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Biden/Harris Legislative/Policy Discussions - Now with a Republican House starting 2023


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2 beers a week is meh but I tell yinz as I'm getting older I notice I can't drink as much. Maybe if you're a college kid you can have 4 or 5 natry lights but as a 40 year old man I drink more than 2 beers im throwing up. 


Can't even drink hard liquor anymore it's sad. Maybe it's just my bad stomach. 

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2 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:



2 beers a week is meh but I tell yinz as I'm getting older I notice I can't drink as much. Maybe if you're a college kid you can have 4 or 5 natry lights but as a 40 year old man I drink more than 2 beers im throwing up. 


Can't even drink hard liquor anymore it's sad. Maybe it's just my bad stomach. 

“I have another question that you probably were not expecting,” Doocy said, fresh back to the press room following paternity leave. “Does President Biden want to limit Americans to two beers a week?”


Further proof that there are no stupid questions, just stupid people asking questions. 

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Could possibly go in the 2024 Election thread because this is purely a political stunt, but since it involves one of Biden's landmark legislative achievements, I'll stick it here. 




DeSantis tells Biden: Keep your IRA money



President Joe Biden is offering one of his White House challengers hundreds of millions of dollars to spend in his state. The only problem: that opponent is refusing to take it.


The Inflation Reduction Act makes Florida eligible for some $350 million in energy efficiency incentives. But Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected the funding and other measures, creating the most prominent blockade by any Republican governor against Biden’s economic agenda.


And there’s nothing the White House can do besides hope he changes his mind.

The rejection has the potential to create significant ripple effects, politically and economically, in the coming months. As the president and his Cabinet members go around the country boasting about the IRA, rebates for energy-efficient purchases — the majority of the funding that DeSantis has refused — have played a particularly prominent role. That’s not just because they underpin the administration’s climate agenda but because they provide direct rebates to consumers.


The Politico spin on this is weird.  It acts like Biden should be worried about this development, and I don't understand why.  If FLA rejects the IRA money, the Biden can send it to other states.  FLA is not a winnable state for Biden in the 2024 election, but it sure would be great if Biden could send that money to GA and PA.  Also, if DeSantis were actually a viable candidate, which he isn't, it would be a great line of attack in a general election that he puts politics over people.  



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The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a notice of proposed rulemaking that would restore and extend overtime protections to 3.6 million salaried workers. The proposed rule would guarantee overtime pay for most salaried workers earning less than $1,059 per week, about $55,000 per year.


“For over 80 years, a cornerstone of workers’ rights in this country is the right to a 40-hour workweek, the promise that you get to go home after 40 hours or you get higher pay for each extra hour that you spend laboring away from your loved ones,” said Acting Secretary Julie Su. “I’ve heard from workers again and again about working long hours, for no extra pay, all while earning low salaries that don’t come anywhere close to compensating them for their sacrifices. Today, the Biden-Harris administration is proposing a rule that would help restore workers’ economic security by giving millions more salaried workers the right to overtime protections if they earn less than $55,000 a year. Workers deserve to continue to share in the economic prosperity of Bidenomics.” 


Today’s announcement follows months of extensive outreach to employers, workers, unions and other stakeholders, which included the department holding 27 listening sessions with more than 2,000 participants to inform the proposed rule.


Click on the link for the full notice

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Appeals court scales back order squelching Biden administration contact with social media platforms


A federal appeals court Friday significantly whittled down a lower court’s order curbing Biden administration communications with social media companies over controversial content about COVID-19 and other issues.


The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on Friday said the White House, the Surgeon General, the Centers for Disease Control and the FBI cannot “coerce” social media platforms to take down posts the government doesn’t like.


But the court threw out broader language in an order that a Louisiana-based federal judge issued on July 4 that effectively blocked multiple government agencies from contacting platforms such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) to urge that content be taken down.


Even the appeals court’s softened order doesn’t take effect immediately. The administration has 10 days to seek a Supreme Court review.


Friday evening’s ruling came in a lawsuit filed in northeast Louisiana that accused administration officials of coercing platforms to take down content under the threat of possible antitrust actions or changes to federal law shielding them from lawsuits over their users’ posts.


COVID-19 vaccines, the FBI’s handling of a laptop that belonged to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and election fraud allegations were among the topics spotlighted in the lawsuit, which accused the administration of using threats of regulatory action to squelch conservative points of view.


The states of Missouri and Louisiana filed the lawsuit, along with a conservative website owner and four people opposed to the administration’s COVID-19 policy.


In an unsigned 75-page opinion, three 5th Circuit judges agreed with the plaintiffs that the administration “ran afoul of the First Amendment” by at times threatening social media platforms with antitrust action or changes to law protecting them from liability.


But the court excised much of U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s broad July 4 ruling, saying mere encouragement to take down content doesn’t always cross a constitutional line.


“As an initial matter, it is axiomatic that an injunction is overbroad if it enjoins a defendant from engaging in legal conduct. Nine of the preliminary injunction’s ten prohibitions risk doing just that. Moreover, many of the provisions are duplicative of each other and thus unnecessary,” Friday’s ruling said.


Click on the link for the full article

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President Joe Biden’s administration is set to ease restrictions on Cuba to allow more US financial support of small businesses, a limited step to try to help private firms struggling to survive in the island’s shattered economy.


The US will unveil regulatory changes aimed at bolstering the entrepreneurial sector on the communist-run island as soon as this week, according to a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition they not be named ahead of the announcement.


Advocates for engagement with Cuba, which has been subject to a US trade embargo since the early 1960s, expect to see limited measures imminently from agencies including the State Department. They could be announced as Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel visits New York for the United Nations General Assembly beginning Tuesday.


The moves — which will likely give Cuban entrepreneurs access to the US banking system — “will hopefully make life easier for the Mipymes,” said Miami-based lawyer Pedro Freyre, using the Spanish acronym for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.


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46 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



Personaly I think this is a few decades late. Those embargoes hurt the people of Cuba way more than the leaders. In fact it gave them someone to blame for any and everything wrong. Give the people some financial freedom and they will start thier own push back on government. Improve thier quality of life. 


Right wing media willl read: Biden administration wants to rule like Castro. Bringing in communism (because they don't know the difference between communism and socialism) to America! We are turning our back on Cuban's who want to a free democracy! 


To that I say, **** Off!!  

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Could probably be its own thread.  I'm no expert on Cuba, but it's right off the coast of Florida, the communist vanguard are extremely old and dying off, and small concessions now would be like selling drugs to children, they'll just want more and more capitalism.  


Then we can turn it into the US' beach playground, just like it always should have been. 

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