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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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2 hours ago, Dan T. said:


I wonder if those in commercial real estate are concerned about a paradigm shift in how businesses view brick and mortar office space after the pandemic forced so many people to work from home.  I have to think more and more businesses are realizing they don't need thousands of square feet of office space to function.


Curious what you think.

There absolutely is. Folks are thinking through use cases for it. I am a multifamily guy primarily and many folks in my space are attempting office to multifamily conversions given the housing crisis. 


In commercial, folks are focusing on multifamily, self storage, mobile home parks, industrial, etc


Retail and office have obviously not done well

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I recall a time when conservatives would have gone to war over the right for a private business to set it's own policies.

Now it's "big tech limits speech"
No, it doesn't. Private companies can set standards.

Used to be a conservative realized they were free to create their own outlet, that THAT is what the promise of this country is. That you are free to do that, after all a prime law of capitalism is that where there is need there is opportunity.
And THAT is still true.

Thing is when they try to create such a thing it fails because

A/ they really don't have any ideas beyond anger and hate. with no one to direct it toward they quickly lose interest in their free speech zone, and fail to recognize they are in fact MUCH happier playing the victim. If you're in a place where no one is out to get you, pretending they are really doesn't work.
B/ They are quickly overcome by grifters and thieves that have hijacked their Party(ies), WHICH by the way happen to be of the highest power figures they have. Every time trump talks to them it's a money grab. And as always, the last ones to realize they've been conned are the dopes wondering what happened. The fun part is, the con is that they are the VICTIM, and so it just goes on and on and on, and it will move from Whatever "Safe Space" the lunatic Pillow Clown comes up with, or the next failed idea by Dear Leader Trump to the next and the next. Bleeding them as much as possible, and pointing always at someone else.

And their free speech haven fails, the market speaks AGAINST THEM.

Which of course is how the country works, and any conservative knows it, but this clown show calling itself the American right knows that what the rough tough blue collar po-lice strongman state lovin' conservatarians really believe in more than ANYTHING is that EVERYTHING is being taken from them by SOMEBODY ELSE, and it's never that their fascist divisive rhetoric and policies are divisive and fascist.
This notion of "Big Tech limiting speech" is just whining. Create your own and try not to fail.

Everything they pretend to hate... they are.
And everything they used to believe as "conservatives" is right out the window, gone. They want the government to crack down on private business that set policies or does things they don't like. They want to install theocratic ways, and remove rights and freedoms from many people, including their own mothers, wives and sisters. And one of their latest heroes, Putin's favorite cyclopean dingbat (AKA Nazi ****) Marjorie Taylor Greene says joining the military is wasting your life in the latest of ongoing right wing attacks to undermine the American military.

this is why there is no point in discourse.



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On 4/13/2022 at 8:05 AM, Forever A Redskin said:

Wow so this place really leans left I see. 


I guess the president's approval ratings are Russian Disinformation too.


A majority of the Nation leans left. Or at least leans away from Conservatism.


If this is a surprise you may want to widen your social circle.

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1 hour ago, Forever A Redskin said:

So just like I said, Elon can buy more than 14 percent of Twitter and has filed an offer to buy 100%. What a beautiful thing that would be. Also mentioned he would have to rethink his current stake if they don't accept his offer.


Watching the reaction has been pretty hilarious.


I can post sources for all those who don't like using Google. 


As a free speech absolutist, I'm loving it.

Got a question for the free speech absolutist.  Musk offered $5k for Jack Sweeney to take down his Twitter account.  Musk buys Twitter.  It’s not a leap to imagine that Musk removes Sweeney.  Would Musk be in the wrong to do so?  Would you speak out about if he did?

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We were all screwed but then a billionaire bought a portion of Twitter out of the goodness of his heart and gave us some hope for the future of free speech. Thank God someone still cares. 

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Remember when people were censored/banned for mentioning the possibility of a lab leak being the cause of covid?


That's the kind of stuff that stops when Musk buys Twitter.


Besides, censoring people only makes them stronger. It only proves you're scared of what they have to say. 


Twitter should be the public town hall. Civil debates with information from both sides of issues where people can form their own opinion. Not be forced to believe whatever is spouted from a list of "approved" sources or risk being censored.


You should be able to win fair and square without censoring your opponent if the Democrats are doing such a great job.


Things as silly as hashtags #learntocode were banned from Twitter. Just because people were offended. If you're offended by something, feel free to block the person. 


Not being able to offend people is exactly why comedy isn't funny anymore. All of the comedy greats wouldn't be able to exist in the current climate. Just look at the backlash against Dave Chappelle. Woke PC culture has ruined everything. Including our beloved Football Team, the Redskins.

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3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Didn't say he was cancelled. But people definitely tried. I said he faced backlash. Employees organized walkouts unless they pulled his specials, etc. 


And yes, Netflix made the correct move to not listen to those woke employees and continue to give Chappelle more specials. 

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Chapelle just signed a new contract with Netflix for 4 more specials. He’s doing just fine. So much for cancel culture.


And as left-leaning as this community is…. no one here was calling for his cancellation.


Louis CK would still be atop of the comedy world if he it weren’t for his sexual misconduct. And he’s offensive as they come.


Jim Carr released a Netflix comedy special called I’m going to get cancelled for this. Nothing came about it except for a Holocaust group speaking out.


So I’m not sure what you’re talking about.





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3 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Didn't say he was cancelled. But people definitely tried. I said he fa ed backlash. Employees organized walkouts unless they pulled his specials, etc. 


And yes, Netflix made the correct move to not listen to those woke employees and continue to give Chappelle more specials. 


The minute Chappelle stops making Netflix money, they will walk away from him. That, or Chappelle will become a bigger dick and too toxic for even them to give a platform too. 


2 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Chapelle just signed a new contract with Netflix for 4 more specials. He’s doing just fine. So much for cancel culture.


And as left-leaning as this community is…. no one here was calling for his cancellation.


Louis CK would still be atop of the comedy world if he it weren’t for his sexual misconduct. And he’s offensive as they come.


Jim Carr released a Netflix comedy special called I’m going to get cancelled for this. Nothing came about it except for a Holocaust group speaking out.


So I’m not sure what you’re talking about.


.and Louis CK just won a Grammy. 

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10 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Remember when people were censored/banned for mentioning the possibility of a lab leak being the cause of covid?


That's the kind of stuff that stops when Musk buys Twitter.


Besides, censoring people only makes them stronger. It only proves you're scared of what they have to say. 


Twitter should be the public town hall. Civil debates with information from both sides of issues where people can form their own opinion. Not be forced to believe whatever is spouted from a list of "approved" sources or risk being censored.


You should be able to win fair and square without censoring your opponent if the Democrats are doing such a great job.


Things as silly as hashtags #learntocode were banned from Twitter. Just because people were offended. If you're offended by something, feel free to block the person. 


Not being able to offend people is exactly why comedy isn't funny anymore. All of the comedy greats wouldn't be able to exist in the current climate. Just look at the backlash against Dave Chappelle. Woke PC culture has ruined everything. Including our beloved Football Team, the Redskins.

For the most part, quoting any news site or op ed is frowned on in a real debate.  Go to the numbers source (survey by reputable source, study by reputable source or government posted numbers from the GOA and the like) and then explain why those numbers back up your take.  You can use articles and op eds etc to frame your reasoning for the take you have but not as a source for that take.  This is where you're going sideways here.  It's a different and somewhat harder, not just friends bull****ting over a beer, way of proving your point. The friends just bull****ting over beer thing will never work on this site.  

Part of the reason I don't often post much on the political stuff, it takes too much work (for my lazy ass) to meet the pretty high standards the mods have upheld here.

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4 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Didn't say he was cancelled. But people definitely tried. I said he faced backlash. Employees organized walkouts unless they pulled his specials, etc. 


And yes, Netflix made the correct move to not listen to those woke employees and continue to give Chappelle more specials. 


Is there anything you aren't aggrieved about?

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21 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Woke PC culture has ruined everything. Including our beloved Football Team, the Redskins.

This is absolutely laughable.
Money makes change, not feelings. 
As in "Dan Snyder has lost a **** ton of it, and he's run one of the real moneymakers in the league right into the ****ing ground. He has lost a huge chunk of his fanbase, and the future, as in the next generation of fans, is in real jeopardy."

It is inconceivable to me that an adult who has presumably grown up on this planet doesn't realize that.

PC never changed a god damn thing in the corporate world.


Money that can be potentially made or lost on change does.



Always playing the victim. 

by the by, walkouts, boycotts.. this is capitalism, as American as apple pie.
Any good Conservatarian knows this and encourages it.



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21 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Did i miss something or is no one's constitutional right of free speech being interfered with on Twitter?

Try saying Taylor Heinicke isn't really that good and is probably best suited as a backup.


I don't know who sent that mob, but they were vicious.



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