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Game Day Thread - Chargers at Team

Message added by TK,


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I hate conservative predictable traditional play calling. When it doesn't work.


RR not going for it was SO 1980.  We needed a score and then a stop and a net 20 or 30 punt just isn't going to help all that much and puts pressure on our D.  I wanted to see him go for it - be aggressive but old habits are hard to break for long time NLFers. An old school OC wouldn't have aggressively passed on 3rd and long like san dogs did. They would have called predictable draws to milk the clock and prefer to punt vs "risk it".


I am sure I am not the only one that saw Gibson nursing his left shoulder/arm.  He seemed forced back in on 3rd and inches. Seeing all that was exactly why I wanted us to nab Lat Murray but I get it, we can get a back off the street if needed. But they wont be as good. Yeah Patterson is a potential star but I don't think he is quite ready for fulltime and short yardage work.

Edited by RandyHolt
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1 minute ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


They are going to have to alter the approach to pass pro.  Cosmi needs help, he just is not capable of consistently blocking high end edge players.  I'd have to watch the game again to see where other points of failure were, Cosmi's issues with Bosa were obvious.  


But Logan Thomas is not pass blocker.  I don't know that there's a good solution for us to where we can get really good line play this season.


The Giants in theory is a good matchup for them aside from perhaps the psychological edge they have from dominating this team in recent years.  Daniel Jones seems to turn into a whole different player against this defense.  And Barkley rarely struggles against this team the way he can in some other games for example like today.


Giants don't bring much edge pressure and their O line is suspect.  I hope Scott Turner doesn't stubbornly run up the middle against that team.  D. Lawrence and L. Williams are beasts against the run and on the off chance you get past those 2, Blake Martinez is really good.   Hit them on the edges not the middle.

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The first game is not a good indicator of how the season will go.  Whether we agree with Ron or not about limiting PT for the starters, the WFT will need a couple of games to figure out who they are. 

However, there were two things that really left me salty.


1)  I thought I had seen the last of a 3rd and long conversion by an offense.  Especially with the front 7 the defense has.  That was inexcusable!  You had to know that Allen was gonna be the main target.  You can play zone but Del Rio or Harris should've had Jackson on him.


2)  The other issue is repeating a mistake over and over and over.  It's been pre-Gruden that I've seen the same mistake.  A team will stack two defenders.  (It varies but it's still two receivers that are tight.)  Keenan Allen beat us for a key first down on one play because BSJ tries to fight thru the rub concept and is a step late.  How many times must we do this?  It's so easy to defend!!! You just banjo that play.  The outside defender takes the outbreaking route.  Inside def takes inside.  If they both go vertical then both defenders go vertical.  It's maddening!!!

Edited by ThomasRoane
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Same injury Tua had. But it appeared Fitzpatricks wasnt near as bad. He was able to walk to the locker room. But yeah. I mentioned earlier in the thread that the way he went down was similar to Tua. All his and defenders weight coming down on his leg in that position is no good. That might be the end of Fitz's career at his age.

Wow. Cleveland was in complete control against KC and has fallen apart. Mahomes hits Hill for a 75 yarder on aone play drive. Then their punter drops the ball.

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1 hour ago, TysonM said:

If Gibson had fumbled the ball unassisted, I'd see why people would be upset.  Since it was knocked out by a defender right before he was down, which is what happens in NFL games, I'm not going to blame him for that.


He's still learning so I think the team will use it as a teaching moment.  He was trying to do too much there on that goal line carry.  


There was one play  where he was running left and made it look like he would spill it.  Instead, he trusted his blocking, put his foot down and cut it back inside.  I think it was for a first down.  That one got me pumped!  I was thinking "he's getting it!"


Then, the goal line carry happened.  He got spun around in the air and it's hard to hold on to the ball when you don't have both feet on the ground.  Your natural instinct is to relax an arm to break your fall.  I'm sure that Randy Jordan will make him watch that play over and over.  AG decided to spill that one outside looking for a home run.  All his blocking was inside and he was on his own.  That's where he needs to understand field position and to understand the importance of a safe, 3 yard gain.  That was a time to put his pads down and hammer the hole.  Hopefully, he'll learn from that.  He does have the potential to be special.  


Now, I'd be doing ball handling drills with him all week! The nyg defenders will be going for the strip on Thursday.  It's human nature because usually fumbles come in bunches.  

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1 hour ago, bh32 said:

It's unacceptable to have that many resources put into a DL and get absolutely no pressure on the QB..


Absolutely agreed, and no one wants to talk about it. Even with the addition of a healthy Matt Ioannidis. The front seven features 5 first round draft picks. Still waiting for that investment in talent, to show up 

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7 minutes ago, shakinaiken said:


Absolutely agreed, and no one wants to talk about it. Even with the addition of a healthy Matt Ioannidis. The front seven features 5 first round draft picks. Still waiting for that investment in talent, to show up 


Bottom line is that all the draft capitol was spent on the D-line so it's on them to produce.  No excuse for not doing so.


Having said that.  It's important how hand-in-glove is the relationship between the D-Line and the secondary.  The Chargers staff outcoached DelRio and RR.  The quick passing game took away WFT's strength.  The DB's were giving up too much space because - and let's be honest - only Jackson can be classified as a good man corner right now.  Maybe BSJ develops into that guy.  Fuller is very solid but not a good man corner. 


A defensive linemen needs the QB to hold the ball for 3 seconds or more on average to be effective.  That ball was getting out of there at almost the 2 second mark every time and was where it needed to be.  Take away the dropped passes and Herbert had himself a day.  That's a really dangerous offense and I foresee the Chargers putting up a lot of points this year.  The WFT plays a bend but don't break defense that keeps it close. 


Del Rio did fire some blitzes.  Herbert read them and made us pay for it.  He's damn good. 


For the WFT to be good they're going to have to be a physical running team that shortens games and keeps good qb's on the bench.  Take a few shots off play action but don't get into shootouts.  


Special teams was really good today.  That bodes well.   

Just now, method man said:

Cam presumably knows the system. Who knows how long it would take for Mariota to pick it uo


Cam has to run the ball to be effective.  His body won't allow the old Cam to play like he used to.  It's a shame but it is what it is.  

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Again, the elephant in the room is that “Del Rio utilizes the 2-gap system” line on commentary. If we are legitimately two gapping with THAT DL we either made some awful mistakes in talent evaluation over the years or our schematic choices don’t fit our personnel. It explains why the backers are so damn passive, too, unless blitzed.

Edited by KDawg
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2 minutes ago, KDawg said:

Again, the elephant in the room is that “Del Rio utilizes the 2-gap system” like on commentary. If we are legitimately two gapping with THAT DL we either made some awful mistakes in talent evaluation over the years or our schematic choices don’t fight out personnel. It explains why the backers are so damn passive, too, unless blitzed.

I wish the media would ask Ron that question..

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1 minute ago, KDawg said:

Again, the elephant in the room is that “Del Rio utilizes the 2-gap system” like on commentary. If we are legitimately two gapping with THAT DL we either made some awful mistakes in talent evaluation over the years or our schematic choices don’t fight out personnel. It explains why the backers are so damn passive, too, unless blitzed.


I agree.  They're a liability vs good pass catching TE's as well.


Not a good sign that we didn't see a lot of Davis on the field.  I'd have to go watch again but it felt like they spent more time with a 4-2-5 look.  Probably to counter the quick passing game.  That's fine.  I'd expect to see the more athletic Davis than Bostic out there in that situation though.  Hope our 1st round draft pick improves.  A lot.  

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Ultimately, it all falls on Ron. Ron picked the coaches and Ron picked the players and if doesn’t work out; then blame it on the decider- Ron. That will probably be his downfall.


Eagles rule the East, after Week 1.


Anyone still think Watson, Rodgers or Wilson will want to come here; are probably dreaming.

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