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Where Was Jesus Actually Born?


Tomorrow night, Jupiter and Saturn will briefly cross paths in the sky and appear to form a single body. Though planetary conjunctions aren’t especially rare, this one is getting a lot of attention because of its occurrence before Christmas. In a year in which good tidings of great joy were conspicuously absent, the astral event is making news. Some are speculating that perhaps this is the astral event that guided the wise men to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in Bethlehem. The ubiquitous image of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus squeezed into a Bethlehem stable has a timeless appeal in artwork, crèches, and seasonal plays everywhere, but historians question many elements of its historicity.


The story of the birth of Jesus is told in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew and the two versions—each of which focuses on a particular theme—are spliced together to form our modern Nativity story. In the Gospel of Luke, the weary couple arrive in Bethlehem after a long journey and are turned away from the “inn” because there was no room. It’s because of the lack of space, tradition tells us, that they end up in a stable and Jesus is placed in a manger. There’s even a scene in Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth in which a woman gives the holy family directions to a cave-like dwelling.


This isn’t quite what the Bible says, however. Luke 2:7 reads, in the NRSV translation, that Mary gave birth to Jesus and “laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them at the inn.” Though we might assume that they were turned away from the ancient equivalent of the Hilton, there’s no actual mention of a stable here. Moreover, the Greek word translated as “inn” (kataluma) doesn’t mean hotel in any kind of modern service industry kind of way. The problem isn’t one of vocabulary. Luke does know the Greek word for a hostel or inn and uses it in his telling of the famous Parable of the Good Samarian. That he uses different language here means that Luke is describing something else here. The question is: what is a kataluma?


Click on the link for the rest

Edited by China
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Each year on December 23rd, Festivus commemorates a holiday episode of the television comedy, Seinfeld. In 1997, the popular television comedy brought Festivus to the masses when Frank Costanza (played by Jerry Stiller) explains he invented the holiday in response to the commercialism of Christmas. Its slogan is “A Festivus for the rest of us.”


Sitcoms often combine holidays and family discord. However, one only has to look to our own families to find a little humor. This holiday reminds us how easily we take things too seriously at times. Politics, traditions, grudges and more lead us down unintended paths. Sometimes those paths turn out to be quite the hilarious turn of events. Well, hopefully, they’re more hilarious than not. At least while watching through the magnifying glass of the Seinfeld episode safely from our homes, we see a bit of our selves and those we hold dear. 

Festivus traditions derived from the television episode and the original creator have been combined over the years.


-Adorn an aluminum Festivus pole to be displayed in the home. In the O’Keefe household, there was no pole. Instead, a clock was placed in a bag and nailed to the wall.
- Serve a traditional dinner in the evening. 
- During dinner, allow the Airing of Grievances. Each person takes turns describing how the others have disappointed him or her over the past year.
- Feats of Strength follows dinner and involves wrestling the head of the household. Note: The holiday is not complete unless the head of the household is pinned. Failure to pin the head of the household could result in perpetual Festivus.
- Festivus Miracle – a frequent if unimpressive miracle. You may count carrying all the groceries into the house for dinner without tripping or dropping one of the bags as a Festivus Miracle.


Click on the link for the full story

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Alright, the whole "Die Hard is actually a Christmas movie!" trope that started a few years ago was cute and funny, but every hipster douche that's got too much time on their hands and access to a platform to write on doesn't have to make a case for "OMG THIS OTHER MOVIE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTMAS IS ACTUALLY A CHRISTMAS MOVIE AREN'T I SO WITTY AND OBSERVANT!"


Go play in traffic on the Beltway.

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35 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Alright, the whole "Die Hard is actually a Christmas movie!" trope that started a few years ago was cute and funny, but every hipster douche that's got too much time on their hands and access to a platform to write on doesn't have to make a case for "OMG THIS OTHER MOVIE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTMAS IS ACTUALLY A CHRISTMAS MOVIE AREN'T I SO WITTY AND OBSERVANT!"


Go play in traffic on the Beltway.

The movie Traffic is definitely a Christmas movie that isn't yet considered one. It's a metaphor.

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I usually watch die hard one of two ways

- Christmas Eve, while wrapping presents

- Christmas night, after all the children are gone. It’s a nice break from the overly joyful month and starts the post Christmas transition


occasionally it works out both ways. Looking that way this year. 

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

^^^^ That will be the second best part of my day! :rofl89:(A win is the first).


My two favorite parts:


- Mom: "Do you think thinking about what you've done is gonna taking away the marker all over your chest?"

- Kid: "If we take a bath it will."




- Mom: "You are officially never allowed to use a marker again."

- Kid: "But I like to draw!"


Honorable mention:

Kid in glasses on the right with his hands clasped in prayer/angst the WHOLE TIME.

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On 12/17/2020 at 9:55 AM, Xameil said:

I don't care what anyone says...Home Alone is AWEFUL. It was good the first time but to me has ZERO re-watchability. 


On 12/17/2020 at 9:59 AM, Xameil said:

That damn movie...seriously...I wish everytime that movie is on Joe Pesci turns into Tommy and beats him with a shovel...


On 12/17/2020 at 10:48 AM, PleaseBlitz said:


Everyone wishes that, but it's still a decent movie.  



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On 12/27/2020 at 11:34 AM, dfitzo53 said:

Cute kids but mom is being lame.

Seriously, how is she not laughing?  My daughter will one day tell her therapist about me, and how I would often take a good five minutes to stop laughing before attempting to parent.  

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7 minutes ago, Destino said:

Seriously, how is she not laughing?  My daughter will one day tell her therapist about me, and how I would often take a good five minutes to stop laughing before attempting to parent.  

I mean, first of all, who cares? It'll wash off. We literally gave my daughter tattoo markers because she draws tattoos on my son and they both enjoy it.


Beyond that, she's shaming her kids, yet filming the whole incident to post online for laughs.


On the other hand, I don't want to draw too many broad conclusions from one video.

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