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2022 Comprehensive Draft Thread

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9 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Cool.   My ranking there was purely arm strength not who I liked in order.


Still digesting to create my order, for now its.


1.  Corral.  I am confident in him #1 for me.


2:  Howell, Pickett, Willis.  Digesting who I like the best among those three, I need more time.  But I've seen enough that I am intrigued by all three.


3.  Ridder, Strong.   I was a Ridder guy last year.  This year to an extent I still Iam but I don't think I like him as much as the other 4.   His struggles with quick outs in the flat remind me of Haskins in a bad way.  but he has talent -- nice arm, good mobility, good leader.   Strong's deep ball is beautiful.  The rest of him is hard for me to digest.    Even though his accuracy is decent -- there is some boom-bust to me about him that i have to sort out. 

WFT needs to do whatever they can to draft Corral.  JMO.  

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25 minutes ago, clskinsfan said:

Nope. Not me. I like Howell a lot actually. 


If you go back to Page 55, you took some good shots at Howell including where you thought he belonged in the draft where you said not even the first three rounds.  But maybe you meant it purely based on how he was playing at the time.  Only reason why I remembered was you and I were one of the only people commenting on that game on the fly.    But the next page you cooled off some and gave him some props.  So probably it was just some in the game emotions coming forward.  I do that too sometimes so no biggie.  The only reason why I doubled checked just now is to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.  :ols:



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10 hours ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

5 - Ridder - maybe a little below average arm talent.  Way more ducks than you see from the others.  Struggles to drive the ball with good placement and consistency, even when he's set up.  He is a good athlete though, second only to Willis in that regard.  Very coordinated, smooth and balanced feet, and he's got some speed.  He can move and throw and escape pressure well, and his running will translate to the NFL.  Kind of a lanky player with a Deshaun Watson build. I still like him because of other traits, but just on arm talent, he's a step below the top four QBs in the class.

I watched Ridder a lot last year and a bit this year, think your eval is very good.


I'm not very familiar with Cincy's staff but thinking he seems like the kind of guy NFL coaches could do wonders with. He is the kind of guy you'd like your coaches to get a hold of in the Senior Bowl. 

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I just did a dive on Desmond Ridder, its been awhile, last time I did this on him it was last year.  Watched 2 games.  I also watched the Qb school segment on him.  I also watched Jordan Palmer break him down some with ironically the help of our Kyle Allen.


I noticed most of the draft geeks ala Kiper, Brugler and a series of others rave about his arm strength.   I like his arm strength too but I think they are getting carried away, forgot which one compared his upside to Josh Allen.  That's ridiculous IMO.  But he has a really nice arm, as strong as any prospect in this draft aside from Willis IMO or at least in that same conversation.  He has that flick of the wrist twitchy style arm strength.  But you don't always notice it because of his style of play.  


My issue with him on that front is his footwork isn't always in balance where he steps in to his throws so his velocity is inconsistent.  Inconsistency is a theme for me with him.  His touch on his throws can come off perfect and on others he doesn't put any touch on throws that desperately need them.


He really struggles at times with easy throws in the flat.  His decision making-vision leaves much to be desired.  I am not hung up on picks as for judging decision making.  What concerns me are throws that could easily be picks even if they weren't picked and throws that just come off ill-advised.  Ridder has more of those type of throws than the other prospects I like.    I railed aganist Rosen and Darnold specifically about this liability when watching them.  Ridder wasn't their level bad but he also isn't a mile off of them on this front either.  So its a red flag for me. 


The more I think about him, the more Ridder hits me with some boom and bust to him which goes against the grain of the take of some draft geek types.  By bust I don't mean flame out bust.  But bust from the context of him ending up just a guy.  I think he has a future in the NFL even if he doesn't end up a high end starter.


He has some really nice tools.  He has a live arm.  Can make some beauty throws especially intermediate ones in between the numbers -- crossers, slants, digs.   When his receivers are open and they have a cushion his accuracy is typically really good.   When a dude is wide open his confidence seems jacked up.   But when he has to hit receivers in tight windows or with DBs on top of them, it almost feels like at times he's not sure what to do, zing it, throw it away from the coverage and hope the WR adjusts, put some air on it with touch and put it up for grabs?   


The dude seems to be such a tale of two cities. He can be really calm in the pocket and then at other times plays a bit too frenetic.  His accuracy can come and go.  His decision making can come and go.  In short, he's not as polished IMO as Howell, Corral, Pickett.   He IMO has the same upside as them but with a lower floor.    He's a baller and competitve.  but so is Howell and Corral in particular.  So i don't know if that quality distinguishes him that much among the other QBs.


I think he's a dude that will need to be fixed some.  I am not smart enough to have any clue how to do that.  But perhaps one of the offensive genius types like Sean Payton could.  If there is a certain raw QB type who has succeeded lately in the NFL its guys like Ridder dudes with really good arms, really good mobility, really good intangibles.  


I like him but I have more red flags about him versus Corral, Pickett, Howell.  



Arm strength




Can get really hot for spells 

Quick feet can throw on the move well to the right

Long strider so as a runner if he finds daylight he can have some big runs



Inconsistent mechanics

Decision Making - vision?

Throws off his back foot some 

RPO heavy-- college offense so inexperienced going through NFL style progressions

Struggles to throw on the move to the left

Doesn't have the smooth-fluid delivery of some of the other prospects -- upper body and lower body aligning. 




Edited by Skinsinparadise
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I think I've seen enough of Carson Strong now to get off the fence including last night's game.  I'd put him behind the top 5 QBs or my version of the top 5 but I think he has something to him.  If I had to pick a comp -- he's somewhere at his best between Mark Rypien and Joe Flacco but more Rypien.


He can make the tough throws look easy and the easy throws sometimes look hard.  I know its commonly said you judge arm strength via velocity on certain type of intermediate throws more so than the deep ball.  He hits me as an odd duck on this front.  His intermediate throws have decent mustard on them but nothing crazy.  But when it comes to the deep ball this dude can really push the ball far.  Real special on that front.  He's accurate with it, too.  Unfortunately for him he doesn't have the WRs who are good at catching them.


He needs good protection IMO to succeed.  You give him time to plant his feet and fling it, he can look really good.  But with pressure?  Not so much.  He's not fast.  He doesn't have quick feet in the pocket either.  Also his pocket presence to me looks "meh".   He's a tough guy though and can take a beating without it seeming to effect his game.  Air Force last night sacked him it seemed like a million times.   


He can make some wicked throws.  He's a highlight reel on that front.    Gibbs IMO would love a dude who plays like him.  He seems to fit a very Air Coryell style QB and he'd like his toughness.




Beautiful deep balls -- throws it far with good arc and accuracy

Can hit those difficult deep outs

Tough guy

Nice build for the NFL

Accuracy in general is good -- with a nice range on that front

Decent touch on his throws albiet inconsistent

Has a major league arm -- velocity is good

Seems to run through progressions -- though sometimes stares at his first read



He seems clunky with his throws in the flat.  He's no Mac Jones on this front

Pocket presence seems mediocre to bad

He's not fast but also doesn't have quick feet in the pocket where he can dodge pressure ala Romo

Don't see much of him rolling in the pocket and making throws in the move 

He seems a bit too daring for me at times as for throwing into traffic




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37 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

The more I think about the Lions, the more I wonder if them being tied to Goff for next season, doesn't change their plans. 


They could easily draft a QB like Strong and let him sit out the year, while building their team up. An elite OT would do wonders for them.


That's what Sewell was supposed to be.  I think they'll wait on him though, since that is pretty much their only option.  And most OTs take some time to learn NFL pass setting and NFL caliber hand-fighting.


I think QB or DE is where they probably go.  You can't take Stingley or Hamilton as high as they're going to end up picking IMO.  I think they'll either swing for the fences and draft Willis, or they'll play it safer and pick Hutchinson or Thibs.

Although I will say a line with Sewell Ragnow and Neal on it would be insanely dominant on the ground.

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1 minute ago, KDawg said:

@Skinsinparadiseyour take on Ridder is almost exactly where I was last year. 

Corral will go to the first team that needs a QB, which will be Detroit. They’d struggle with a Willis, in my opinion.


I was a Ridder guy last year but just in a specific context and that its as a 2nd-3rd round guy.  That was the comversation being had at the time from mock draft types but then he decided to come back for this season.


A year later, I still like Ridder but in that same context as a 2nd tier type QB.  I just have a hard time elevating him to that first tier of QBs -- he has too many issues that need to be fixed IMO.  I am not saying he can't fix them, I really don't know, but everything being equal i'd rather have one of the QBs with less things to fix than Ridder.


The one thing that I didn't pick up on about Ridder until watching him last night a bit more closely is how much i am concerned about his decision making.   He has some really head scratching throws.  it was the same thing that turned me off to Darnold and Rosen when I spent more time on them which was inconsistent accuracy and questions about their decision making/vision.


Though he didn't seem as bad as Darnold and Rosen on that front.  But it definitely struck me a red flag that I previously didn't notice. 

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17 minutes ago, KDawg said:

Well… Michigan State isn’t exactly setting the world on fire today. 49-0 in the second quarter in favor of Ohio State

I have never watched much college football.  Except a few championship games in the past.  I just looked at the box score on this game.  I can not wrap my brain around the fact that a team can rack up 500 yards of offense in the first half of a game of football.  I need to watch some highlights because, I am used to the NFL, so I have never seen anything like that.  I also don't understand how this can happen against a ranked team, let alone a team ranked in the top 10.

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It's quite possible that the Lions will take a QB, but I think it's also possible that they'll go in a different direction. Goff certainly hasn't been good, but that entire team is a dumpster fire from top to bottom. Goff isn't the main reason they're losing. They also have a ton of money tied up in him; it won't be until after 2022 that they can cut ties with him without taking a big dead cap hit.


If there were a Luck or Lawrence level QB in this class, or even one that was head and shoulders above the rest, i think they'd definitely do it. But as it is, that's not the case. I'm guessing they're probably somewhat resigned to being a bad team for a few years while they rebuild. QB is the most important position, but reaching big time for one with the 1st overall pick might not be the best idea. And IMO any of these QBs taken #1 overall is a huge reach.


As far as this class, I've mostly been watching Pickett so far. He's looked pretty good. Very solid. Nothing crazy or spectabular but he's a good decision maker, is accurate, and gets the ball to the right guy most of the time. He actually does remind me a lot of Mac Jones in several ways, though he's a much better scrambler.

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