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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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It's hard to overstate how big that SXSW cancellation is.  Devastating for Austin.


I caught a piece of the CNN corona town hall.  One of the speakers said that we should have insurance to protect against the economic damage from these epidemics, the same way we insure against hurricanes/weather events.  I would expect to see some of these ideas implemented after this fiasco.

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3 hours ago, ExoDus84 said:

Am I the only one not worried about this at all? I mean, I'm 35 and in good health, so I'm low risk, but it just seems like a bad cold/flu that I've had dozens of times in my life. Seems like everybody is freaking out over 3k deaths worldwide, when 750k people die ever year from the garden variety flu.


People are acting as if Ebola is running rampant worldwide.

I personally am not nearly as worried about the virus itself as I am the public’s poor response to it and the secondary dangers that come from that.  Hoarding supplies, not showing up to work causing disruption in supply chains, etc.

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2 hours ago, Larry said:


The impression I get is that it's considerably worse than the flu.  


Now, I also assume that those stats might easily be skewed, because we're only testing people with the most obvious symptoms or risk.  So the stats might be artifically inflated right now.  


But then, I remind myself that I'm an armchair quarterback, here.  And people like the CDC are treating it like it's a lot worse.  And when my gut disagrees with the CDC, I don't express my disagreement very loudly.  

We don’t know one way or another. We don’t have a population that has built up immunity to this virus like we have with the flu. We don’t know enough about proper treatment. We don’t know how this virus will behave once it mutates into different variants (there’s already some reports that say two variants exist, one mild and one very serious). We kind of know that it doesn’t transmit as easily as the flu. 

There is large scale panic among public health officials because you do everything you to avoid a new viral infection that spreads easily in humans. We don’t know the long-term ramifications of this becoming a new global respiratory disease and ideally we never do.

Edited by No Excuses
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“Let us keep our colleagues in our thoughts during this period.”


Great.  We're doing the same thing we're doing with guns, practically nothing but sending thoughts and prayers.  I guess we'll see how well that turns out.

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It is worth pointing out that only about 17% of the US population got the swine flu (59 million out of about 330 million people).


Is this thing more contagious than the swine flu are or Americans that much more susceptible to it?


(I'm doubtful of either.)

Edited by PeterMP
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