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Summer of 2020---The Civil Unrest Thread--Read OP Before Posting (in memory of George Floyd)


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Not at all surprised by the verdict.  I commented here over a year ago that the video evidence helped the defense in this case.  It’s just hard to argue mass murder when every available video of the shootings start with the supposed mass murderer fleeing from his eventual victims.  A murder conviction was never likely.  

I’m surprised by the lack of gun charges though.  

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Reflecting on the case. And other high profile cases over the years…


you know as high and mighty and snobby and arrogant as everyone who works in the legal system is about them, their profession, etc… they sure do manage to deliver a clown show more often than not when we actually get to watch them…

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1 hour ago, mojo said:

I guess there’s not a law against transporting an armed minor across state lines to a violent laden riot but there should be.

Yeah.... you should probably read the facts of the case if you have time. He didn't do that, but hey the media tells everyone he did. 

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2 hours ago, tshile said:

Anyone who thinks they can walk around hunting protestors and get away with it because of this case, is an idiot. For one - that’s not what went on here. I get you and others think that - but it’s just not. 

but two - every states laws are different when it comes to guns and self defense. 

in fact I consider the idea of crossing state lines with a gun one that causes much anxiety for me. Don’t get me wrong, there’s states I frequent so knowing and staying on top of the laws is easy. 

but every other state? You’re obligated to follow and understand their laws and there is no excuse about it. And they’re subject to change on a whim. So you have to check them every time. And while Virginia is easy because the Virginia state police are responsible for running a webpage that lays it out, I have no idea what other states do. 

it’s real ballsy to just up and run into another state with a gun without understanding the laws. 

Unless you’re one of the people with a permit that allows you to carry everywhere. 

I agree they're idiots (worse than that, in fact) but in my world, that has a blue sky, there are no shortage of idiots who are worked up into a lather by the Tucker's of the world to where they convince themselves it's a patriotic duty to place themselves where they are likely to encounter the exact same situation as the kid did.  He went looking for something dangerous, armed, hoping to shoot it, and he found it.  If that's not hunting what is? 


I'm a hunter and I've carried firearms all across the west.  Doesn't take me long to figure out the laws for each state I'll be in.  There are gun nut websites that act as a source for links to the various statutes.  It's a common thing that millions of Americans encounter on a regular basis.  For non nefarious reasons.  

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13 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

I'm a hunter and I've carried firearms all across the west.  Doesn't take me long to figure out the laws for each state I'll be in.  There are gun nut websites that act as a source for links to the various statutes.  It's a common thing that millions of Americans encounter on a regular basis.  For non nefarious reasons.  

I don’t trust those forums but if they link to an official site then they do and that’s fine. But yeah if I was doing it all the time I’m sure I’d figure it out and it’d be easy too. Like I said it’s not even an issue for the states I do frequent. But if something was going on in a state I didn’t frequent, I would be super anxious about the idea of grabbing my guns and going there. Because I know how easy it is to cross the law in some states. Some are very different than what I’m used to. I live in an open carry state that’s a shall issue permit state, and in the last election 57% of voters said they had guns in the house. I live in a county where if you don’t assume whoever you’re dealing with has a gun, then you’re a fool. 

everywhere isn’t like that though. 

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9 minutes ago, tmandoug1 said:

Yeah..again there should be a review and News owners should be held accountable for moving issues into their agenda.




Please lets do this.  Not just for this issue, but every issue.  Please lets depoliticize the news.  CNN will take a few punches for sure.  Fox News will be tossed into the center of the earth and eviscerated into vapor.

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:

I don’t trust those forums but if they link to an official site then they do and that’s fine. But yeah if I was doing it all the time I’m sure I’d figure it out and it’d be easy too. Like I said it’s not even an issue for the states I do frequent. But if something was going on in a state I didn’t frequent, I would be super anxious about the idea of grabbing my guns and going there. Because I know how easy it is to cross the law in some states. Some are very different than what I’m used to. I live in an open carry state that’s a shall issue permit state, and in the last election 57% of voters said they had guns in the house. I live in a county where if you don’t assume whoever you’re dealing with has a gun, then you’re a fool. 

everywhere isn’t like that though. 

I wouldn't expect my worst case scenario, and one I hope I'm wrong about, to occur in San Francisco. But a protest in KC, Missouri? 

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The problem is not that the media has run with false narratives through the trial. 

The problem is that when it happened, the media ran with a bunch of tweets that were unverifiable, posted by people where there was no understanding of reliability. 

and we discuss this all the time - it doesn’t matter what the original story is or how off base it is, or how good or damning or whatever the retraction is, no one even sees the stupid retraction and everyone only remembers the original story. 

which is why, even though the trial is over, you still have people who think he brought the gun with him from out of state. Or that his mom dropped him off at the tights. 

and that is the media’s responsibility because they know that this is how people work and respond to how all this plays out. And they don’t care and hide behind tons of excuses that on an individual instance make sense but at this point it’s simply the way they do business. 

It never really pays off to rush to judgement if you just an observer. It’s never good to operate from the “least amount of information” side of the spectrum 

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4 minutes ago, 86 Snyder said:




Please lets do this.  Not just for this issue, but every issue.  Please lets depoliticize the news.  CNN will take a few punches for sure.  Fox News will be tossed into the center of the earth and eviscerated into vapor.

Yeah.....again, news channel's aside, the law was followed. The jury decided based on the sate law that he was innocent. But hey.....do your thing.

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You know, I just had a line of thinking.


This is exactly what would happen without socialist programs like public police forces. Security would be be determined by the lowest bidder. You’d have unqualified and untrained personnel patrolling areas and securing sites.


Rittenhouse is the result of what happens when you make security personnel private.

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6 minutes ago, Springfield said:

You know, I just had a line of thinking.


This is exactly what would happen without socialist programs like public police forces. Security would be be determined by the lowest bidder. You’d have unqualified and untrained personnel patrolling areas and securing sites.


Rittenhouse is the result of what happens when you make security personnel private.

I mean there’s over 200 militia groups known in the US. 

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This crap i keep seeing in different places,, not just here, about no laws being broken is killing me and making me angrier. 


The people that hide Anne Frank were breaking the law, the people that killed her were following it. The laws around this case are broken completely, justice was not served. 


What we should be talking about is creating laws to help slow down the coming influx of more guns at future protests.  But thats gun control, so that isn't going to happen.  


It feels like a double loss because of the double standard that seems to be applied to white people with actual guns and black people with precieved real guns. 


Was watching PBS newshour and one of the guest brought up the John Crawford case where he picked up an air rifle in Walmart to buy it and was shot dead by cops who thought it was real.




Why is Jordan dead and Kyle going home? If the situation was so dangerous that the cops were clearing the streets, why didn't any of them stop Kyle and ask him jus wtf he was doing? Wisconsin and Ohio are both open carry states, but apparently not for everyone.

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"Slow down the coming influx of more guns at protests"


Exactly.  The next case won't be like Rittenhouse or the nut who killed Trayvon. 


Everyone will know "If I see someone open carrying an AR-15 at a riot, all I need to do is point a gun at them, and when they point their gun back, I can shoot them and claim self defense."  Multiply this into groups and I can quickly understand why much of the true gang violence that starts that way goes "unsolved" or "unprosecuted".  Because that is what these protests and "car dealership protection" will devolve into.  


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As long as you understand the fact that if someone has a gun in your face you can shoot them......or not....your choice. Isn't that the cool part?

1 minute ago, Fergasun said:


"Slow down the coming influx of more guns at protests"


Exactly.  The next case won't be like Rittenhouse or the nut who killed Trayvon. 


Everyone will know "If I see someone open carrying an AR-15 at a riot, all I need to do is point a gun at them, and when they point their gun back, I can shoot them and claim self defense."  Multiply this into groups and I can quickly understand why much of the true gang violence that starts that way goes "unsolved" or "unprosecuted".  Because that is what these protests and "car dealership protection" will devolve into.  



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