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Biden: 1/20/21-1/20/22; Your first year grade


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46 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

He didn’t even take 1/6 that seriously. Congress is really limited in what they can do. Day one; he should’ve created a special council to investigate 1/6. While those involved may have still have refused to talk; they would be doing their refusing sitting in a jail cell. Some of them probably would’ve talked instead of rotting in a jail cell.


You can't put somebody in jail for not talking when talking might incriminate themselves.


It is a Constitutionally protected right to not talk if you are involved in something that is illegal.


If he would have named a special prosecutor, nothing would have been different.

Edited by PeterMP
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5 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Like most of America, ES gives one party a free pass for being the ****heads they are while directly blaming the other for actually ****ing trying to do something.


Unreal and totally expected. I really should not be surprised anymore. 

You can’t give Biden an A just because he is better than the alternative.  There were several things he could have handled better (in my view) but failed too.

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2 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

You can’t give Biden an A just because he is better than the alternative 


I said previously he was a B and I would have given an A had the do nothing but harm American party not obstructed him last year. 


The BBB bill would have been a massively popular campaign has it been allowed to pass. 



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5 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


I said previously he was a B and I would have given an A had the do nothing but harm American party not obstructed him last year. 


The BBB bill would have been a massively popular campaign has it been allowed to pass. 




he couldnt get his “democrats” to sign on… and they faced zero repercussions for holding it up.

5 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


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8 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



he couldnt get his “democrats” to sign on… and they faced zero repercussions for holding it up.


Rather than focusing on 2 Democrats, how about we focus on the 50 Republicans?


Everyone needs to stop making excuses for the obstruction party that wants to hurt America. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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3 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Results, not excuses.

That's on Manchin and Sinema. Biden would be on a GOAT-esque path with voting rights and social infrastructure. Aghanistan withdrawal, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure bill are some meaningful accomplishments for 4 years.


A lot of things he is blamed for are out of his control. Pandemic response, particularly the communication aspect is abysmal.


Handling this Ukraine thing decently.


It's a B for me, dog.

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24 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



he couldnt get his “democrats” to sign on… and they faced zero repercussions for holding it up.


Sinema maybe, but what repercussion could Biden or the dem party levy on Manchin?  That's not a dem seat or even a swing seat.  That's a Manchin seat at this point.  

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Again, we need to stop giving a free pass to the GOP. Accepting them doing nothing but harm shouldn't be the norm. And by solely focusing on two rogue Dem Senators, we do that. 


Where's the blame for the other 50 Senators who have blocked every major piece of legislation? 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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20 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Again, we need to stop giving a free pass to the GOP. Accepting them doing nothing but harm shouldn't be the norm. And by solely focusing on two rogue Dem Senators, we do that. 



Clean up your own garbage before complaining about others.

20 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


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2 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:


He overpromised on what he could really do.  


2 hours ago, bearrock said:

He oversold and under-delivered.  Everything exists in that prism. 


If he came into his presidency and said "We have no way of passing legislations without conservative cooperation.  I have 2 reconciliations before midterms, but even then, I don't have 50 liberal votes in the Senate.  I will do what I can through executive orders and long overdue bipartisan band aids, but if you want transformative changes, you have to win the Senate in a landslide" then maybe the general sentiment might be different. 


Sell a .500 team as a Superbowl contender and the fans will be disappointed at the end of the season (even if the fans should've realized that the team was at best mediocre to begin with).


They all over promise and under deliver.  All of them.  Maybe except Clinton.  


What frustrates me more than the politicians themselves is the amount of power people think they wield.  They can wield some, but people don't seem to understand that they all run on big promises and usually fail to deliver on them.  And they keep coming back for more.  I  think one of the saddest things in society today is the amount of belief that people have in politicians.  I really don't get it....like, bumper stickers, signs in the yard...like, I get that it's a team sport at this point, but I can't really relate to anyone who gets this excited about elected officials.  I mean, this is cynical to say but these are usually people who'll say anything to keep their jobs and are easily bought by Wall Street and special interest groups.  And people think that what they promise is what they're going to deliver.  This ain't Burger King, you can't have it your way.


I like @bearrock's second paragraph but that's too honest for someone who's most likely concerned about their legacy, winning a re-election (or in old man Biden's case, teeing up someone to take his place).  The American people don't want to hear honesty about what a President can and cannot do.  They want to be sold lies and good feelings.  They want to believe that their 7-10 football team is poised for a Super Bowl run.

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31 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Again, we need to stop giving a free pass to the GOP. Accepting them doing nothing but harm shouldn't be the norm. And by solely focusing on two rogue Dem Senators, we do that. 


Where's the blame for the other 50 Senators who have blocked every major piece of legislation? 


I'm not sure I would view it as giving a free pass.  Biden could be way worse than his current performance and I still wouldn't vote for the GOP in its current state (I would vote for an actual elephant instead of the GOP).  But focusing attention on them is like tearing your hair out trying to analyze why a 50 year old guy with a beer gut who's never played a down of football is not your franchise savior QB.  My only response to the GOP is to vote out as many of them as is humanly possible.  Until then, let's focus on the situation at hand cause I have a better shot at teaching my dog to solve multivariable calculus than I have at getting the GOP to do the right thing for the country.  And if a voter doesn't see that by now, I'm not sure what more could be said to change their minds.

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Just want to point out that 20 years ago our president spent the first 9 months of his presidency landscaping his ranch and then NYC and the Pentagon got exploded and the vast majority of the country (and people in this thread) thought that was some great American leadership bull****.  And it got much, much worse from there.


Point I’m making is that people are really, really, really stupid.


Really, really, really, really ****ing stupid.

Edited by TryTheBeal!
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If North Korea or Russia or China decided to launch attacks on the US Biden’s approval rating would sky rocket.

Bush’s approval got has high as they did because people wanted to be unified and support their leader during a dangerous time. I know a lot has changed, but I still think there would be a similar effect.


I don’t think that’s stupidity.

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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Like most of America, ES gives one party a free pass for being the ****heads they are while directly blaming the other for actually ****ing trying to do something.


Unreal and totally expected. I really should not be surprised anymore. 


1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Again, we need to stop giving a free pass to the GOP. Accepting them doing nothing but harm shouldn't be the norm. And by solely focusing on two rogue Dem Senators, we do that. 


Where's the blame for the other 50 Senators who have blocked every major piece of legislation? 

Who is giving them a free pass?

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He accomplished his main job before even being sworn in.  He defeated Trump, the worst President in history, who would have been far worse with no future elections to win.  The fact that we don't have a complete disgrace in the WH means Joe can't do worse than a B.


The main positive is that he is back to doing all the stuff a regular President does, and has been more or less competent with most of it.


The main negatives are not his fault, but he's done very little to overcome it.  He can't control the split Senate, and Manchin and Sinema pretty much are not on the team, so there was never much hope of him getting anything historic accomplished.  The GOP is always in lockstep.  If you thought a 50/50 senate that included D's from WV and AZ was enough to pass some historic ****, that's your fault.  It kills me that headlines always couch things as "Biden/Dems fail to pass voting rights legislation (or whatever)" and never "GOP kills voting rights legislation."    


Covid was a thing before he got into office.  He's done everything in his power to defeat it.  Hell, a bunch of things he's tried to do have been ruled to be beyond his power by SCOTUS.  There isn't a damn thing he (or any other living person) can do to convince 30% of the population to do the things required to tamp out Covid.  


Inflation is a symptom of an overheated economy.  The economy is by most measures going ****ing gangbusters (and in a way that is actually helping wage earners, not just the extremely wealthy), but critics point to inflation to rain on that parade.  

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Like most of America, ES gives one party a free pass for being the ****heads they are while directly blaming the other for actually ****ing trying to do something.


Unreal and totally expected. I really should not be surprised anymore. 

I mean I think they should be in jail. 

i think that’s worse than an F and a long discussion where every single person agrees he was handed a **** sandwich and it didn’t go well. 

I will add I only heard a few things from him taking questions and it’s probably dumb to grade him before going through it. The parts I heard were good 

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C at best, if for any reason for being vice president while the GOP made Obama a lame duck super early in his presidency and finally admiting that he can't get them to work with him.


He is a political junkie and career politician, if anyone was supposed to see this coming, it should've been him.


I want to give him credit for pulling out of Afghanistan, but we got completely embarrassed on the way out and Taliban took back control, are we sure that if we did it at a different time, say winter/non-fighting season, that this wouldn't of happened the way it did?


I have heard diddly squat about the public option since he took over, he won convincing folks that that was the better plan over universal health care, at this rate we will have neither because the Dems are going to get creamed in midterms.


And GOP has a point that they are trying to pass a democratic party version of the voting rights bill versus working with GOP on a meet in the middle bill.  Folks like Romney were on TV this weekend talking about no one reached out to him about this at all, you need him to do this given Semina and Machin are not going to vote to change the filibuster, he needs 60 votes.


The infrastructure bill proves that we can pass major legislation with some GOP support.  But Biden had failed to read the room on how to get anything else passed like that in that fashion.  And he has taken way to long publicly make tackling inflation a priority.  Asking the FTC to look into possible collusion is not enough.


Last but not least, more people died of covid in 2021 in the US then 2020, and he's failed to set the record straight in expectations he can actually met.  Be straight with us in reality here, so many people voted for him to try what we thought Trump wouldn't do so we could get on with our lives, trying to shame unvaccinated folks into getting vaccine clearly isn't going to work.  Is there any word in if he will resubmit the vaccine mandate that got shutdown by SCOTUS or has he given up in that?


Almost forgot, we are running out of time to fix the loopholes exposed by Trump and get the folks that helped him do Jan 6.  Once GOP takes control of congress, everything will be shut down and we'll be sitting ducks for either Trump or worse a smart Trump.

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30 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

or worse a smart Trump.


This right here.  Top threat to the US right now is not Trump regaining the presidency, but the next guy that leads the GOP down the rabbit hole being smarter and more insidious than Trump.

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American's should expect President to be moderate left/moderate right and competent. 


It's sad that Trump broke the curve by being BOTH extreme right AND incompetent.  And for that was going to get re-elected but for bumbling COVID.  The good thing is that I doubt even with 4 years off he turns into the competent facist that is feared on the left versus the incompetent President but effective grifter that we have seen.  


We American people should get the F.  First for allowing incompetent government year after year at both the Senate and the House levels, second for not breaking the two party stranglehold on our Federal leaders and third for not consuming or generating media that gives one and two a free pass. 


Washington and state politics are getting worse and worse and taken over by extreme factions, both parties.  Federal government doesn't have a budget.  No one seems to care much.  Who wants to play the politics game?  Look at how AOC and Kamala gets treated by the media... 

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