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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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"Our hospitals have been built around federal healthcare subsidies. In my opinion we need to return healthcare to pure privatization."




“Colleges know they can charge whatever they want to charge because student loans are going to pay,” he said. “It’s similar in healthcare, where we’ve got a subsidy system that’s got perverse incentives.”  Sheehy did not explicitly specify whether he would favor privatizing Medicare or Medicaid. However, when asked by an attendee at the event if he would “put all healthcare into the hands of insurance companies” or include “some kind of a subsidy,” Sheehy responded by broadly criticizing the concept of health insurance.

“I mean, healthcare worked before health insurance existed. Each town had a doctor that would drive to your house, take care of you and you’d pay him,” Sheehy said. “And guess what? It worked. It worked when you actually paid a doctor for services provided. And then we started getting into this HMO, insurance, mega-conglomerate structure.”


I tend to agree with this theory, but there's no credible plan forward to solve this. It's almost like the far-right version of single payer. Now come up with a reform law...

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“I mean, healthcare worked before health insurance existed. Each town had a doctor that would drive to your house, take care of you and you’d pay him,” Sheehy said. “And guess what? It worked. It worked when you actually paid a doctor for services provided. And then we started getting into this HMO, insurance, mega-conglomerate structure.”


It working included people dying of a lot of diseases that today are treatable.

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CNN.com had a video on Nevada 2024 with 4 hispanics.  


1) Restaurant owner who declined to state who he voted for (former military and police)


2)  30 year old mother of a 6-year old, former teacher, who is all in on school choice.


3) Older realtor who yearns for the George W. Bush Republican (and lower taxes).  She would vote Haley over Biden, but not Trump over Biden. 


4) Older kitchen worker who is all in for Dems and said when he talk about the election, "who is going to support the working class."


No one was asked about or spoke about Trump and him being a threat to democracy or concerns with his criminal cases.



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11 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:



Donald Trump Blames AI for Making Him 'Look Bad'


Former President Donald Trump thinks his opponents are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make him look "pathetic."


Trump took to his Truth Social platform to slam ads by the Lincoln Project, a political advocacy group made up of former Republican strategists whose aim is to "protect the American Republic from Donald Trump."


The Lincoln Project ran the ads on Fox News on Monday night which showed several of Trump's well-known gaffes. The ad titled, "Feeble", is also available to watch on YouTube and X, formerly known as Twitter.


"The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I.(Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden, not an easy thing to do," Trump wrote on Truth Social before telling Fox News it "shouldn't run these ads."


Click on the link for the full article

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... and day 2, maybe day 3... thought maybe I wouldn't be a dictator on day 4?  NAH... IT FELT SO GOOD ON DAY 1 I DECIDED TO MAKE EVERY DAY, DAY 1!


(crowd cheers)


Hannity:  Well it just sounds like day 1 is about Making America Great Again!


Next week all his synchopants on TV and campaign proxies:  "Oh, you media are so full of hyperboly.  It's juuuust a jooooke...."



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Biden says that 'if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running'


President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his re-election campaign was prompted in part by Donald Trump's decision to run for president again and an effort to block his predecessor from reclaiming the White House.


"If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running," Biden said at a campaign event in Boston, adding that he "cannot let him win."


Click on the link for the full article


Hear that Republicans?  If you don't like Joe Biden, get rid of Trump.

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'Unthinkable': Conservative warns US could suffer most 'terrible constitutional crisis' since the Civil War


Poll after poll is showing that Donald Trump, despite facing four criminal prosecutions, is in no danger of losing his 2024 GOP presidential frontrunner status. Moreover, some polls are showing Trump with small single-digit leads over incumbent President Joe Biden in a hypothetical rematch.


The strong possibility of a second Trump term is the focus of The Atlantic's January/February 2024 issue, which contains articles by 24 different writers laying out the dangers the United States could face in that scenario. One is a disturbing piece by Never Trump conservative David Frum.


In the article, published on The Atlantic's website on December 4, Frum warns that a dangerous "constitutional crisis" may await the U.S. in 2025.


"By Election Day 2024," Frum warns, "Donald Trump will be in the thick of multiple criminal trials…. A second Trump term would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War. Even in the turmoil of the 1960s, even during the Great Depression, the country had a functional government with the president as its head. But the government cannot function with an indicted or convicted criminal as its head."


Frum continues, "The president would be an outlaw, or on his way to becoming an outlaw. For his own survival, he would have to destroy the rule of law."


The former George W. Bush speechwriter goes on to describe the actions Trump would be likely to take if he returns to the White House.


Click on the link for the full article

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2 hours ago, Fergasun said:

CNN.com had a video on Nevada 2024 with 4 hispanics.  


1) Restaurant owner who declined to state who he voted for (former military and police)


2)  30 year old mother of a 6-year old, former teacher, who is all in on school choice.


3) Older realtor who yearns for the George W. Bush Republican (and lower taxes).  She would vote Haley over Biden, but not Trump over Biden. 


4) Older kitchen worker who is all in for Dems and said when he talk about the election, "who is going to support the working class."


No one was asked about or spoke about Trump and him being a threat to democracy or concerns with his criminal cases.




There's other things going on in this country then Trump.


What did they say about immigration reform?

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6 hours ago, Fergasun said:


Nada... nothing.... zip.... zilch... 


I agree there's other things beyond Trump, but do we need 12+ years of this guy as a political leader? If he wins, he's the political force of the century. 



I'm tired of being afraid.


People have already made up their minds how they're going to vote, yet it's hard to make the case GOP has outright won an election day since Trump was elected.


I keep saying 91 rain drops is too many to dodge, so it's annoying seeing the question of if he'll beat Biden more then will he convicted of at least something by election day.


At this point, Trump isn't dissing the debates, he's hiding from them.  He's as off the rails as he's ever been with the diahera coming out of his mouth.  The only questions he gets now are softballs he tries to chew on instead of hit out the park.


I'm tired of being told to be afraid of this dude. So much "I'll believe it when I see it going on" because our anxiety is getting gasoline poured on by the folks that are supposed to be holding this man accountable.


On the one hand its starting to show how off base and borderline useless these polls really are, yet one after the other is being thrown in our face about Biden is going to lose to Trump? Nah, can't have it both ways. And world is still spinning in the meantime.

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