that he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies that he felt were not paying their fair share.

The White House described the remarks as “appalling and unhinged”.


Click on the link for the full article

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McCarthy foes face blowback as primary threats grow and GOP donors shut their wallets


Donors no longer want to contribute to their campaigns. Primary opponents are lining up to take them out. And some of them have been ex-communicated from caucuses on Capitol Hill.

The eight House Republicans who took the unprecedented step of removing Kevin McCarthy from the speakership are facing blowback, both in Washington and back home. It’s a sign that even four months after the historic move, emotions are still raw inside a GOP conference that is continuing to reel from McCarthy’s ouster.


Reps. Nancy Mace of South Carolina and Bob Good of Virginia have arguably received the most incoming fire, with both now facing serious primary threats as they gear up for reelection. And Rep. Matt Rosendale, who recently jumped into the US Senate race in Montana, is facing headwinds in GOP circles — in part because of his vote to boot McCarthy — as top Republicans fear he will cost them a pivotal seat.


A well-connected GOP outside spending group is planning to play in the races against Good and Mace, while McCarthy himself is widely expected to get involved as well, according to multiple Republican sources familiar with the matter.


Meanwhile, the Main Street Caucus and Republican Governance Group, two center-right-leaning groups on Capitol Hill, have both quietly dropped Mace from their ranks, multiple sources told CNN. Neither move was publicized, but sources say frustration with the congresswoman had been brewing for months leading up to her McCarthy vote.


“She really wants to be a caucus of one. So we obliged her,” one House Republican told CNN.


Click on the link for the full article


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4 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Trump doesn't care to learn anything about NATO because he Putin wants to disband it or the very least pull US out of it. 




Trump can't even tell you what NATO is

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40 minutes ago, China said:

“She really wants to be a caucus of one. So we obliged her,” one House Republican told CNN.







7 minutes ago, Larry said:




Trump can't even tell you what NATO is


He can't even pronounce "NATO"...he'd probably say "Nayter" or some **** like that there lol...


Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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3 hours ago, ixcuincle said:

even if you consider his presidency higher than a C could you honestly look me in the face and tell me he is better than Kamala, better than Bernie, better than anyone else interested in running? 


I'd say he is. 


I'd point at the economy. Granted, I can't compare it to a Bernie or a Kamala economy. But I can compare it to Biden's or Clinton's. 


And to me, the thing I give him mad props for?  


After what seems like 30 years of the GOP holding a gun to the nation's economy, to demand cuts to Social Security or Medicare, it was "senile Joe Biden" who successfully maneuvered the GOP into taking SS and Medicare off of their hostage demands. (Revealing that gee, if you take away those two demands, they just don't have any other ones). 


Who would have even suggested that was possible?

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