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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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29 minutes ago, Bang said:

I get what @tshileis saying, Pence couldn't do much during the term. He's the VP, not much else. Breaking senate ties would b his biggest contributions, most likely.
But he damn sure could have been able to know who Trump was before accepting the invitation to be his running mate.
At best he is grossly naïve, at worst he agreed with all of it, except the kingmaking part.

Maybe Pence figured Trump was bound to be thrown out, and he could become president?




After the riot during those 3 hours Trump was doing nothing but watching gleefully he could've invoked the 25th and become president if he wanted to.

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And I guess I’m just angry because it’s yet another instance of a bunch of people who have no respect for how difficult a situation is, telling all of us how easy it would be for them. Downplaying the significance. 

i see the same thing in this debate, as I saw in the guy streaming from the Las Vegas shooting saying he was running back to his truck to get his handgun to take out the guy sniping people with a rifle 14 floors up 🧐



our country has people that are hero’s. You saw it on 9/11. You see it sometimes when a car accident happens and someone quickly yanks people out of a car on fire. 

but we’re mostly cowards. You see it when an old woman falls in a street and everyone pulls out their phone to record it instead of rushing to help her. Or when something happens and people are willing to stampede each other to death to save their own life. 

I see a bunch people acting like if only they were present when the mass shooter started, they’d run in and take him out with their handgun they carry everywhere they go. 

sorry. I know better. I walk around in life too. Most people are cowards. Most people are full of ****. And I find it hilarious some people are downplaying this moment. People that have never, and will never, be in something 1/100th the importance or the risk. People I know don’t have the balls to do what they’re downplaying themselves. 

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10 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


He isn't even co-operating with the Jan 6 investigation to say anything though.  He probably would play this up if threatened with jail time or running for president.  Fine he isn't going from screen to screen biting Trump and risking losing his base even more...oh, yea...


He doesn't have to be in front of Congress to proclaim himself a hero. He already publicly stated Trump was dead wrong in saying he could have legally derailed the certification, and didn't need to be in a hearing to do so.


And you seem so hellbent on making sure Pence gets absolutely no credit for anything that you didn't even really understand the point of my post...which was to say that the Chris Rock clip actually doesn't apply to Pence, just the opposite in fact.

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But T, as you say, the "most are cowards" is what we are dealing with.


Look at the average GOP voter.. You think the majority are saying "what Trump did post election that led to 1/6" was bad and disqualifying for his future political career?


Not at all. They are looking at $5:gas and nearly double digit inflation and are saying "see, Trump was justified in trying to hang onto power"


It's depressing.

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Just to put a bow on my ranting and call it a day - I completely get and understand what all if you are saying and why you feel that way about pence. I respect your opinions on it. We just see this one thing quite a bit differently, and that’s fine. 

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15 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


He doesn't have to be in front of Congress to proclaim himself a hero. He already publicly stated Trump was dead wrong in saying he could have legally derailed the certification, and didn't need to be in a hearing to do so.


And you seem so hellbent on making sure Pence gets absolutely no credit for anything that you didn't even really understand the point of my post...which was to say that the Chris Rock clip actually doesn't apply to Pence, just the opposite in fact.


No, i understood your post and agree, jus stating why I believe that's happening and not to expect that to stay that way, especially if he runs for president.

Edited by Renegade7
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1 minute ago, hail2skins said:

You think the majority are saying "what Trump did post election that led to 1/6" was bad and disqualifying for his future political career?


I think it’s in play. 

something like 15% of people thought watergate was worth criminal investigation. By the end of the hearings it was like 80%, which is why Nixon resigned. Something the majority of people didn’t think was worth investigating at the start, turned into surefire criminal conviction forcing resignation and pardoning. 

i have no idea the probability. But history says it’s absolutely possible. 

And I think, if you’re truly dedicated to democracy, right now, in this moment, it’s your duty to try. 

It might not work. But damnit you have to try. 

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I looked at my nephew's FB yesterday, my daughter said he was a diehard Trumper. Sure enough, he's pretty rabid about it. He lives in Stafford and is a volunteer firefighter so he's embroiled in that culture. My dead brother would be horrified, as he was very liberal like me. Brother was a recovered Libertarian. 

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Many in the GoP find Trump an embarrassment but as he is currently their frontman they cling to the story that they tell themselves that we should see what he does, and not what he says. 

In terms of recognizing the gravity of the situation, maybe it would have been for the best for the future of the country if his mob had actually got their hands on Pence on 1/6, but I suppose his enablers would have shrugged it off like everything else and change the subject.


I would hope an interviewer will ask Trump the question “If the people who invaded the Capitol on 1/6 had got their hands on Mike Pence and assaulted him, do you think he deserved it?”

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16 minutes ago, tshile said:

I think it’s in play. 

something like 15% of people thought watergate was worth criminal investigation. By the end of the hearings it was like 80%, which is why Nixon resigned. Something the majority of people didn’t think was worth investigating at the start, turned into surefire criminal conviction forcing resignation and pardoning. 

i have no idea the probability. But history says it’s absolutely possible. 

And I think, if you’re truly dedicated to democracy, right now, in this moment, it’s your duty to try. 

It might not work. But damnit you have to try. 


I think people were much more reasonable in some respects back then.

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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

It'll be interesting to see how it happens and when it starts. Christie is really only the potential hopeful who has called Trump out so far. But I think DeSantis is the only one who has a shot of beating Trump, and right now, given the mindset of the GOP voting base, I'm still very skeptical of that.

I always thought that Paul Ryan was playing the long game by leaving Congress in 2018.  2024 may be too soon, but I see him coming back if there is a sea change against Trump.

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1 minute ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I think people were much more reasonable in some respects back then.

I dunno. It’s always been tribal to an extent but GOP leadership seems to have embraced the tactic to demonize the opposition as it’s a winning approach. Maybe Nixon should have called everyone pedophiles and socialists.

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5 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


That was a typo, I'm fixing it now : )


Yeah, I figured it out, but couldn't pass up the joke lol...


To your point, it would be phenomenal if Pence testified and was honest while doing so...then again, it was admitted by Proud Boy or an Oath Keeper that they were indeed going to kill Pence if they got to him, so...


The GOP needs their version of a Martin Luther King of sorts, someone to start a movement aimed at righting a wrong and being dedicated to it no matter what, and who can convince millions of conservatives to join the cauahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAAA 🤣...yeah, like that would ever happen lol.

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9 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I think people were much more reasonable in some respects back then.

Certainly possible. 

the other option is to give up and hope it all doesn’t get worse. 


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43 minutes ago, China said:


After the riot during those 3 hours Trump was doing nothing but watching gleefully he could've invoked the 25th and become president if he wanted to.


Not really.  He would have needed 1/2 the cabinet to support him.

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30 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


He doesn't have to be in front of Congress to proclaim himself a hero. He already publicly stated Trump was dead wrong in saying he could have legally derailed the certification, and didn't need to be in a hearing to do so.


And you seem so hellbent on making sure Pence gets absolutely no credit for anything that you didn't even really understand the point of my post...which was to say that the Chris Rock clip actually doesn't apply to Pence, just the opposite in fact.

Yeah, Pence hasn't been pounding his chest on doing the right thing. The video was more about someone doing the right thing and people patting him on the back for doing it. It's the people saying "He should be proud of what he did." No, he did WTF he was supposed to do. 

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Pence really didn’t have much of a choice to make. It was himself ignore millions of voters, cause a revolution and become back up dictator OR follow the law. 

Seriously think about it. Had he ran Trump would have had everything he needed to take over the country and it would have been his fault. Had he done what Trump wanted, his fault. And your only ally left is the guy who tried to kill you and the people he hired to do it. The only thing he could do and not be a revolutionary at that point was to do his job and then go home. He was looking out for his own ass. Which is why he never told anyone what the **** was happening.

Edited by Llevron
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1 hour ago, tshile said:

This idea pence only did this at the last minute doesn’t seem consistent with any of the testimony we saw yesterday. 

in fact, according to all those people, they were against this from the start and never wavered. 

at best they humored the idea by looking into the legality of it. 

And came back with “nope, no where close to legal/constitutional”


But he should have told EVERYBODY that he doesn't have the Constitutional power to do that BEFORE January 6.  Loudly and publicly. In the testimony yesterday it came out that Trump released one of his official statements - I think it was on January 4 - saying "Mike Pence and I are in total agreement that he has the Constitutional power to" throw it back to the states. That was a flat out lie. Jason Miller said Trump dictated that statement AFTER he met one-on-one with Pence and Pence told him flat out he didn't have that power. And it was after a NY Times article that correctly said Trump and Pence were on opposite sides of the issue. Yet the lying sociopath dictated that lie anyway and released it to the world. Pence's team was PISSED.


They could have loudly broke from "Team Crazy" then and there.  Issue a statement from the Office of the Vice President than and there countering the lie. That would have tamped down some of the rabid furor of January 6.  Instead, they let Trump's flat out lie stand, so the MAGA morons in town had a false idea of Pence's power AND his intentions.

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12 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Yeah, Pence hasn't been pounding his chest on doing the right thing. The video was more about someone doing the right thing and people patting him on the back for doing it. It's the people saying "He should be proud of what he did." No, he did WTF he was supposed to do. 


Ah, ok...agree with you there.

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