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Summer of 2020---The Civil Unrest Thread--Read OP Before Posting (in memory of George Floyd)


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5 hours ago, justice98 said:


I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.  None.  Zero.  Her pouty countenance doesnt move me.  Maybe I should be more sympathetic  but I'm not.  She knew what she was getting into and stands by his side.  She even participated in his birther shenanigans once upon a time. 


her, ivanka, the boys and their mates, and every other human of adult status, blood relation or otherwise, that close to don who have supported/enables him merits the same level of consequence that i wish would befall don  (it's a very unrealistic level, i'm sure)


short of that, whatever more "regular/normal" sorts of negative social, financial, personal, and political consequences actually do befall don, then i hope they run as far to the severe side as possible and do extend to those other players in as full a measure as possible and for me, especially deserving of full accountability via association are jared, ivanka, don jr, jr's current manikin (the fox news bubblehead), eric, and melania

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With the power of google, and its fairly obvious if you just think about the statistics, but the most common 911 calls are traffic/auto related and health related. (and I'm sure false calls/pranks/bored people/dumb cell phones with rolly things that can dial Japan and send 5 emails in your pocket) 


"Chest Pains" or problems breathing I believe are the most common 911 complaint.  (narrowed down) 


Things like domestic violence or sexual assault rarely result in a call or formal complaint. 



Like I was saying before, calling 911 should send an ambulance with a soclial worker/paramedic.  (doesn't mean it couldn't also call in armed police)


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I just posted this on my socials so I figure I'll share it here:


It's taken me much too long to post the following. My apologies...


The reality is that it's difficult. I realize that I'm a white man of privilege. I sit here safely in my home, with my beautiful family, listening to Muddy Waters in the background. It's easy to just not say anything, just let the day go by, enjoy my family and watch social media here and there. It's easier, no matter how you feel about the subject, to simply remain silent.


I'm here to say, in no uncertain terms, that black lives matter. We have a major problem in this country. If you don't agree with that, stop reading now. Go take a walk and think about what kind of human you want to be in the future.


I didn't always think I was of privilege. I didn't grow up particularly wealthy. I came from a broken home. I slept on the couch of a two bedroom apartment as a child. Growing up, I gravitated towards minorities. My best friends aren't white. During my senior year of high school, our Spring Break trip consisted of "Five minorities and one white guy". I was the white guy. The funny thing is, I was designated as the group's spokesman if we were to be confronted by the police... cause I'm white. It was a joke 20 years ago, but truth is often said in jest. Back then, I didn't really see myself of any sort of privilege. The reality though, is that it existed even back then. I just wasn't wise enough to know it.


I have used my privilege to excel in my career. If it weren't for my privilege then I probably wouldn't be where I am today, successful in an automotive career with a beautiful family and beautiful home that we own in a nice neighborhood that we were able to choose. Furthermore, I have used my privilege to try and make sure that my children will grow up an even better life than my wife and I.


One key problem facing our country is systemic racism. It didn't start with George Floyd. It didn't start with Trayvon Martin or any of the countless other black souls who have been needlessly lost. It didn't end with Martin Luther King Jr. It's a problem that has been festering since the beginning. It's been kicked around and band-aided for centuries. Incrementally, it's improved. We are a long way from healthy though. That's what the events of the past 2 weeks show us.


White people. We won't ever know what it's like to have people judge us just for what we look like. In our lifetimes, we've always been the accepted "norm". We won't know what it's like to have people distrust us as we walk by them on the streets, or enter a business, or jog past them in a park. We won't know how scary it is to be pulled over by police. We won't know what it's like to have people yell racist things at you randomly, how it's like to be subconsciously judged by lenders, how it's like to be judged because your name is "different", how it's like to be marginalized by your own country.


The protests you see all around us are a byproduct of decades of pain. Decades of being swept under the rug. Decades of being promised change yet getting the same thing. There needs to be change. Solid, quantifiable change. It's not just about justice for George Floyd. It's about ensuring that the systemic racism that lead to George Floyd's death doesn't continue to kill unarmed black men. It's about ensuring that black people across America can live lives free of judgement simply based on the color of their skin. Laws can change and that's a start. People's minds need to change as also. People's hearts need to change.


If you want change, I applaud you for taking to the streets in protest. It matters. Vote. Don't simply just vote though. Vote for people who will enact change. Vote for leaders who will provide the change that you want to see. If there isn't a candidate that fits that bill perfectly then you'll have to settle for the closest one, but you must vote. Vote for local leaders the same as national leaders. Vote in primaries and general elections. Research candidates on positions that matter to you.


It's easier to simply sit back and do nothing. We can just keep on kicking the can down the road like the generations before us. We can keep allowing systemic racism to shape the lives of people of color as our generation comes of age and has its turn to shape society. Let's not do that. Let us use our privilege to have a more better union. Let's make change.


To have change, you must be the change you want to see.


Black Lives Matter.

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I think there needs to be more discussion (especially among the left) about what the message should be.  Biden seems to be supporting reform, but if you look around, online and at protests probably the most popular message on the left is 'defund the police' (though there are various interpretations of this, from 'demilitarize and take out unnecessary wasteful funding and spend it elsewhere', to 'don't give them any money until they change', to 'take all funding away') 



You'll also notice people saying 'abolish the police' and/or putting ACAB (all cops are ****s) in their names or tagline.




This also happened with the mayor of Minneapolis 


Edited by visionary
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My own, uneducated, opinion is that we need to demilitarize the police and change the M.O. They shouldn’t resort to violence and overpowering reach at first resort. Also, they should focus on education. There is no reason that police shouldn’t ALL walk around with military grade rifles, flak jackets, tear gas with vehicles that resemble tanks.


Maybe they already do all these things, but it certainly doesn’t seem they do by and large.

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9 minutes ago, Springfield said:



My own, uneducated, opinion is that we need to demilitarize the police 

I think most folks agree on this much, at least those supporting changes.  I think honestly, people have a lot of similar ideas about what to do, but there's confusion on what the messaging should be.  I think 'defund' can be both too little and too much depending on how it's used or interpreted.  Personally I like 'systemic reform', but I don't know how that would come off either.  

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28 minutes ago, visionary said:

This also happened with the mayor of Minneapolis 


Was that kid the mayor of Minneapolis?  He looks like he's about 17.  


And he's absolutely right, and the person on the stage is an absolute loon.  You wanna have no police whatsoever?  Buy yourself an island somewhere.  (And a lot of guns.  That you can use all at once, by yourself.)  


I cannot imagine any way to kill this movement faster than for it to become associated with people demanding the end to all law enforcement.  (And you absolutely know that both Fox News and Russia will absolutely work to hang that label on the entire movement.)  



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Lucie Flynn is 24. A week ago, she was in a protest for justice for #GeorgeFlynn.
A flash grenade went off, and a vehicle plowed into her and another protester.
Lucie is fighting for her life.
Authorities are trying to find the assailant.


Somehow I suspect that a more accurate statement would be "Authorities already know who threw the military weapon which blinded the driver like it was designed to do, but they're looking for the driver."  

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9 minutes ago, Larry said:


Was that kid the mayor of Minneapolis?  He looks like he's about 17.  


And he's absolutely right, and the person on the stage is an absolute loon.  You wanna have no police whatsoever?  Buy yourself an island somewhere.  (And a lot of guns.  That you can use all at once, by yourself.)  


I cannot imagine any way to kill this movement faster than for it to become associated with people demanding the end to all law enforcement.  (And you absolutely know that both Fox News and Russia will absolutely work to hang that label on the entire movement.)  



Agreed, defunding the police is moronic. I think removing the police union power to protect/hide dangerous cops is one step. Also prosecuting police when they assault, kill, arrest, etc when they have no authority to do so would be big. It would make officers more careful and should root out the dangerous ones before they can kill. 

until this week their worst punishment is getting fired and having to go work at a different department.


Edited by MisterPinstripe
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10 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


It's a tiny offset from what the movement is about. 




Coulda sworn I just saw video of speakers on a stage demanding it, and an entire plaza full of people verbally attacking somebody who didn't agree with it.  


You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

Don't you know it's gonna be alright
Alright, alright

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can

But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait

Don't you know it's gonna be alright
Alright, alright, al...

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You'd better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know it's gonna be alright
Alright, alright

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Now, having made several posts about how I think various positions are wrong on this issue, I'm probably under some kind of obligation to at least propose some ideas, as well.  


I think one that's been a strong desire of mine, for years?  


Any person who is not free to leave, is under arrest.  (With every right afforded to that status.)  


No status in between freedom and arrest.  No "well, you're not under arrest, I'm just holding you against your will 'for questioning'. "  


Maybe they need a status where they can arrest somebody, but they haven't decided on the exact charge, yet.  I could see that.  (Although maybe put a really short time limit on it.  Say, you can hold somebody for 2-3 hours, while you make your case to the judge why he should issue a warrant authorizing detention, with a hearing on bail and charges within 24 hours.)  


No doubt there's other things that would need to be covered, too.  Yes, a cop can pull you over a write a ticket without you being considered "under arrest".  Although maybe not, too.  

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12 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

I'll speak for myself then, i don't agree with the idea defund spinoff, but I am supportive of strong reform. 


Me too.  "Defund the Police" is a terrible and alienating idea that would absolutely increase violence and destruction of property, not decrease it.  The advocates for the idea are extremists and advocacy of the idea consolidates opposition against them.

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1 hour ago, spjunkies said:

i don't agree with the idea defund spinoff

If you listen to the activists who are going on tv and answering the question as to what it means to "defund the police" they are saying it's about redistributing what they consider to be an overfunding of police, they understand you cant get rid of the police.


I think it would be a good idea to adjust the message so that everyone understands the meaning before it creates BS talking points for crazies. 



Edited by JSSkinz
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1 hour ago, visionary said:

You'll also notice people saying 'abolish the police' and/or putting ACAB (all cops are ****s) in their names or tagline.


People need to stop spreading that all cops are ****s meme.  The philosophical justification for it is juvenile nonsense.  It's the same kind of ugly, bigoted thinking that white supremacists use to degrade black people.

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