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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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15 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Why exactly?


The team is 1-4, and generally looks like 💩.


I might understand this if the team actually looked decent and that they had a shot to do something in the postseason.  But they look horrendous and they aren’t entertaining to boot.




I like Rivera the dude.  Not sure about Rivera the coach but as we talked about everyone is worse coaching here and we doubt that is random coincidence.


Having said that, the more I think about it the more it hits me that a crash season might help the bottom line.   


Ron like Bruce was is a shield for Dan because like or not like Ron as a coach very few people would argue that he's a bad person --he's known as one of the good guys of the NFL.


Removing Bruce exposed Dan more.  Removing Ron might accomplish the same thing.


Let Dan hire that retread coach or run of the mill NFL assistant with no gravitas -- that might hasten Dan's demise. 

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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People are acting like this is a huge nothingburger and I don't get it.  We have found out:

-Snyder pushed for Wentz.

-Wright is a figurehead that was essentially given to Snyder by the league.

-Julie Donaldson's hire was a PR move that violated the Rooney Rule

-Rivera didn't want to fire Vermillion in 2021, but Wright did.

-The culture is actually still damn good.

-The no stadium might lead to his removal.


Most of the other stuff was run of the mill "typical Dan" stories, but there were a ton of nuggets I had never heard before.  

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42 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


What good does it do Ron or any of his gang, to leak that Wentz was Dan’s idea?


Why would John Keim of all people co-sign this narrative?  Dude has been the most credible reporter on all things this team since he got here.


This is a narrative that you get out there after you’ve been fired.  Not in the midst of a 1-4 season, about a guy you’ve went above and beyond to say you believe in.


There is zero motive for Ron or any of his folks, to put this in the atmosphere at this juncture.  This is literally the worst possible situation for him going into this game tonight.  


The other part of it is it adds to the pile with the other narrative about Wentz this week -- it boxes in Ron to deny it was Dan otherwise he and the team looks ridicilous to the league and for Wentz in the locker room. 

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The Wright stuff isn't surprising. The guy is a smart guy with a business/consulting background.


As usual talented people come here and look like buffoons because the owner is just that much of a black hole of suck.


Heck as much as we poop on Bruce Allen, guy won an Executive of the Year award at one point. Snyder just sucks whatever talent you have out of you.


That's why all these promising young coaches and executives leave. Kyle Smith will probably end up building a Super Bowl roster in Atlanta within the next few years.

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1 minute ago, Warhead36 said:

That's why all these promising young coaches and executives leave. Kyle Smith will probably end up building a Super Bowl roster in Atlanta within the next few years.

Not just why they leave but also why we didn't win **** when they were here. Bad leadership is gonna waste talent.

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I'd add the narrative in real time involving another Dan story and a current coaching staff is often by some taken as -- hey the coach is passing it off on Dan.  The coach deserves blame, etc.


I did it myself when I was out on Shanny.  But I've not made that mistake again. 


It's the vicious cycle of this franchise.  We are mad at the current coach because of the losing and hate the idea of giving said coach a pass.  So we think the Dan part of the story is hyperbole.  Until we find later that it wasn't and there was even more to the narrative.


And I get the whole this time Dan isn't supposed to be involved.  We are too fixated on the past.  If you read the posts during those times, the same type of statements were made.  Shanny is Bsing, passing the buck, etc.  And the Dan interferring part is in the past not now.  

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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26 minutes ago, Panninho said:

I mean ESPN is one of the NFL's biggest partners. They run the longest story against Dan Snyder to date with an incredible amount of detail and a plethora of league sources contributed. ESPN was pretty quiet up to date, all of this was the Washington Post so far.

The article itself makes the owner's and Goodell look weak and scared if they don't respond. It would indicate that they have lots of stuff to hide.


I don't think that multiple owner's would disclose these things to ESPN without reason. I think they are trying to kick off the process of getting rid of him. If they do that, they aren't doing it for the fans. They'd do it because they want Snyder gone for good because he destroys this market and is hated by all of them. So transferring it to his wife would, just like you said, be nothing more than a publicity stunt. Then they could just not do it and spare themselves the problems that come with it.


Maybe I am too optimistic. But this feels different than the WaPo articles because it is primarily based on league sources.

This is a point I brought up last week...there has not been a lot of attention outside of this market. Maybe this ESPN story will start the avalanche?

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18 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Yep you jinxed yourself when you said that about Wentz. :ols:     I've done the same on other issues so I can relate.


Yes, I am in politics and I also deal with the media and a lot.  And I can tell you I hate both, i'd love to be doing someting else.


Dan to me isn't a run of the mill bad owner.  He's being singled out because he's bad in EVERY way.  Sleazeball.  Unlikeable.  Incompetent.  AND cost them money.  And I agree money is the #1 reason as the article contends as for the owners distaste for him.


If Rivera and his crew are just making it up about Dan driving the Wentz deal and they worked Keim who is one of the best reporters IMO in sports -- then I gather Rivera might be fired this week.  Somehow I doubt it that Rivera is leaking stories that are false about Dan.  And Rivera is the new bad guy, bad dude, questionable integrity versus Dan. 


Yes, people leak false stories about people.  But Dan has almost a 25 year history of being on the wrong side of these stories -- and how many times has he been vindicated, 2-3 times out of a zillion?  The house money on Dan stories is to bet that a new layer to the story will come out later to make it seem worse -- not better, not the same -- typically worse.   






Do I think Ron leaked the Wentz stuff?  no.   More likely someone like Hurney or Morocco Brown, since he's in Indy and I'm sure still has many media contacts here, including Keim.

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In a statement, Snyder's lawyers said, "Tanya, a breast cancer survivor, is one of the most capable business leaders in America, and she and Dan will continue to work to improve all aspects of the team -- in the front office and on the field."


What a crock! Just because she survived cancer doesn't mean she's a capable business leader! Just trying to play the victim to try and negate the negative press.

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13 minutes ago, DJHJR86 said:

People are acting like this is a huge nothingburger and I don't get it.  We have found out:

-Snyder pushed for Wentz.

-Wright is a figurehead that was essentially given to Snyder by the league.

-Julie Donaldson's hire was a PR move that violated the Rooney Rule

-Rivera didn't want to fire Vermillion in 2021, but Wright did.

-The culture is actually still damn good.

-The no stadium might lead to his removal.


Most of the other stuff was run of the mill "typical Dan" stories, but there were a ton of nuggets I had never heard before.  

Wright, by all means, seems like an idiot who doesn’t realize he’s an idiot. I said here when it happened that the Donaldson hire was for less-than-noble reasons and got skewered for it. 

The rest is stuff we all either know or could guess and I think it all ultimately leads to no stadium which hopefully also leads to no Dan.


There has to come a point the other owners’ give-a-****s are busted and they vote him out.

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6 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

And I get the whole this time Dan isn't supposed to be involved.  We are too fixated on the past.  If you read the posts during those times, the same type of statements were made.  Shanny is Bsing, passing the buck, etc.  And the Dan interferring part is in the past not now.  

It IS a concern, but I think Spurrier and Rivera have left clear prints. They brought in chums that are clear indications that their decisions carried weight during their time here. I'm not saying every draft/FA pick was specifically them, but there are many moves in draft/FA that have their clear prints. So in that respect, yes it is different from other regimes.


That doesn't mean that some of the big moves (Wentz for example) weren't nudged, sure. That isn't the make-or-break for this team being as bad as it is. When you play against horrible Run defenses, and your OC doesn't run the ball - that ain't Snyder! Let's not mix the fact that Snyder is a horrible owner (clear observable) with Scott Turner is a horrible OC (clear observable) and Ron gives him a lot of cover (seen in press conferences, and unearned 3-year extension).

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1 minute ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

In a statement, Snyder's lawyers said, "Tanya, a breast cancer survivor, is one of the most capable business leaders in America, and she and Dan will continue to work to improve all aspects of the team -- in the front office and on the field."


What a crock! Just because she survived cancer doesn't mean she's a capable business leader! Just trying to play the victim to try and negate the negative press.

Of everything in that article, that was perhaps the most egregious thing written by anyone speaking for the team.


I get lawyers will say anything for a buck, but my god…

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3 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

In a statement, Snyder's lawyers said, "Tanya, a breast cancer survivor, is one of the most capable business leaders in America, and she and Dan will continue to work to improve all aspects of the team -- in the front office and on the field."


What a crock! Just because she survived cancer doesn't mean she's a capable business leader! Just trying to play the victim to try and negate the negative press.

That statement doesn't mean "because she survived cancer" - they are trying to play the victim, yes, but they are just trying to list her positives. Yes it is weird though. The emphasis on Tanya is really strange.

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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:


ok, cool, I wasn't thinking of you when I typed that.    The point I was trying to get it is some people think i am so off that his liquidity or cheapiness (it could be one or the other) effects his decision making -- my thoughts on it are ridiculous.  So for people to think i am that level wrong -- i am not used to that -- a little wrong sometimes, sure :ols:  but its rare when i am accused of having outlandish takes.


Oh I wasn't trying to defend myself or anything when replying to you. Just using your post as a jump off point, if anything, and pointing out you are right that folks disagreed with you (cause i did) 


1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

The idea that Dan is broke of course is indeed outlandish.  But the idea that Dan's liquidity isn't that hot and or is a cheap dude, I'll stubbornly cling to the idea that there is at a minimum a fighting change that its true.  That article's takeaway for me ironically was our best chance to get rid of the dude is his money situation -- and again money situation in billionaire terms not layman's liquidity terms.


As I said the thesis to me is for Dan to escape the dungeon here easily it would be simply ponying up the money himself for the stadium without a massive loan propping up the deal.  And if Dan had the money he'd simply do it.  But the thought in that article is the dude might not have that money and that might be his downfall.   


Yea I just never thought until now we could ice the dude out. Now I think its clear we totally can. Im more excited now than I was after game 1 this season. How messed up is that? Im sick!


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It's only a matter of time we hear how Dan was the driving force behind signing WJ3.


Dan:  We need a top CB

Ron:  I think Darby is a top CB and we should keep him

Dan:  Vinny told me Jackson is the top CB and I want you to sign him

Ron:  Jackson?   He's a man corner and we play mostly zone

Dan:  I don't care.  Sign him.  Overpay if you have to.  

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52 minutes ago, Redwards said:

This all (unfortunately) boils down to one thing, which we all knew: money.  The other owners have no moral values whatsoever.  If they did, Snyder would have been gone long ago and all this coverup would never have happened.


Bottom line: if Snyder - whether by hook or by crook - gets a new stadium, all is forgiven.  And all hope for this franchise is dead.  And if Snyder is kicked out, there's a real possibility of Tanya getting the team, which will improve nothing.  Dan will still run the team by proxy.  And Tanya is as much of a moron as Dan.


This is why I don't want us winning so much as one more game - EVER - until it's a lock that BOTH Snyders are gone.


Dan doesn't care about the fans.  He revels in the hate.  He doesn't care that our home games are really away games as long as seats are filled.  This is as rock bottom as you get for a fanbase.  Your owner hates you and doesn't care that you hate him.  He doesn't care if all the sold seats at home games are made up of 100% of the visiting teams' fans, so long as they are sold.


This article made me want to vomit, and stripped nearly all of the modicum of hope I had as a fan that that NFL would rid us of the Snyders.

Is their anyway that the NFL can not allow Dan to give ownership to Tanya if they decide to make him sell? 

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9 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Do I think Ron leaked the Wentz stuff?  no.   More likely someone like Hurney or Morocco Brown, since he's in Indy and I'm sure still has many media contacts here, including Keim.


How many stories of Dan pushing a personnel people has been shot down with the benefit of time?  The only one i can think of is RG3 sort of -- but the RG3 accusation was made by a few outsider reporters, the insider reporters called it BS -- even Shanny refuted it saying he wanted RG3, he though didn't love the compensation given up for him.  RG3 through this day though doesn't think Shanny wanted him.  So Dan hasn't been vindicated from what i recall ever on an association with a personnel move.  If this time he is, it would be the first time.


My guess is Dan was given the QB options.  the FO was cool with Wentz but Dan was uber fired up about Wentz and told them to make it happen.  I was cool with the Wentz trade (but not if it is Dan's idea, I don't think any owner should drive personnel) but I didn't like what they gave up for him.   I think Ballard played them as for compensation.  Been played for as to compensation is a theme through most of Dan's tenure.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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3 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:

It's only a matter of time we hear how Dan was the driving force behind signing WJ3.


Dan:  We need a top CB

Ron:  I think Darby is a top CB and we should keep him

Dan:  Vinny told me Jackson is the top CB and I want you to sign him

Ron:  Jackson?   He's a man corner and we play mostly zone

Dan:  I don't care.  Sign him.  Overpay if you have to.  

Stop. The Wentz stuff is not only totally believable but a total “no duh” with all the context. You don’t have to act like it’s some slippery slope if we believe that story. You’re going too far and should know better after all these years of Snyder. I know you’re typically not as down on him as most here, but it’s time to wake up. 

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2 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


How many stories of Dan pushing a personnel people has been shot down with the benefit of time?  The only one i can think of is RG3 sort of -- but the RG3 accusation was made by a few outsider reporters, the insider reporters called it BS -- even Shanny refuted it saying he wanted RG3, he though didn't love the compensation giving up for him.  RG3 through this day though doesn't think Shanny wanted him.  So Dan hasn't been vindicated from what i recall ever on an association with a personnel move.  If this time he is, it would be the first time.


My guess is Dan was given the QB options.  the FO was cool with Wentz but Dan was uber fired up about Wentz and told them to make it happen.  I was cool with the wentz trade (but not if it is Dan's idea, I don't think any owner should drive personnel) but I didn't like what they gave up for him. 


I think Dan was told that Wentz is the best they can get and he said go for it.   What's wrong with that?


I'm sure if we were 4-1 and Wentz was playing great, the story would have been how Snyder wanted Wilson at all costs and had to be talked into Wentz.

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1 minute ago, FLSkinz83 said:


I think Dan was told that Wentz is the best they can get and he said go for it.   What's wrong with that?


I'm sure if we were 4-1 and Wentz was playing great, the story would have been how Snyder wanted Wilson at all costs and had to be talked into Wentz.

You should look up the term “confirmation bias”. The fact that you say you believe everything else in that article except this one thing about Wentz should be an eye-opener for you. 

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