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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

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Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

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    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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5 minutes ago, SonnySideUp said:

Interestingly enough, according to Keim, Joe Gibbs actually helped Ron search for a QB and end up with Wentz. They even discussed trying to get Andrew Luck out of retirement. Apparently Gibbs was also important in selling Ron on taking the Commanders job.


No offense to Joe Gibbs and all the great memories he provided me as a child and as an adult his second time a Redskin, but I find it increasingly odd and desperate how involved Gibbs is with some of these tactical decisions with Snyder's organization. As someone who is now 15 years removed from the NFL (and was pretty outdated his second time around to begin with), what really does he have to offer when it comes to selecting a coach or QB? 


By all accounts, he was always good at building a team of PEOPLE and getting those people to work hard and believe in HIM. That I will believe until the day I die. And, I believe that, at one time, he was an innovative offensive mind in the 1980s. I just find it bizarre that Snyder continues to play that card...well Gibbs helped pick Ron! Well Gibbs helped Ron pick Carson! OK...Gibbs also picked Brunell and Campbell. He drafted Desmond Howard and thought Petitbone would seamlessly replace him. So what? 

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5 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Why the hell is Joe Gibbs still involved at all with personnel decisions? This team just can't move on.


Was wondering the same thing. We all know Gibbs' skills at talent evaluation are mediocre at best...remember Desmond Howard?


Also starting to wonder how close Gibbs is to this whole mess...will complaints about his behavior start coming out too? People will also start to ask him how he couldn't know about Snyder's treatment of others.

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1 hour ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

If he is pushed to sell, which seems like he’s not willing to do, or he just gets ousted, I genuinely wonder if Bezos is the new owner. Has to be, right? He wants it. League would just open the doors for him right?


Also, after HQ2, and the investments from Amazon into Nova and DC MSA in general, he will get whatever stadium wherever he wants it. And it would probably move VERY quickly. 

League has to sell to the highest bidder I believe regardless. No one can outbid Bezos. Its going to blow away the Broncos sale. $ 7 bill + just to ensure he gets it. 

Edited by Zim489
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3 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Turner just got extended to my knowledge.  I assume he’s safe and full of excuses in every meeting.  Even though anyone with eyes can see this dude is drawing dead with most play calls.


They're still gonna blame the QB.  Until they get a guy in here, Turner will skate and it'll go to the fall guy.

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3 hours ago, SkinsGuy said:




Snyder looks like he is in his pajamas and was just woken up after going on a bender.

Looks like Snyder is probably 6 months from going full on Howard Hughes on us.    Anyone get a good look at the length of his fingernails?  I couldn't see...


season 5 episode 10 GIF

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1 hour ago, CommanderInTheRye said:




He looks absolutely pathetic and lost.


If this was about anyone else on the planet I might actually feel sorry for him.


But damnit he did this to himself and he certainly enjoyed lording over others when he had the upperhand. 


Consider his list of unwritten rules for employees:


1. Don't go to the rest room while I'm on your floor

2. Wear stilletto heels, a lowcut dress, and a pushup bra to work.

3. If I walk past you in the hallway ou will look down at the floor with your hands clasped behind your back and NEVER look at me directly in the eyes.

4. You will always address me as MISTER Snyder

5. etc etc.


He needs tough love. Uncompromising tough love right now.


And he needs to sell the team.


Until he does I hope he suffers bitterly without reprieve.






Here's another unofficial rule for employees of Dan Mister Snyder that was revealed during testimony to the House committee last month:


6. If you are using the urinal and Mister Snyder and his body guards enter the rest room you will immediately return your still draining member to your pants while quickly pulling up your zipper, making sure that your pitiful member is not in any way visible to Mister Snyder.


You will then apologize, bow your head deferentially  with your hands clasped firmly behind your back and  slowly step backwards to the opposite wall to allow Mister Snyder unfettered access to your urinal.


Once Mister Snyder begins to urinate you will then compliment him on his unrivaled manhood, thank him for allowing you to work for his great and glorious company despite your general ineptness and unworthiness compared to him and then politely ask for permission to leave the rest room.



Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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32 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Why the hell is Joe Gibbs still involved at all with personnel decisions? This team just can't move on.

Because Gibbs is so revered by us that he’s used as cover. That’s all it’s ever been. 

Nothing is sacred to snyder. He’ll drive anything and everything into the ground if he thinks it’ll work. 

I still maintain that the team name didn’t change because snyder had some epiphany about cultural sensitivity. No, what happened was he drove a brand into the ground. And once you do that your options are to give up, or rebrand. So he rebranded. 

And to no one’s surprise he screwed that up too. 

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3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

It could be.  the dude who wrote the article for ESPN is a Pulitzer Prize writer so I buy that someone indeed gave them the story about Wentz.  My guess is as I mentioned yesterday, Rivera was on Wentz as an option but Danny got hyped about it.  This team under Dan regardless of the regime typically gets fleeced in trades.  And later its often revealed that Dan's finger prints are on them.  When he wants something he wants it really, really, really bad.


But to your point, I'll take Rivera at his word that he wanted Wentz.  I just think he's not handiling the PR element of it well -- feels like he protests too much.  If there is nothing to these stories laugh it off.  This is the third rodeo now in a short amount of time that centers on whether he wanted Wentz.


I was ok with the roll of the dice move to get Wentz.  I do think though Ballard fleeced them on the compensation -- said so then and still believe it now.


I just don't agree that Ron is protesting too much.  I think this is exactly how a coach needs to behave in defense of his QB.  He needs get fired up and demonstrate to everyone that Carson is his guy and that he's got his full support and to basically STFU about Carson being forced on him or being some unwanted product of politics or ownership.  You can not play QB in this league without the support of your coach, I don't care how talented you are.  Every QB will go through struggles and ebbs--Aaron Rodgers, Matt Stafford, Matt Ryan, and Russell Wilson have all played some terrible football so far this season--but it makes all of the difference in the world to know your are right there in the battle with you and aren't going to pull you for your next failure in execution.  You have zero chance of turning things around and playing good football without that being the case.


I don't love what we paid the Colts for Carson in the context of what other teams paid for Matt Ryan, Baker Mayfield, etc.  But in the grand scheme of QB cost, it's only a fleecing if this season is a total failure and everyone gets fired, which would likely happen for bigger reasons than Carson's individual performance.  But if he stabilizes the team and he and Ron keep their jobs into next season, then a second and third round pick are not too much to pay for a starting QB that became the leader of your offense, or perhaps maybe even just served as a necessary bridge to buy time to develop a prospect in Sam Howell.  That's an acceptable price and outcome to me too.


3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

I like Howell's potential.  I like Heinicke as a backup.  Not sure about Wentz -- the arrow is trending down for me.  I was ok with the Colts version of Wentz.  The Colts had bad pass protection, too.   Wentz wasn't as skittish there, he also seemed to have better mobility.  Wentz seems to have lost his mobility.  Last year, you could see some signs that he hasn't lost all his mobility -- i don't feel the same way this year.


Agree this could be turned around fast with upgrades on the O line.  I am not sure about QB.  I am ok with playing it out with Wentz but unless he comes on i don't want to lose the 2nd rounder this year, I'd want to see Howell.


I honestly like all three QBs and like the roles they are in, Carson needs a real chance here.  I suspect the reason his mobility is gone is that he's hurt.  He always takes a ton of damage every season he plays--most QBs do, but he's got particularly bad biomechanics and a particularly reckless style and he's a big target.  He takes more damage than most, and he's already accumulated a lot of it early in the season because he got the crap knocked out of him every week, starting in game 2.  We can't overstate how profoundly bad the effect of the collapse of the OL was over the first five games.  They were nonfunctional and basically gave the offense zero chance at executing a full passing offense--limitations that Scott Turner could not adjust to.  Carson had no chance to be successful under those circumstances and he got beat up pretty bad.


I want us to give it a real go with Carson this year, and I don't care if it costs us a second instead of a third.  We need to stick with a direction at QB for once in the Rivera era, because the endless waffling at the position is the worst choice of all that you can make.  And I also do not want to throw Sam Howell out there behind this line, and in a lame duck coaching situation.  He does not have the experience to deal with the problems they cause and it would only ruin his development and confidence.  Howell is a developmental prospect and they need to stay on plan with his development, which probably means keeping him inactive on game days so long as Carson and Taylor are healthy enough to play.  If Carson can't go any more, then we should go with Taylor, who has already proven he can play the position and function in this system.


3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

While they blew it on the O line.  I think they've quietly redeemed themselves on the D line.  Toohill and Obada are really nice depth.  John Ridgeway when I've watched him has looked stout.  Payne is having a breaktheough season.  Allen IMO has emerged as a star.  Sweat has come on.  And Chase is coming back.  Benching Jackson for St. Juste seems to be a winning move.  Wildgoose not bad in the slot.  The defense is starting to come on.  But I won't judge until I see them against Rodgers next Sunday.


As for Scott Turner, I think he was decent the first two years -- mainly from the stand point of formations and eye candy in the backfield.  But i do think he's been horrendous this year.  I feel a little vindicated arguing against him being a head coach with some here who pushed the idea this off season -- IMO he doesn't have the personality to be a HC -- I'll add to that he doesn't have the acumen for it either.   Zampese though is considered one of the best QB coaches in the league.


I think they got carried away with Masko making lemonade out of lemons in the off season -- his magic can clearly only take you so far. 


The DL looks awesome, the starters have been dominant, and the depth has been fantastic.  They are good enough to contend with.  I think our linebackers have been pretty serviceable too, and that most of the biggest issues with the defense can be fixed with some personnel improvements in the secondary.  The biggest problem for the defensive performance is that they are getting run ragged by an offense that can't move the chains, much less score points or take leads and alleviate some of the pressure to be dominant every series.  We have to be realistic and accept that this is pretty much as good as your defense will get when your offense is absolutely nonfunctional.


I've never been a fan of Turner and felt that even on his best days, his situational awareness is bad and that his instincts for attacking defenses and helping his players are lacking.  Calling seven step drops when the Eagles line is in a blood frenzy and you can see the **** and piss running down the legs of your makeshift offensive line is mind blowing.  He was on the damn sideline for that game and he had zero feel for what was happening right in front of him?  Calling a read option run for Carson on a key second down around the goal line when Carson is so bruised up he can barely run?  Calling a long developing pass play after Carson's throwing hand got hit by the DL on the previous play and he's sitting there frantically working it to get the feeling back in it?  This is what inferior coaching looks like.  He's got zero Jimmys and Joes sense of what it takes to execute as a player and where his guys and the other team's guys are at in the moment, and he routinely puts his guys in a position to fail instead of helping them to succeed.  Ron is not a mastermind strategist type of Head Coach, he needs his top offensive coach to be the most intuitive and brilliant coach on his entire staff, and Turner is really short of that standard.  OC is one of the most important changes Ron needs to make in this offseason in order for his regime to survive.  It's never going to stop bothering me that he picked his bad OC from Carolina--who did a bad job there--over a talented and intuitive up and comer with recent high level experience playing QB and who ended up winning a SB and getting a head coaching gig within two years of that decision.


Definitely agree about there being hubris in the approach to the OL that has come to a head and perhaps doomed our season.  Letting Scherff walk was a product of underestimating him and his value and the general market at his position, and it's nearly the exact same mistake we're making again with Payne.  We also overestimated the reliability of Chase Roullier and not getting a credible back up for him when his loss was the very thing that sunk our OL the year before is inexcusable.  I would hope we don't make the same mistake a third time next offseason.  But it also seems like we might reach a turning point in their performance soon where we can found the offense on a smashmouth wide zone system and get some kind of identity going, so the line still has a chance to improve.  But their failure has been the biggest reason why the team lost those four games and why the season go out of hand so fast.

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2 hours ago, Commander PK said:


I get the sense that he is hell bent he is not going to be beaten and run off.  Snyder is a self-made man, not from old money.  His entire life he has built himself up to try to show that he belongs at that table.  I wish he would sell.  Everybody would be better off.    



This really isn't about football anymore for Dan, IMO.  I think that phase of his ownership has absolutely been vanquished.  It's personal now.  For Dan, the team is his identity, and right now it's him against the world.  


But if he loses the team and it stays in his family, that's just insanity.   It would make zero sense for the NFL to allow that to happen.  

2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


If am going glass half full, pass rush even without Chase might be living up to their hype





But isn't this what we all expected to happen in the offseason?   It's just 2020 all over again.  They aren't really a force unless it's against inferior QBs and O lines.  Now...this is certainly better than them not showing up at all.  I'm not trying to dump on them here.  But I'm a LONG way from giving this D line much praise.  

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Although it clearly is not working as most of us predicted, and the price was insane, I think the criticism is a bit to harsh over the Wentz decision. I mean what were there other options?, Rodgers wasn't one, good thing they didn't pay the price for Wilson and Jimmy G was coming off surgery.  So what other options did they have?  Mariotta or Mitch T.  Have you seen those 2 play this season?  


No they made the best of a desperate situation and that's exactly where Ron was, in a desperate situation  

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2 hours ago, Rogue Jedi said:

Dan Snyder is a **** person. He doesn't deserve sympathy for all the terrible things he's done to individual people, the fans, and this franchise.



Nor does he dole out any sympathy for others.  The man is the worst kind of human being. I have no qualms about him rotting.

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47 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

No offense to Joe Gibbs and all the great memories he provided me as a child and as an adult his second time a Redskin, but I find it increasingly odd and desperate how involved Gibbs is with some of these tactical decisions with Snyder's organization. As someone who is now 15 years removed from the NFL (and was pretty outdated his second time around to begin with), what really does he have to offer when it comes to selecting a coach or QB? 


By all accounts, he was always good at building a team of PEOPLE and getting those people to work hard and believe in HIM. That I will believe until the day I die. And, I believe that, at one time, he was an innovative offensive mind in the 1980s. I just find it bizarre that Snyder continues to play that card...well Gibbs helped pick Ron! Well Gibbs helped Ron pick Carson! OK...Gibbs also picked Brunell and Campbell. He drafted Desmond Howard and thought Petitbone would seamlessly replace him. So what? 

Dan is the only football related confidant Dan has. 

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Say what you want about Gibbs-- and I get how you youngsters that really only know the shell of the man that theey watched  as Gibbs 2.0 don't feel much allegiance to the man.


But I repeat today to all of you what I said a few weeks ago at a church meeting that got me laughed at, cursed at, spitted at and called filthy disgusting, vile, names by the pastor...


Joe Jackson Gibbs may be the ONLY single earthly or divine creature in the multi-verse that Snyder would sincerely listen to if he sat down with him and simply said something like:


"Dan I know you tried mightily but it's over now it just didn't work out. Continuing to fight this isn't good for you, your family, the fans or the league. Let me help you to help yourself. It's time for you to sell the team my friend."



If Joe could accomplish that he would have saved our franchise once again.


Obi wan Joe you are our last hope...






Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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13 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

You think Rivera should be asked more questions about Snyder's misgivings (or reports of his misgivings?) Why?  What could Rivera possibly add to the discussion when a lot of this stuff happened before Rivera was even here?


I am all for the media grilling the front office about front office issues, but why Rivera?

When it comes to personnel issues; damn right he does. He’s the man with the power. Non- personnel issues can go to Danya or Jason.

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4 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

Say what you want about Gibbs-- and I get how you youngsters that really only know the shell of the man that theey watched  as Gibbs 2.0 don't feel much allegiance to the man.


But I repeat today to all of you what I said a few weeks ago at a church meeting that got me laughed, cursed, spit at and called filthy disgusting vile names while doing so...


Joe Jackson Gibbs may be the ONLY single earthly or divine creature in the multi-verse that Snyder would sincerely listen to if he sat down with him and simply said something like:


"Dan I know you tried mightily but it's over now it just didn't work out. Continuing to fight this isn't good for you, your family, the fans or the league. Let me help you to help yourself. It's time for you to sell the team my friend."



If Joe could accomplish that he would have saved our franchise once again.


Obi wan Joe you are our last hope...--sniff--.




I understand why you would say that and, I think I thought that for periods of time in the past. However, just like Anakin started swinging lightsabers at Obi-wan Kenobi, I think if Joe Gibbs said that to Dan Snyder, he'd become his enemy very quickly. 

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5 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

I understand why you would say that and, I think I thought that for periods of time in the past. However, just like Anakin started swinging lightsabers at Obi-wan Kenobi, I think if Joe Gibbs said that to Dan Snyder, he'd become his enemy very quickly. 





Because then Joe would be released to become far more powerful than before while a befuddled Lord Snyder would be left to examine his empty clothing pondering what could have possibly happened to his body. 😃

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More stories like this one now are starting to pop up everywhere since the ESPN article. Hopefully, he will continue to be drowned in horrendous publicity such as this which is now reaching more of the general and not just sports oriented press.  




>>Go ahead, NFL owners. Call Dan Snyder’s bluff.


According to an ESPN story published Thursday, the NFL tolerates the worst owner in all of sports because he could “blow up” the league with what he knows about commissioner Roger Goodell, Jerry Jones and several other owners. But whatever dirt he has – and given Snyder’s paranoia and history as a garbage human, I fully believe there’s a room at his palatial estate containing nothing but file cabinets filled with dossiers on anyone he crosses paths with – it cannot be more damaging than Snyder’s continued presence in the NFL.


The Washington Commanders owner is being investigated by Mary Jo White for allegations of sexual misconduct, including one by a woman who Snyder paid $1.6 million to in 2009 to go away. This is not to be confused with a previous investigation by Beth Wilkinson that found a toxic and misogynistic culture at the WFT.


There’s also a Congressional committee looking into, among other things, financial irregularities. There was the team trainer busted by the DEA for peddling oxycodone to players. There were the leaked emails of Jon Gruden and Bruce Allen that covered pretty much every square in bigotry bingo.


Oh! And who can forget all the damage done by Snyder’s arrogance and obstinance in refusing to change his team’s racist nickname.


Any one of these things should have prompted NFL owners to cut ties with Snyder. That they weren’t, well, what’s that saying about the company you keep? Paragons of virtue, NFL owners are not.


What they are, however, is money hungry, and the death knell for Snyder should be that his ownership in Washington is costing the NFL. Millions of dollars, if not billions.


The ESPN story, which was jaw-dropping for its exhaustive details on the shaky ground Snyder now finds himself on with his fellow owners, noted that Washington is currently No. 6 on Forbes’ list of most-valuable NFL franchises.


The Commanders are worth $5.6 billion, according to Forbes. While that is hardly pocket change, a storied franchise in the nation’s capital should be closer to the top-ranked Dallas Cowboys ($8 billion) than the 27th-ranked Tennessee Titans ($3.5 billion).


And that is squarely on Snyder.  


Washington desperately needs a new stadium, and pretty much any other owner would have had a deal locked down years ago for a publicly funded one that would print money for both the team and the league. Not Snyder! He’s managed to alienate leaders in Virginia, Maryland AND D.C. proper, to the point the Commanders might be stuck in FedEx Field forever if Snyder continues as the team’s owner.


That, or he’ll have to build so far out it will make the trek from San Francisco to Santa Clara look like an easy commute.


Anheuser-Busch, one of Washington’s largest sponsors, cut ties in the offseason, as did one of the team’s local sponsors. Fans can’t stand him. The Commanders are currently worst of the 32 NFL teams in attendance, drawing just over 58,000 per game, after finishing 31st last season. Search Change.org, and you’ll find no fewer than a half-dozen petitions for Snyder to sell the team, voluntarily or involuntarily.


Even if Snyder does have compromising information on his fellow owners, could it be any worse than what we already know? The Houston Texans owner made a racist comment at a team golf outing, Cleveland Browns owners Dee and Jimmy Haslam broke the bank for a sexual predator and Jerry Jones was sued by a woman who says she’s his secret daughter.

And that was just in the last year!


Besides, Snyder isn’t the only one who has dirt.


In a departure from pretty much every other NFL investigation, Wilkinson did not issue a written report, and Goodell has been sparse with the details. But they’re somewhere at NFL headquarters, and Goodell and the other owners might want to remind Snyder that, bad as things are for him now, they could get a heck of a lot worse.


Commanders fans deserve better than Snyder and, quite frankly, so does the NFL. By not cutting him loose, the league will continue to cost itself.<<  

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2 hours ago, Commander PK said:


I get the sense that he is hell bent he is not going to be beaten and run off.  Snyder is a self-made man, not from old money.  His entire life he has built himself up to try to show that he belongs at that table.  I wish he would sell.  Everybody would be better off.    


Don't forget how he made his money.  Telemarketing.  And a landline phone scam.  

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