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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Lieberman is associated with the group "No Labels".  I believe we recently learned that "No Labels" is funded by right-wing dark money.  


I believe there is room for moderate 3rd parties, but not in a Presidential race.  I am always surprised there isn't more push for these groups to win House or Senate seats, and its just another front for grifters.


My problem with these 3rd parties are that a 3rd party should be anti-corruption, pro-transparency, pro-democracy but they are all about "compromise".  Compromise with crazy, facist, anti-democratic, white supremists?  


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Joe Lieberman was a bigly advocate for the invasion of Iraq. Hell he didn't want to stop there he wanted to invade Iran as well. 


What's Lieberman done since leaving the Democratic party almost 20 years ago? Apparently he worked at a law firm what handled a lot of white collar criminal cases. One of the many clients the firm represented was Donald Trump. 🤭

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No Labels counts Harlan Crow as a major donor, but generally is not required to disclose their donors (and does not do so voluntarily), so you know they just want what is best for everyone and are definitely not just a front for monied corporate interests. 





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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

CNN cares about one thing only and that’s getting people to watch.  They know exactly what they are doing and have no shame, per usual.

and they are suckers to think after this is over, the fans he brings to watch this, will stick around. 

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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

CNN cares about one thing only and that’s getting people to watch.  They know exactly what they are doing and have no shame, per usual.

and they are suckers to think after this is over, the fans he brings to watch this, will stick around. 

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36 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

CNN was really pushing Trump in 2016. Something positive (never negative) every ****ing day. I haven't watched that channel since. I hate CNN, another Fascist broadcaster.


This is simply not true.  You sound like a Trumpster, just a different channel you label.

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DeSantis allies go to war with an unlikely foe: Nikki Haley


For months, the presidential primary looked like the Ron DeSantis-Donald Trump show.


So it came as a surprise to some top Republicans this week when the well-funded super PAC supporting DeSantis turned its fire on Nikki Haley, a candidate still registering in the low-single digits in national polls.


Never Back Down, the pro-DeSantis group, is now running an ad online attacking Haley, has polled Twitter users on a new nickname for her, and accused her in a tweet of “trying really hard to audition” to be Trump’s vice presidential pick.


The move suggested a shifting dynamic in the contest: With DeSantis falling further behind Trump in national and early-state surveys, his allied super PAC is trying to ensure that the primary remains a two-way race and that other candidates vying to be the Trump alternative do not gain traction.


“This is the DeSantis team acknowledging that he is closer to the field than he is to President Trump,” said Justin Clark, a Republican strategist who was Trump’s 2020 deputy campaign manager but who isn’t involved in a 2024 presidential campaign.


The pro-DeSantis PAC’s anti-Haley offensive came after the former South Carolina governor took a shot at DeSantis during an interview on Fox News for his heavy-handed approach toward Disney and suggested the theme park relocate several hours north to her home state. Shortly after, Never Back Down began running a digital ad featuring clips of Disney employees touting the company’s promotion of pro-LGBTQ themes, and concluding with a silhouette image of Haley holding hands with Mickey Mouse.


Click on the link for the full article

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One thing successful candidates have, they are either likeable or liked by enough people.  Trump isn't likeable but there's enough people who liked him in 16, that gave him the win. There's still enough people that like him now that will give him the gop nomination.


Ron isn't likeable at all and there aren't that many that actually like him. Once you get to know him, you recoil.  Ron thinks his Nazi hard right policies will get him the nomination and the presidency.  Not happening.

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