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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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Haunting vision emerges from ‘freezing hellscape’ of Mariupol


Haunting vision has emerged from the destroyed southern port city of Mariupol where Russian forces have focused their attack for more than a week and locals have described a “freezing hellscape riddled with dead bodies”.


Tens of thousands of people have fled the Ukrainian city but almost 100,000 people remain trapped by relentless Russian bombardment.


Many are without water, food or power.


Those who have managed to escape told Human Rights Watch that they left behind a “freezing hellscape riddled with dead bodies and destroyed buildings”.


Some of that is visible in a video shared by Anastasiia Lapatina from the Kyiv Independent on Twitter.


The footage from a drive through the once-thriving city shows high-rise residential towers gutted, towering electricity towers knocked to the ground and mostly empty streets.



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I want to put a couple of things out there. 

I think the volunteers from NATO countries are helping Ukraine put together a successful strategy to combat russia and are helping to push the orcs back.


I think the syrian soldiers, whenever they show up will get mauled.


and I think when that dip**** lavrov talks about friends all over the world, he’s talking about the American right.


Those are just my 2 cents on the current situation, for whatever they’re worth.

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Ukrainian military clarifies which Russian landing ship it destroyed


Ukraine’s Armed Forces revised earlier comments they had made about which Russian landing ship they claimed Ukrainian forces had destroyed. 


“In the Azov operational zone, according to updated information, a large landing ship ‘Saratov’ was destroyed during the attack on the occupied Berdyansk port. Large landing ships ‘Caesar Kunikov’ and ‘Novocherkassk’ were damaged. Other losses of the enemy are being clarified,” the Ukrainian military said on Friday in a statement on Facebook.


Previously, the Ukrainian military claimed it had destroyed the Orsk in Russian-occupied Berdyansk, which sits in the southern region of Ukraine, The Washington Post reported.

The newspaper noted that the incident was not immediately commented on by Russia.


The development comes as the Russian invasion in Ukraine extends into its second month, with Russian forces remaining unsuccessful in their efforts to capture Ukrainian capital Kyiv. 


A senior military official from NATO told several news outlets earlier this week, citing information from Ukrainian officials, that as many as 40,000 Russian soldiers have died, been taken prisoner, gone missing or been wounded.


Within that figure, NATO believes between 7,000 and 15,000 Russian soldiers have died since Feb. 24. 


Meanwhile, Russia has provided slimmer estimates of the number of soldiers and troops lost, with the Russian defense ministry saying on Friday that it had lost close to 1,400 soldiers, with another nearly 4,000 wounded, the Post reported, noting it could not verify those numbers.


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4 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:

Russia releases Tyler Jacob.   Looks like they know they’re in real trouble and want us to pressure Zelenskyy to end this soon.  Part of me is hoping that doesn’t happen before they get an ass kicking.

Great!  Now, let's get Brittney Griner back. 

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I just want to note that when I refer to the ignorance of Americans is not as a criticism or insult, we are victims of our own prosperity. We have all been preoccupied with our lives and new stuff and the latest ______ and trundle along through our lives, unknowing and largely indifferent to the context of what others experience elsewhere, barely speaking one language on a good day. In reality it works for us, it has kept us from being consumed by the ancient tribal warfare and strife that afflicts much of the world, we let it go, pay no attention to it and go shopping.


But think for a minute about something that is considered very American. Our grandparents that lived through the Great Depression in the 30s were affected by it, they still keep food stocked, save pennies and string and buttons just in case, because they grew up hungry in so many ways, not just for food. Even here, in the lap of gluttonous American wealth, that still echoes through the generations.


Now consider how Ukraine is still ringing like a gong from the Holomodor. Google that if you aren't familiar with it, or here is a good video on the subject.



To this day that echoes through the Ukrainian psyche, and colors their actions in their lives and their relationships with other countries. These people, and many others across Eurasia, have a very clear knowledge of what hard times can mean. They also remember that no one came to their aid then and remain wary of counting on others. The most far reaching result of this might be the shocked realization that comes when they see families in Poland welcoming them and their children into their homes, of people lined up in the Berlin train station to give shelter to them without a common tongue, and that could be an amazing thing. Children are colored by their childhood, this will ripple across time for generations to come.


But this is not the 1930s, we are connected around the globe in ways we never have been, it is harder to foist lies upon the world and have them swallowed whole. It is much harder to turn away, to claim you didn't know, didn't see, that never happened, I don't know that, the umbrella of lies we all use when cowering from the rain of reality. You see Pooty & Co. trying the old style, "well WE didn't bomb that building!" when the truth is so stark. 


This is an opportunity for Ukraine and Europe and the entire world to reboot, to reassess who and what we are, to face the mirror once and for all of what we do here. We cannot let this hinge of history pass, we- the human race we- need to seize the chance to steer towards a different future and not blow it for a quick buck like we did in 1990.



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