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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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Polling this far out makes me sick.  Biden is down in Georgia by about 5% and down in Michigan by 10%.  The Michigan numbers are attrubuted to Muslim-Americans upset over his support for what Israel is doing in Gaza. 


All I can think is "propaganda works"... 


We are going to re-elect the criminal and Trump looks to be on the verge of successfully delaying all his criminal trials due to appeals (are the courts not expediting this?!).  


What country do I live in.

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10 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Trump gets in and has a full gop congress; there won’t be anymore elections. It will be Trump for life and it will also set up for his successor once he’s dead.


If he can get full control of military, purging those who would not do what he wants; he will use the military to stay in power.


He’ll eventually get rid of congress; saying no need.

Harris won’t certify the election, so Trump never gets back in.


FEMA is currently at work building the camps.


Wake up sheeple!

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You want to know the real, most basic, truth about the "nature of humans"?


We are fundamentally driven by an endless variety of fears and the resulting insecurities.


Many aware, greedy, people use this to their profit.


File most polling under that heading.

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I know the GOP wants him to pick a woman to soften up his image, especially with female voters, but I think this will have the opposite effect.


Abortion is an important voting issue, anyone who says it is not is in denial. If you're against abortion or for unnecessary restrictions to make abortions more difficult to come by, you're on the losing side. If Donald Trump marches a woman in front of the cameras and forces her to defend anti abortion bills...it's over. If Trump and Haley don't come out as pro choice, Haley will have to fight the losing battle of trying to make anti-abortion acceptable while being a woman. Some things just can't be spun.

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All this drama from the media is, I feel, a reaction to their “trump can’t win” attitude from 2016. And ratings. Trump is good for getting eyeballs on the tv.


If he does win, though, the country is ****ed.  

Not because he is inept, has bad domestic and foreign policy agendas, or is a criminal. Not even because he is openly racist.

But because knowing all that, not enough of the country showed up to stop him from getting elected.  He doesn’t have the majority, or even close too it. But if Americans don’t care enough to stop him we are all doomed and we might as well invite Putin and Xi over to show us what real leadership looks like.

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Four years ago, Adam Abusalah campaigned for Joe Biden, urging his neighbors in predominantly Arab-American Dearborn, Michigan, to vote against Donald Trump. Today, the 23-year-old's concerns about President Biden are sounding an alarm bell for Democrats. 

As the administration continues standing by Israel's deadly attacks on Gaza, Abusalah says he and his community can no longer support the president, given his steadfast support of Israel.

"If you were to ask me two months ago, if I was gonna vote for Joe Biden, yeah, I would've held my nose and voted for him," Abusalah said.

But then, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal attack on Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and Israel retaliated with devastating assaults on the Gaza Strip. The health ministry in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip says the overall death toll there since the start of the war had surpassed 15,200.

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36 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:



Four years ago, Adam Abusalah campaigned for Joe Biden, urging his neighbors in predominantly Arab-American Dearborn, Michigan, to vote against Donald Trump. Today, the 23-year-old's concerns about President Biden are sounding an alarm bell for Democrats. 

As the administration continues standing by Israel's deadly attacks on Gaza, Abusalah says he and his community can no longer support the president, given his steadfast support of Israel.

"If you were to ask me two months ago, if I was gonna vote for Joe Biden, yeah, I would've held my nose and voted for him," Abusalah said.

But then, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal attack on Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and Israel retaliated with devastating assaults on the Gaza Strip. The health ministry in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip says the overall death toll there since the start of the war had surpassed 15,200.

That’s fine with disagreeing with Biden over this but if you decide to vote for Trump or sit out; Trump gets in, you think your lives will be better? Treatment towards Palestinians will be better? Trump would go full blast for Israel. He already said the Muslim ban going back up. I figure he’ll take it further and deport Muslims.

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

The absolute stupidity of that moron's viewpoint is that Trump and his klan want to see all Muslims dead. So yeah, don't support Biden because white christian neofascist Trumpklans will treat them much much better. 🙄


If anyone looks someone with his take can be found.


I'm not buying that's a fair representation of the entire Muslim population in Michigan, which even as one of the largest for a state is still only 1% of Michigan's overall population.


But by all means, sound the alarm.  Want my attention, show me how Muslims in our country are voting versus how they are polling.


A lot can happen in a year whether it be what's happening to Muslims in Gaza or it becoming more clear what will happen to Muslims here if Trump wins.

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It's possible this is all astroturf BS....who is funding the "abandon Biden" movement?  I would bet money it's right wing dark money! 


One of the quotes:

"We will use that vote to save the nation from itself." 


By voting in the guy who wants a Muslim immigration ban!!??!?!!?  You all should be working to get Muslims in Congress... not be like "we'll torpedo this guy out of spite!


Will be interesting to see how Muslim Democratic leaders handle closer during the campaign (Tlaib, Omar, Ellison and Carson). 


I guess it's "fine" now... we aren't to November.  So they will have a chance that every other voter has... and cast the most meaningful ballot.





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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

The absolute stupidity of that moron's viewpoint is that Trump and his klan want to see all Muslims dead. So yeah, don't support Biden because white christian neofascist Trumpklans will treat them much much better. 🙄


I'm Muslim, and you're comment is exactly what will lead people of the Muslim community to throw their hands up and not vote in 2024.  Instead of talking down to the Muslim community about how "stupid" they are for not voting for Biden, why don't you come up with reasons why they should (especially after seeing so many Palestinians killed - especially children).  For the record, I will probably vote for Biden, but he's done absolutely NOTHING to convince the Muslim population in the U.S to vote for him, and I quite frankly don't blame Muslims if they feel differently.  They're not going to vote for Trump, but they will probably sit out this election.  Your arrogant, foolish comments don't necessarily help that community "see the light".  It's also precisly the kind of comment I expect from "limousine, latte sipping" liberals that expect the minorities to bow down to their point of view, just because they happen to be less evil than the incompetent, psychotic Republican party.


I could say a LOT more about you, and your kind, but I don't want to get banned, so I'll just end it here.

Edited by samy316
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8 minutes ago, samy316 said:


I'm Muslim, and you're comment is exactly what will lead people of the Muslim community to throw their hands up and not vote in 2024.  Instead of talking down to the Muslim community about how "stupid" they are for not voting for Biden, why don't you come up with reasons why they should (especially after seeing so many Palestinians killed - especially children).  For the record, I will probably vote for Biden, but he's done absolutely NOTHING to convince the Muslim population in the U.S to vote for him, and I quite frankly don't blame Muslims if they feel differently.  They're not going to vote for Trump, but they will probably sit out this election.  Your arrogant, foolish comments don't necessarily help that community "see the light".  It's also precisly the kind of comment I expect from "limousine, latte sipping" liberals that expect the minorities to bow down to their point of view, just because they happen to be less evil than the incompetent, psychotic Republican party.


I could say a LOT more about you, and your kind, but I don't want to get banned, so I'll just end it here.


Hey man, my apologies as I did not mean to offend. I just am incredulous that any religion needs a President to bow down to that religions whims to get that religions support. I personally don't get it and probably never will. 

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I haven't heard a lot of specifics on what Muslim Americans want outside of not feeling targeted in their own country and ending this perception of a free pass given to Israel. 


The former jus from looking around has been made a priority, the later even none Muslims here have been openly debating.


I'm not comfortable signing off on Biden doing nothing for Muslims if that's really jus frustration with what's going on in Gaza.  He's President of the United States, not Gaza.


But if you feel you and you community are being talked down to get in line, younhave the right to say so.  Black people have been saying it for years, Hispanics are slowly starting to act in their frustration most notably how Cubans are voting in Florida.


So while I hear the alarm I wouldn't go so far to say Biden is doing nothing.  So much of what he does doesn't make the front page of anything because it doesn't sell fear or anxiety properly.  And that's what's in his control versus looks like in his control.

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3 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Hey man, my apologies as I did not mean to offend. I just am incredulous that any religion needs a President to bow down to their whims to get support. I personally don't get it and probably never will. 


Again, our religion doesn't need any President to "bow down" to our whims.  I think asking for help in declaring a ceasefire to stop more Palestinians getting killed by the thousands is not too much to ask, and is certainly not anything unreasonable.

Edited by samy316
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2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Hey man, my apologies as I did not mean to offend. I just am incredulous that any religion needs a President to bow down to that religions whims to get that religions support. I personally don't get it and probably never will. 


As much as I want to agree with you, one party clearly does with Evangelical Christians and both do so for Jewish support and their campaign money. 


Country is a big tent of different ethnic groups and religions and they're all watching and keeping score, unfortunately.


So we got work to do and folks have right call it out due to real world impact.

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5 minutes ago, samy316 said:


Again, our religion doesn't need any President to "bow down" to our whims.  I think asking for help in declaring a ceasefire to stop more Palestinians getting killed by the thousands is not too much to ask, and is certainly not anything unreasonable.


I agree with you on a ceasefire and I also think Israel under Netanyahu has excacerbated the conflict. 


3 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


As much as I want to agree with you, one party clearly does with Evangelical Christians and both do so for Jewish support and their campaign money. 


Country is a big tent of different ethnic groups and religions and they're all watching and keeping score, unfortunately.


So we got work to do and folks have right call it out due to real world impact.


Religion plays no part in my life, so it's hard for me sometimes to understand, I guess. 

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